Shari is mom to three birth children as well as many others who have wiled their way into her heart. Although she raised children abroad, wrestled through an intense marriage and survived a rare form of cancer, she claims church planting as her most difficult life experience. However, through an understanding of the gospel story and its intersection with her story, she’s discovered a freedom and joy she didn’t know was possible. She is passionate about inviting others to this same freedom and the explosive power of the gospel.
She has been partnering with her husband, John, in church planting and the pastorate for 34 years. Shari researched and helped develop the church planter spouse profile, which is used in church leader assessments in a variety of denominations. After completing further research on the stress and satisfaction levels of church planting spouses in the PCA, she joined Mission to North America’s senior staff as founder and director of Parakaleo, a ministry that comes alongside church planting spouses, couples, and movements.
Shari and her husband live in Manhattan where John is the Director of Global Training for Redeemer City to City and she directs Parakaleo.