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- Summer 2019 | Key Life Magazine | God's Not Mad at You!
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- The Coming of the King
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- When Being Good Isn't Good Enough - Digital Book
- When God Got Specific
- Why Are Christians Such Pains? - Digital Booklet
- …And Jesus
- ‘If the King James Version was good for Paul, why not for me?’
- ‘Lord, Talk to me.’ And He does.
- ‘A scared prayer ain’t worth dink.’ Oh, yes, it is.
- ‘After threescore and ten, should I die?’
- ‘And I did laugh and laugh and laugh.’
- ‘Bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh,’ the first love song.
- ‘Can I go to heaven as a carnal Christian?’
- ‘Can I have a concubine?’
- ‘Can I pray for the dead?’
- ‘Can I really do all things through Christ who strengthens me?’
- ‘Did I exist before I was born?’
- ‘Do I have to be perfect?’
- ‘Do I have to submit to my husband when he’s wrong?’
- ‘Do what I say, not I do’…What?
- ‘Does he really love me? Let me count the ways.’
- ‘Has God forgotten his ancient people?’ Are you crazy?!
- ‘Hey, Jesus, just leave me alone.’
- ‘How can I be less critical of myself?’
- ‘I made a vow and it’s sinful. Do I have to fulfill it?’
- ‘I’m saved, I’m forgiven, and I still feel guilty. What do I do?’
- ‘If I’m really free, why so much pain?’
- ‘If no stone is unturned, am I in trouble with God?’
- ‘Is it okay if I pray to Jesus?’
- ‘Jesus was here and you missed him.’
- ‘Love means never having to say you’re sorry.’ What?!
- ‘May I pray for the death of my enemies?’
- ‘Must I forgive my drug-addicted son?’
- ‘When can I leave my church?’
- ‘When I go to heaven, do I have to go to a 24/7 worship service?’
- ‘Yeah, but what if I deliberately sin?’
- “‘Can I sell my soul to the devil?'”
- “‘I call upon the Lord who is worthy to be praised and I am saved from my enemies.'”
- “‘I’m a Christian. What do I do if I’m married to a pagan?'”
- “‘If I’m a Christian, can I fight in a war?'”
- “‘If I’m not called, do I have to go?'”
- “‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?'”
- “‘Shine on,’ Jesus said.”
- “‘Should I be re-baptized?'”
- “‘You, O God, will cast them into the pit of destruction, but I will trust in you.'”
- “A family member is transitioning. What am I going to do?”
- “Am I going to be left behind?”
- “Am I responsible for somebody else’s salvation?”
- “And the truth shall make you free.” Really?
- “Are all angels created equal.”
- “Are Christian holidays pagan?
- “Are Protestants or Catholics going to heaven?
- “Are the Greeks right about hell?”
- “Are there real phony Christians?”
- “Are we barbarians because we didn’t pray.”
- “Are we doing the Sabbath right?”
- “Are we facing another Great Awakening?”
- “Are you a Calvinist? Are you crazy?” The answer to that and other questions.
- “Be prepared” isn’t a slogan just for Boyscouts.
- “Biblically, can I get a divorce?”
- “Big Mac and Jesus.”
- “Brown, why don’t you just stick to Scripture?”
- “Can a Christian be depressed?”
- “Can a real Christian celebrate things that aren’t Christian?”
- “Can I ask Jesus to talk to my loved ones who have passed away?”
- “Can I go to heaven without professing Jesus?”
- “Can I lose my salvation.”
- “Can I really trust the Bible?”
- “Can I sell my medications to my friends?”
- “Can my friend on Meth still go to heaven?”
- “Can the devil put thoughts in my mind?”
- “Can we make earth like heaven?”
- “Can we really do greater things than Jesus?”
- “Can you explain the Bible to me?”
- “Can you justify the five points of Calvinism?”
- “Christian” and “street-smart” go together.
- “Christians and incurable cancer…what’s with that?”
- “Coincidence or God?”
- “Come on, do we have to love everybody?”
- “Control: the mother of all addictions. Why is that?”
- “Couldn’t you use the Bible a little more?”
- “Demythologize the Bible.” Are you crazy?
- “Did James write James?”
- “Did Judas have a choice?”
- “Did Mary have original sin?”
- “Do aborted babies go to heaven?”
- “Do Christians still have a sinful nature?”
- “Do I have an angel?”
- “Do I have to ask Jesus into my heart?”
- “Do I have to be baptized in order to be saved?”
- “Do I have to be baptized in the Holy Spirit?”
- “Do I have to forgive if my friend doesn’t want me to forgive him?”
- “Do I have to forgive if they’re not sorry?”
- “Do I have to forgive my enemies?”
- “Do I have to go to church?”
- “Do I have to go to church?”
- “Do I have to keep on confessing?”
- “Do I have to kneel when I pray?”
- “Do I have to pay the penalty for my father’s sin?”
- “Do I have to tithe?”
- “Do I need to be rebaptized?”
- “Do I pray to Jesus or to God?”
- “Do our loved ones in heaven see us?”
- “Do we all have spiritual gifts?”
- “Do we need accountable relationships?”
- “Do you really believe in the virgin birth?”
- “Does evolution contradict the Christian faith?”
- “Does God approve of polygamy in certain circumstances?”
- “Does God listen to the prayers of unbelievers?”
- “Does God tell his people the future?”
- “Does my wife, or do I, have to wear a head covering?”
- “Does religion enslave us?”
- “Does Satan know what’s going to happen to him?”
- “Does the Bible really teach election?”
- “Does the Bible say to pray for the dead?”
- “Does the Bible say we should pray for the dead?”
- “Does the devil know what I’m thinking?”
- “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.”
- “Forgive? How in the world do I do that?”
- “Have I forgiven someone if I’m still angry?”
- “Have some churches and Christians left the true faith?”
- “How can God listen to all our prayers?”
- “How can God listen to my prayers and your prayers at the same time?”
- “How can I be Christian without being neurotic?”
- “How can I be in the world without becoming the world?”
- “How can I be sure that I’m really saved?”
- “How can I fast if I’m diabetic?”
- “How can I hate my sin?”
- “How can I know for sure God’s will?”
- “How can I pick a church?”
- “How can I talk to people about Jesus when they don’t want to hear?”
- “How can I tell the difference between God’s voice and Satan’s voice?”
- “How can I understand the Bible?”
- “How can one person die for the sins of the world?”
- “How can you call yourself a sinner?”
- “How did the disciples know it was Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration?”
- “How do I know that I’m getting better?”
- “How do I know the Bible is true?”
- “How do I love an unbelieving friend?”
- “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.”
- “How do I pray for my kids?”
- “How do you be a Christian in a pagan world?”
- “How do you deal with Satan?”
- “How do you fit law and grace together?”
- “How do you know if it’s from God?”
- “How do you know what is universal truth and what is not in the Bible?
- “How do you put ‘Thou shalt not kill’ alongside the military?”
- “How do you separate the message from the messenger?”
- “How important is the rapture?”
- “How much power does Satan have?”
- “Hurry and finish the book because I’m going to turn the light out.”
- “I didn’t confess this morning. If I die this afternoon, am I lost?”
- “I don’t know how to love. Can you help?” The answer to that and other questions.
- “I feel so ashamed. What can I do?”
- “I gotta be me.” How silly!
- “I have same-sex attraction. What do I do with it?”
- “I just said a cuss word. Am I going to hell?”
- “I keep repeating myself to God. Is that okay?”
- “I live in a blue state. How can I witness there?”
- “I really messed up after being saved. Is there hope for me?”
- “I think I may be worldly. What’s worldliness?”
- “I want to spend more time with God. How do I pull that off?”
- “I’m apostate. Am I going to hell?”
- “I’m celibate and gay. What do I do?”
- “I’m having trouble praying. Can you help me?”
- “I’m not baptized. Am I lost?”
- “I’m scared. What can I do?”
- “I’m single. Can I get married in heaven?”
- “I’ll never get better.” Oh yeah, you will.
- “I’m going to teach you how to die.”
- “I’m not that bad.” Yes, you are.
- “If God’s not mad, what about hell?”
- “If I don’t judge, am I compromising?”
- “If I don’t confess my sins before I die, will I go to hell?”
- “If I were God, I would kick the world to pieces. Aren’t you glad I’m not?”
- “If I’m cremated, how can Jesus put me back together?”
- “If I’m being abused, can I leave?”
- “If it’s about grace, why do I feel so guilty?”
- “If the King James Version was good enough for Paul, it’s good enough for me.”
- “If they don’t want to hear, do we still tell them?”
- “If we deny him, will he deny us?” The answer to that and other questions.
- “If you don’t want to listen today, I would understand.”
- “If you’re left-handed, are you lost?”
- “If you’re saved, should your life show it?”
- “In the end, will there be different kinds of Judgment?”
- “In the incarnation, did Jesus know about us?”
- “Is cancer satanic?”
- “Is COVID a part of biblical prophecy?”
- “Is cryptocurrency the mark of the beast?”
- “Is everybody going to heaven?”
- “Is God genderless?”
- “Is God okay with cremation?”
- “Is God through with me?”
- “Is grace enough…or do we have to do something else?”
- “Is having a flag at church a form of idolatry?”
- “Is it normal to doubt one’s salvation.”
- “Is it okay for women to study theology?”
- “Is it okay to get angry?”
- “Is it true that Jonah was swallowed by a whale?”
- “Is it wrong for me to want to be married?”
- “Is it wrong to pray to Jesus?”
- “Is Jesus’ body the only body in heaven?”
- “Is John Wayne in heaven?”
- “Is Judas in heaven?”
- “Is retirement biblical?”
- “Is Revelation chronological?”
- “Is the God of the Old Testament a different God?”
- “Is the length of one’s hair important to God?”
- “Is there more to the prodigal son story?”
- “Jacob I loved, Esau I hated.” What’s with that?
- “Jesus said that you’ve got to hate your father and mother. What’s with that?”
- “Jesus said, ‘Let your yes be yes and your no be no.'”
- “Lean not on your own understanding.” You never know.
- “Let him who standeth take heed lest he fall.”
- “Me thinks I saw the great God himself.”
- “My kids don’t believe. What did I do wrong?”
- “My kids have left the faith. What do I do?”
- “My pastor affirms gay marriage, what should I do?”
- “My pastor refused to marry me. What do you think?”
- “My prayer life stinks. What can I do about it?”
- “Please explain the law to me.”
- “Satan is out to get you, but I’ve prayed for you.”
- “Seeing is believing,” they say. They’re wrong.
- “Should a woman preach and teach in the church?”
- “Should I burn the Old Testament?”
- “Should I pray like David?”
- “Should we get doctrine from the book of Acts?”
- “Sorry isn’t enough.” Yeah, it is!
- “The Church is a whore…
- “The devil is giving me a fit. What do I do?” The answer to that and other questions.
- “The end determines the means.” No, it doesn’t.
- “The Lutherans messed me up. Can you help?”
- “Theologically, what in the world is TULIP?”
- “Though he slay me, yet I will trust him.” Maybe.
- “Was Jesus home-schooled?”
- “Was Jesus really, really human?”
- “Was Noah’s Ark true?”
- “Was there jealousy in the family of Jesus?”
- “We are at God’s mercy…which is the safest place to be.”
- “Were Adam and Eve really real?”
- “Were there boats other than the ark?”
- “What about booze?”
- “What about Christians and divorce?”
- “What about cremation?”
- “What about cuss words?”
- “What about Diabetes and fasting.”
- “What about divorce, remarriage, and abuse?”
- “What about divorce?”
- “What about Eutychus?”
- “What about fasting?”
- “What about hypnotism?”
- “What about Judas?”
- “What about Purgatory?”
- “What about reincarnation?”
- “What about shunning in the church?”
- “What about swearing?”
- “What about the Apocrypha?”
- “What about the Bride of Christ?”
- “What about the devil?”
- “What about the Gospel of Thomas?”
- “What about the Sabbath?”
- “What about the Shroud of Turin?”
- “What about the Trinity in the Old Testament?”
- “What about UFOs?”
- “What about war?”
- “What are the ‘three days of darkness’?”
- “What are the commandments regarding the Holy Spirit?”
- “What are the qualifications for church membership?”
- “What did Jesus do between his death and the resurrection?”
- “What do I do about mean people in the church?”
- “What do I do with family struggles?”
- “What do I do with my children who have left the faith?”
- “What do I do–my best friend is a Nazi?”
- “What do you mean, ‘Kiss the demons’?”
- “What does ‘seeing is believing’ mean to a blind person?”
- “What does it mean for Christians to care for God’s creation?”
- “What does it mean to be outside of time?”
- “What does it mean to be Reformed?”
- “What does it mean to be saved by faith and not works?”
- “What does it mean to deliver somebody to Satan?”
- “What does the Bible teach about emotions?”
- “What exactly is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?”
- “What exactly was Paul’s thorn in the flesh?”
- “What if I don’t tithe?”
- “What in the world do you guys mean when you talk about a paradox?”
- “What in the world is the Book of Truth?”
- “What is God the Father’s job description?”
- “What language did God speak to Adam?”
- “What or who is the Bread of Life?”
- “What really happens when you die?”
- “What would have happened if Jesus had not died?”
- “What’s going to happen to me at Judgment?”
- “What’s the difference between faith and hope?”
- “What’s with ‘Lead us not into temptation’?”
- “What’s with God trying to kill Moses?”
- “What’s with Job and his friends?”
- “What’s a liturgy and should I use one?”
- “What’s the big deal in the Bible about a high priest?”
- “What’s the difference between a Calvinist and a Dispensationalist?”
- “When is it appropriate to break fellowship?”
- “When will God separate the wheat from the tares?”
- “Where are Adam and Eve?”
- “Where did God come from?”
- “Where in the world did Cain get his wife?”
- “Where is the secret place?”
- “Where is your God in persecution?” The answer to that and other questions.
- “Where was God in the pain of my childhood?”
- “Which Bible translation is the correct one?”
- “Who in the world are the elders?”
- “Why are Jews God’s chosen people?”
- “Why are there so many denominations?”
- “Why ask for forgiveness if you’re already forgiven?”
- “Why did God go through all the trouble with Adam and Eve?”
- “Why did God turn his nose up at Cain’s offering?”
- “Why didn’t Adam correct Eve?”
- “Why didn’t God just kill off Adam and Eve, and be done with it?”
- “Why didn’t the disciples recognize Jesus?”
- “Why do we have to suffer to get to heaven?”
- “Why do you guys baptize babies? They’re not saved.”
- “Why does God choose some and not others?”
- “Why does God create people who are going to be lost?”
- “Why doesn’t God just zap the devil?”
- “Why don’t we just call ourselves ‘Christians’?”
- “Why has Jesus not returned?”
- “Why in the world do you tell so many jokes?”
- “Why is it dangerous to be good?”
- “Why isn’t Easter in the Bible?”
- “Will Adam and Eve be in heaven?”
- “Will God recognize my divorce in heaven?”
- “Will we sin in heaven?”
- “Will we take naps in heaven?”
- “With so much evil, how can you say there’s a good God?”
- “You don’t know nothin’.” Yes, I do.
- “You never talk about repentance. Aren’t you saved?”
- “You save me from violence.” That’s David’s prayer for deliverance from Psalm 18 and it can be yours as well.
- “You say that God isn’t mad at us. What about the Old Testament when he is?”
- “You’re a Calvinist. What about free will?” The answer to that and other questions.
- “You’re to be a servant!” Well, uh, that’s not what I planned.
- “How do I deal with an abusive family member?”
- “How do I know if my dreams are from God?”
- “Is artificial intelligence of the devil? Maybe.”
- “Should a Christian leave a marriage because of abuse?”
- “Should Jesus have raised Joseph from the dead?”
- “What in the world do I do with my anger?”
- “Why don’t churches do what Jesus says to do?”
- 01 Revolutionary Motivation – Pete Alwinson
- 02 Revolutionary Perspective – Pete Alwinson
- 03 Revolutionary Generosity – Pete Alwinson
- 04 Revolutionary Risk – Pete Alwinson
- 2021 Christmas Show | Steve Brown, Etc.
- A Baby Ruth can change your life.
- A bit of cynicism is a pretty good thing.
- A breathless Dr. Luke.
- A brief for the law of God.
- A Christian should never be canceled.
- A Counterintuitive Christmas – Steve Brown
- A dead man did get up and walk.
- A dead man got out of a grave and everything changed.
- A dead man got up and walked, and said you could too.
- A dead man got up and walked.
- A dead man got up and walked. He said you can too.
- A declaration of independence.
- A Family Apart – Craig A. Steffen
- A fellow worker is better than a disciple.
- A follower naturally follows someone.
- A Ghost
- A good book will talk about success, but a really good book will talk about failure.
- A Grace Strong Church – Pete Alwinson
- A Great Forgiver
- A great sermon bomb.
- A Greater Freedom – Steve Brown
- A letter to an elect lady.
- A Lie
- A lie can’t stand in the face of truth.
- A listener is disappointed in me. Get in line!
- A little bit of faith produces a lot of big things.
- A little child as a model of humilty.
- A man with a plan.
- A manual for leadership.
- A Matter of Trust
- A Matter of Truth – Steve Brown
- A mini-lesson in psychology.
- A Mirror Dimly – Zach Bolen
- A misdiagnosis can kill you physically or spiritually.
- A need to know. That’s important.
- A new take on witnessing.
- A Pastor’s Heart
- A Picture of God
- A pool where children play and elephants swim.
- A Praying Church | Paul Miller | Steve Brown, Etc.
- A private time with Jesus.
- A promise: Jesus won’t leave you alone in the dark.
- A Psalm of Failure – Steve Brown
- A Real Friend
- A request is sometimes an answer.
- A Robbery
- A rude, but joyous, awakening.
- A Safe Place – John Freeman
- A Sample
- A sermon for people who don’t want to hear it.
- A sermon on drunkenness.
- A servant always has power.
- A silver coin is lost by no fault of its own.
- A silver coin loses no value because it’s lost.
- A silver coin loses no value when it’s lost.
- A sinner can repent, but stupid is forever.
- A Sometimes Stumbling Life – Mike Khandjian
- A Song
- A storm can fix your eyesight.
- A story with a happy ending.
- A story written by God himself.
- A text without a context is a pretext.
- A time to worship. A great subject.
- A toxic tree produces toxic fruit.
- A troubler in Israel.
- A turtle on a gatepost?
- A Two Pickle Day
- A Very SBE Christmas – Kendra Fletcher & Matt Johnson
- A War of Loves – David Bennett
- A well-placed funeral.
- A wise counselor will send you to Jesus.
- A woman’s head covering and angels. What’s with that?
- A Word to The Boys Pt 1 – The Younger Brother – Steve Brown
- A Word to The Boys Pt 2- The Older Brother – Steve Brown
- Aaron Damiani | Earth Filled With Heaven | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Abiding in Christ is not doing. It’s being.
- Abraham Lincoln
- Abraham, our forefather and hero, was a scoundrel.
- Abundance
- Accidental Saints – Nadia Bolz-Weber
- Accidental Saints – Nadia Bolz-Weber (Re-Air)
- According to Ephesians 2, it it grace all the way.
- Action follows conviction, or it’s not conviction.
- Actually we’re right…and that’s dangerous.
- Ad ana. Say what?
- Adam Mabry | Stop Taking Sides | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Adam Mabry | When God Seems Gone | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Adam Ramsey | Faithfully Present | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Adam Ramsey | Gazing At God Until Your Heart Sings | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Adam Ramsey | Honor | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Adequacy can be a great danger to a Christian.
- Adoption
- Adoption
- Adriel Sanchez | Praying With Jesus | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Advent 2010 #1 God with Us – Steve Brown
- Advent 2010 #2 God for Us – Steve Brown
- Advent 2010 #3 Dream On – Steve Brown
- Advent 2010 #4 Live On – Pete Alwinson
- After we’re saved does God break our legs?
- Aimee Byrd | Biblical Manhood & Womanhood | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Aimee Byrd | The Hope In Our Scars | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Aimee Byrd | The Sexual Reformation | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Air conditioning and Jesus.
- Aisle Altar Him
- Albert Einstein
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Alex Early | Among The Pots And Pans | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Alex Early | Theology For Kids? | Steve Brown, Etc.
- All in on Grace – Matt Johnson
- All of life illustrates Bible doctrine.
- All The World Needs is Love – Steve Brown
- All the World Needs is Love – Steve Brown
- All the world’s a stage, but whose performance ultimately matters?
- All Things New – John Eldredge
- All Things New – John Eldredge (Re-Air)
- All Things New – John Eldredge (Re-Air)
- All things work together for good. Deal with it!
- All y’all worship together, but worship alone, too.
- Allen Morris | Risk Everything | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Allow yourself to be surprised by God.
- Almost all sin is first degree.
- Almost all sin is first-degree.
- Always Be Ready – Hugh & Kathy Ross
- Always check the rearview mirror.
- Always share the Gospel…Not!
- Ambiguity is the beginning of wisdom.
- America’s Original Sin – Jim Wallis
- Among Friends – Steve Brown
- An Encourager
- An illustration is better than instruction.
- An Improper Messiah – Steve Brown
- An Old Man’s Witness – Steve Brown
- An Old Testament feel in a New Testament passage.
- An Opportunity
- An optimist is somebody who does a crossword puzzle in ink.
- And God said, “Surprise!”
- And the Word became flesh…
- Andrew Bauman | Stumbling toward Wholeness
- Andrew Farley – Twisted Scripture
- Andrew Farley – Twisted Scripture (Re-Air)
- Andrew Farley | 101 Bible Questions (and Answers) | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Andrew Farley | The Grace Message | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Andrew Farley | The Message is Grace | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Andrew Farley | The Perfect You | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Andrew Petiprin – Truth Matters
- Andrew Petiprin – Truth Matters (Re-Air)
- Andrew, the introducer.
- Andy Erwin | American Underdog | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Andy Erwin | I Still Believe
- Anger
- Anger and tears sometimes go together.
- Anger can motivate.
- Anger is a bulwark against denial.
- Animals are people, too.
- Anti-Semitism is an abomination to God.
- Antinomianism can kill you.
- Anybody got a witness of the Spirit?
- Anybody here want to live forever?
- Anything that contradicts what God has taught you needs further thought.
- Apologetics 101.
- Appropriate, sanctified surmise.
- Arden Bevere | The Labels That Limit | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Are babies pure? The answer to that and other questions.
- Are Catholics/Presbyterians saved? The answer to that and other questions.
- Are Jews responsible for the death of Christ?
- Are there contradictions in the Bible?
- Are there demons behind the magic? The answer to that and other questions.
- Are there many paths to God?
- Are there people who drive you nuts?
- Are we going to be alive for the rapture?
- Are we presently in the tribulation? The answer to that and other questions.
- Are we really free…or what?
- Are you afraid of criticism because of grace?
- Are you afraid?
- Are you brave enough to doubt?
- Are you crazy…trusting God?
- Are you foolish or are you wise?
- Are you looking for a fight?
- Are you looking for a place? I’ve got good news.
- Are you making the conscious decision to choose beauty today?
- Are you preaching another gospel?
- Are you sure God won’t judge his people? The answer to that and other questions.
- Are you taking the time to fuel your heart or are you just depleting it?
- Aren’t all religions the same?
- Aren’t Christmas trees kind of pagan? The answer to that and other questions.
- Aren’t you glad you don’t know how bad you really are?
- Arrogance
- Arrogance will kill spiritual power.
- As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.
- As long as the Holy Spirit is on the plane, you don’t have to worry.
- Ask Jesus for a spiritual second wind.
- Ask Jonah
- Ask the Question – Stephen Mansfield
- Aslan isn’t safe, but he’s good.
- Associate hatred. I’ll define it.
- Assuming goodness in others and yourself is dangerous.
- At Death
- At the center of human history is a cross.
- At the heart of the Christian faith is the good news.
- Atheist Lie
- Atheist Professor
- Athens and Corinth: a world of difference.
- ATM Machine
- Attitude reflects your reality.
- Authenticity is cool…but be careful.
- Authority is from God…but it can be abused.
- Authority Problem
- Avoiding Pain
- Avoiding the dark can hurt you bad.
- Awe – Paul Tripp
- Awe and Favor in a Diaper – Steve Brown
- B.B. King
- Baby Eagle
- Baby Jesus didn’t stay that way.
- Bach
- Bad authority is better than no authority.
- Bad Decision
- Bad news makes the good news really good.
- Bad people around the cross. Let’s look at them and us.
- Bad things happen to good people. So, deal with it.
- Bags of Potatoes
- Bank Robber
- Baptizing Squirrels
- Barnabas was godly, but not always.
- Barnabus was jealous of Paul…really.
- Barry Smith | Grace In The Morning | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Be angry but be properly angry.
- Be angry, but don’t forget to cry.
- Be angry, but don’t let the sun go down on it.
- Be angry…just don’t stay that way.
- Be as innocent as a dove and as wise as a serpent.
- Be Careful
- Be careful about trusting an unbeliever with anything.
- Be careful of expectations that are too high.
- Be careful of the cool kids.
- Be careful of those who love you too much.
- Be careful of training in evangelism.
- Be generous even if you can’t afford it.
- Be glad for the Holy Spirit.
- Be kind, but also be cool.
- Be kind…but don’t you shilly-shally.
- Be Patient
- Be quiet, just be quiet.
- Be quiet. The Lord is passing by.
- Be religious, but not too much.
- Be responsible.
- Be Still
- Be Still & Be Loved
- Be still, watch and wait. And see what God does.
- Be thankful that we have a supernatural faith.
- Be very still. You could miss it.
- Be what you needed when you were young.
- Be yourself. God made you that way.
- Bearded Gospel Men – Jared Brock
- Beautiful Feet – Melissa Heiland
- Beautiful Ugliness
- Because of Bethlehem – Max Lucado
- Becoming a Christian is not about trying to do better, but trusting God.
- Beethoven’s Piano
- Before God hung the stars, he thought about you.
- Before you do it, ask around.
- Before you move, get it confirmed.
- Before you walk away from the dying fire, let’s talk.
- Before you were born, God knew your name.
- Beggar at the Banquet – Steve Brown
- Beggars
- Behaviorism from a Christian perspective.
- Being a Christian is like being pregnant—either you are or you aren’t.
- Being accepted is a big deal.
- Being Bad Isnt Bad Enough – Steve Brown
- Being crucified with Christ isn’t what you think it is.
- Being Dad – Dr. Scott Keith
- Being loved precedes, and defines, loving.
- Being Old
- Being Out of Control – Steve Brown
- Being right is not even close to enough.
- Being There – Dave Furman
- Being Thirsty
- Belief is ratified by relationships.
- Belief will destroy secrecy or secrecy destroy belief.
- Believe it or not, failure is a gift.
- Believe it or not, God doesn’t need your help.
- Believe it or not, we worship a humble God.
- Believers and unbelievers cry in graveyards.
- Beloved Child
- Benjamin Franklin
- Benny Hinn and meaning.
- Better Together
- Beware of religion. It can make us turn on each other if we’re not careful.
- Beyond the Cosmos – Dr. Hugh Ross
- Biblical truth always moves to love.
- Big Imagination, Big Truth – Andrew Petiprin
- Billy Graham
- Billy Graham
- Birds and Bees
- Birds fly over your head…Don’t let them make a nest in your hair.
- Bishop Herb Andrew | Reflecting on Race
- Blessed are the meek. Does that mean ‘geek’?
- Blessed Are the Misfits – Brant Hansen
- Blessed Are the Misfits – Brant Hansen (Re-Air)
- Blessed Are the Peacemakers – Pete Alwinson
- Blessing
- Blessings
- Blind Mans Bluff – Steve Brown
- Bloom where you’re planted.
- Board Meeting
- Bob Dylan sang, “You gotta serve somebody.” You do.
- Bob Hiller | Finding Christ In The Straw | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Bobbi Jo Reed / Brent & Donna Jones | Under The Influence | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Boredom…How do you fix it?
- Boy Scouts
- Boy, does Jesus have a gift for you.
- Brant Hansen | Life Is Hard, God Is Good, Let’s Dance (Re-air) | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Brant Hansen | Life is Hard, God is Good, Let’s Dance | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Brant Hansen | The Men We Need | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Brant Hansen | The Truth About Us
- Brant Hansen | The Truth About Us (Re-air)
- Brant Hansen | The Truth About Us (Re-air) | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Brant Hansen | Unoffendable | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Brian Thomas | Clothed With Christ | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Bring the Pain
- British Museum
- Broken bread and poured out wine for the world.
- Broken Leg
- Broken Watches
- Bruce Hindmarsh | The Amazing Story of Amazing Grace | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Bryan Chapell | Grace at Work | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Bucket List
- Bucket List
- Buddy Greene | Picking and Grinning | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Bumblebees
- Bunyan’s Mercy said, ‘I did laugh and laugh.’ We can, too.
- Burn your timetable.
- But he did say, ‘Don’t do it again.’
- But I will trust in your unfailing love even now.
- Butch & Julieann Hartman | The Garden | Steve Brown, Etc.
- C.S. Lewis & Dorothy Sayers
- Caleb Kaltenbach | Messy Truth | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Caleb Wilde – Confessions of a Funeral Director
- Called to love the unlovely
- Called to serve may not be what you think.
- Cameron Cole | Finding Hope in Tragedy | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Camp Lessons
- Can a Calvinist have an accident?
- Can a Christian be a Mason? The answer to that and other questions.
- Can a Christian go to a psychic to witness?
- Can a Christian own a gun? The answer to that and other questions.
- Can a Christian use a gun to defend himself or herself?
- Can a pastor or a priest forgive sins?
- Can a person who committed suicide go to heaven?
- Can human beings fall in heaven?
- Can I lose my salvation? The answer to that and other questions.
- Can the Bible change?
- Can we change God’s plan? The answer to that and other questions.
- Can we really be expected to be better than biblical characters?
- Can you be a sinner and a Christian at the same time?
- Can you make the devil mad at you? The answer to that and other questions.
- Can you really pass it along?
- Can you study the book of James and still believe it’s all about grace?
- Can’t Sleep?
- Carolyn Custis James | The Bible and Patriarchy | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Caught in sin? What does Jesus say?
- Celebration
- Chad Bird – Upside-Down Spirituality
- Chad Bird | Hitchhiking With Prophets | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Chad Bird | Limping With God | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Chad Bird | Limping With God | Steve Brown, Etc. (Re-air)
- Chad Bird | Your God Is Too Glorious | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Champ Thornton | The Serpent Slayer | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Change doesn’t come yesterday.
- Charlemagne
- Charles Moscowitz | Defeating Anti-Semitism | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Charlie Collins | Happily Ever After? | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Cheap Grace
- Check it out. You might be surprised.
- Cheer up, you’re worse off than you think.
- Cheryl Marshall & Caroline Newheiser | When Words Matter Most | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Choose your friends carefully.
- Chris Heuertz – The Sacred Enneagram
- Chris Torchia | Hope for Parents of LGBTQ+ Kids | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Christ Hold Fast – Elyse Fitzpatrick & Dan Price
- Christ is risen. You better too.
- Christ the King – Steve Brown
- Christian Freedom
- Christian gobbledygook is going to kill us.
- Christianity is a thinking man’s—and woman’s—religion.
- Christians are crazy…crazy like a fox.
- Christians Aren’t Doormats – Steve Brown
- Christians die better, include better, and serve better…or at least we used to.
- Christians don’t have a corner on goodness.
- Christians don’t have to be lonely.
- Christians laugh at inappropriate places.
- Christians ought to be street-smart.
- Christmas didn’t just happen. God prepared for it.
- Christmas is a reminder that you, like Jesus, are a gift.
- Christmas Show 2020 | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Christopher Ash | Trusting God in the Darkness | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Chuck Colson
- Chuck DeGroat – Narcissism in the Church
- Chuck DeGroat | When Narcissism Comes to Church
- Church
- Church hoppers always find the perfect church…for a week.
- Church is a hospital for the sick, not a gathering place for the good.
- Church is messy. It just is.
- Church is really messy.
- Church meetings are necessary evils.
- Church People
- Church R Us – Steve Brown
- Churchy – Sarah Condon
- Churchy – Sarah Condon (Re-Air)
- Cigars
- Circumstances are important.
- Circumstances aren’t irrelevant, but they matter less than you think.
- Circus
- Circus Wedding
- Cliff Jumpers
- Climb out on that limb and see if it holds you.
- Come and see the witness of the Christian.
- Come down from that cross, Jesus. That’s my place!
- Come On Home
- Come to church, suffer, and show the world God’s grace.
- Coming to Christ is two choices.
- Common sense is sometimes better than theology.
- Common sense isn’t common except to the believer.
- Communion with Jesus invites us into a new way.
- Compassion
- Compromise
- Conclusions are important.
- Confess and then dance.
- Confession
- Conformity
- Connect. For God’s sake, connect.
- Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.
- Contentment
- Contentment of cows is for cows, but Jesus’ contentment is different.
- Control
- Control
- Controlling the Wind – Steve Brown
- Conviction not only comforts, but comfort convicts.
- Convictions require church.
- Copies
- Could Adam and Eve have been saved? The answer to that and other questions.
- Count to 10 and plan your anger.
- Craig Hefner | The Changelessness of God | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Crashing the Party of the Pious – Steve Brown
- Crazy…crazy like a fox.
- Cry with those who cry and laugh with those who laugh.
- Curtis Solomon | Redeem Your Marriage | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Cuss and spit…and nobody will listen to what you say about Jesus.
- Cut it out…you’re not an orphan!
- Dads and moms, you have the most important job in the world.
- Dan Merchant | You’ll Laugh! You’ll Cry! | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Dan Allender & Cathy Loerzel | Redeeming Heartache | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Dan Allender & Cathy Loerzel | Redeeming Heartache | Steve Brown, Etc. (Re-air)
- Dan Burmawi | Beirut Explosion Aftermath – Part 2 | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Dan Burmawi | Beirut Explosion Aftermath | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Dan Kimball | How (Not) to Read the Bible | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Dan Lacich | Ukraine | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Dan Stringer | Struggling With Evangelicalism | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Dance
- Dancing on the Titanic – Steve Brown
- Dane Ortlund | Gentle and Lowly | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Dane Ortlund | In The Lord I Take Refuge | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Daniel Bush | Still Undefended | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Daniel Hill | White Awake
- Daniel Hill | White Lies | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Daniel Reinhardt | Rethinking The Police | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Dave Pezzoli – Live Alive
- David doesn’t live there anymore.
- David Gibson | Living Life Backward | Steve Brown, Etc.
- David Hay – Worthless
- David Wilson | | Pastors’ Chat
- David Young | Progressive Christianity
- David Zahl – Seculosity
- David Zahl – Seculosity (Re-Air)
- David Zahl | Low Anthropology | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Dead Donkeys
- Dead Lawyer
- Dead Men
- Dead men do bleed.
- Dead men hardly do anything.
- Dead Plants
- Dealing with the fear of death.
- Dear Hal
- Death
- Death cures a lot of things.
- Death is not God’s plan. Resurrection is.
- Decide. For God’s sake, decide.
- Dee Coleman & Lindsey Holcomb – Samaritan Village
- Deep Roots
- Deep Water
- Defeat is the path to victory.
- Defiant Joy – Stasi Eldredge
- Define sin by how much you enjoyed it…Not.
- Defined By Love
- Defining the undefinable.
- Denominations in Hell
- Desire
- Despair & Light
- Details are important.
- Details, details.
- Diana Gruver | Companions in the Darkness | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Did Cain marry his sister?
- Did Eve tempt Adam? If so, why?
- Did God create us to stroke his ego? The answer to that and other questions.
- Did God hate Esau?
- Did Jesus die on a cross or a tree?
- Did Jesus experience anxiety the way we do?
- Did Jesus really go to hell?
- Did Martin Luther encourage sin?
- Did Mary have other children?
- Did Matthew get the prophet wrong? The answer to that and other questions.
- Did you know that God laughs and cries?
- Did you know your life story actually has all the makings of a best seller?
- Did you notice that big log in your eye?
- Diplomacy is “nice dog…nice dog” until you get a stick.
- Dirty is fixable…but stiffness, it will kill you.
- Dirty Kid
- Discipleship: the hope of the church.
- Discipline, Demagoguery and Jesus – Steve Brown
- Disciplined with a 2X4
- Disgrace is a gift.
- Divided We Fall – Dr. Luder Whitlock
- Divine earthly retribution.
- Do aborted babies go to heaven?
- Do babies go to heaven?
- Do everything right, but don’t forget the miracles.
- Do it right and it will turn out right…sometimes.
- Do It Right the First Time
- Do It with Joy
- Do it! Just do it.
- Do nothing, be still, and let him love you.
- Do we know who we really are? It’s all about identity.
- Do we really understand what a healthy heart looks like?
- Do what God told you to do…nothing more, nothing less.
- Do you come to Jesus with pen and paper or with tears?
- Do you ever get the giggles for Jesus?
- Do you follow the way of nature or the way of grace?
- Do you get it yet? God loves you…yes, you!
- Do you get rewards in heaven?
- Do you have a cause bigger than you?
- Do you have a problem with assurance of salvation? I’m here to help.
- Do you have doubts? Welcome to the club!
- Do you have to repent of a sin you don’t believe is a sin?
- Do you help or hinder others’ dreams?
- Do you know the cross alone saves you?
- Do you know the day death died?
- Do you know what the worst kind of pain is? Wasted pain.
- Do you know why we wear masks?
- Do you obey out of duty or delight?
- Do you pretend to believe the Gospel?
- Do you realize how much it matters for your heart to actually be engaged with your journey?
- Do you realize how thirsty you really are?
- Do you realize where your longings really come from?
- Do you really want what you say you want?
- Do you think God’s grace will show up tomorrow?
- Do you want the gifts…or the Giver?
- Do you want to grow? Ask Jesus and he’ll help.
- Docetic Gnosticism. I’ll explain.
- Doctrine is the measurement.
- Does anyone take time to listen to your story? Jesus will.
- Does Calvinism teach we’re all robots?
- Does divorce and remarriage equal adultery? The answer to that and other questions.
- Does God affirm prayer wheels? The answer to that and other questions.
- Does God change his mind?
- Does God ever lead us into sin for his glory?
- Does God love Pharisees?
- Does God really talk to you?
- Does God still speak to us? The answer to that and other questions.
- Does God work at midnight?
- Does Hebrews teach that we can lose our salvation?
- Does Jesus save people on other planets?
- Does Jesus still have his wounds?
- Does prayer fix family conflict?
- Does the spiritual gift of prophecy still exist?
- Does what happened 2,000 years ago have a thing to do with me?
- Does your church have lively problems, but no life?
- Dog Contest
- Dogs bark not to become dogs, but because they are dogs.
- Dogs Playing Checkers
- Doing church meetings properly.
- Don’t be creative. Be Faithful
- Don’t change it. Pass it on.
- Don’t do what only God can do.
- Don’t doubt in the dark what God taught you in the light.
- Don’t ever forget that Christian faith is supernatural.
- Don’t ever forget who Jesus was.
- Don’t ever take the good news of the gospel and make it into bad news.
- Don’t focus on results, okay?
- Don’t forget Andrew.
- Don’t forget the memorial stone.
- Don’t forget the nails.
- Don’t forget the tears
- Don’t forget. It really happened.
- Don’t go on the road. Go into the wilderness.
- Don’t just sit there. Do something!
- Don’t just sit there…do something.
- Don’t just sit there…do something.
- Don’t just sit there…do something.
- Don’t just sit there…do something.
- Don’t leave until you’ve been loved.
- Don’t let anybody take your freedom away.
- Don’t let them slip into the dark.
- Don’t look for results. It will drive you crazy.
- Don’t mess with the truth.
- Don’t Shout
- Don’t silence anybody until a decision is made.
- Don’t sing in the choir…yet.
- Don’t soften the evil, but don’t forget God.
- Don’t turn the wine back into water.
- Don’t use the measuring tape of the world.
- Don’t waste your breath.
- Don’t Worry
- Don’t worship at anybody’s altar but God’s.
- Don’t worship the Bible, but read it.
- Don’t you have a daddy?
- Don’t you shilly-shally.
- Don’t you shilly-shally.
- Don’t you shilly-shally.
- Don’t you wish you had a father like that?
- Don’t assume…don’t ever assume.
- Don’t be a sourpuss for Jesus.
- Don’t bother too much with the small stuff.
- Don’t confess your sins to the town gossip.
- Don’t create opportunities. Look for them.
- Don’t debate them. Show them.
- Don’t depend on religion. It’s not enough.
- Don’t despise small beginnings.
- Don’t ever go to Jesus by yourself.
- Don’t ever let a brother or sister stand alone.
- Don’t ever underestimate the power of shame.
- Don’t fake love. It will kill you.
- Don’t forget grace, but don’t forget holiness either.
- Don’t forget that God is your Father.
- Don’t forget that in the end we win.
- Don’t forget the promise.
- Don’t forget the tears.
- Don’t forget to count the gold.
- Don’t forget to look at the other side of the cross.
- Don’t forget. In the graveyard, the tomb is empty.
- Don’t forget…they’re watching.
- Don’t give up. Don’t you dare give up.
- Don’t have anybody say to you, “Jesus was here and you missed Him.”
- Don’t hold on to God. You’ll let go.
- Don’t ignore the law; understand it.
- Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
- Don’t let the simplicity fool you.
- Don’t let them do it to you.
- Don’t let your authority problem keep you from Jesus.
- Don’t let your father wound mess with your head.
- Don’t let your passion destroy that about which you’re passionate.
- Don’t let your secrets destroy your belief.
- Don’t look at that…look at him.
- Don’t make a divisive Christian a leader.
- Don’t make a point without telling a story.
- Don’t make a verse carry more weight than it should.
- Don’t mess with me…I’m his.
- Don’t miss the God of the mundane.
- Don’t miss the reality behind religion.
- Don’t miss what God has for you on the way.
- Don’t mix the message.
- Don’t play poker with Confederate money.
- Don’t pretend to be something you’re not.
- Don’t put God in your little box.
- Don’t put the Bible on the altar. That’s God’s place.
- Don’t rationalize your sin. It makes you look dumb.
- Don’t say negative things about me. I’m quite sensitive.
- Don’t sit in a big pulpit chair. It makes you weird.
- Don’t spend much time in the future until you get there.
- Don’t spend time with anybody who won’t cry at your funeral.
- Don’t study the Bible to know more, but to love more.
- Don’t underestimate the weakness of your adversary.
- Don’t wait until things are right; they never will be.
- Don’t waste what God has shown you.
- Don’t wear a MAGA hat to an Ocasio-Cortez rally.
- Don’t worry, be happy.
- Don’t worship at anybody’s altar but God’s altar.
- Don’t you hate change? Me too.
- Don’t you wish that you would just stop sinning? Me too.
- Don’t you wish you were better than you are?
- Double-Spaced
- Doubt & Darkness
- Dr. House said, ‘Everybody lies.’ Maybe, but not the Apostle Paul.
- Dr. Jared Wilson | The Gospel-Driven Church | Pastors’ Chat
- Dream On
- Drew Hunter | Unfolding Grace | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Dualism and its implications.
- Dudley Hall – Grace Works
- Dying before you die.
- Dying Grace
- Dylan sang, ‘You gotta serve somebody.’
- Dylan sang, “You gotta serve somebody.” He’s right.
- Earn the right to be heard.
- Ecclesiology – Steve Brown
- Ed Uszynski | Untangling Critical Race Theory | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Effectiveness is defined by practicality.
- Ego will kill you.
- Either God will allow you to sin or to see the greatness of your sin.
- Elvis
- Elyse Fitzpatrick – Because He Loves Me
- Elyse Fitzpatrick & Eric Schumacher | The Worth of Women
- Elyse Fitzpatrick & Jessica Thompson | Give Them Grace | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Elyse Fitzpatrick | Unloved | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Elyse Fitzpatrick and Eric Schumacher | Jesus & Gender | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Embarrassment…you’ll be better for it.
- Encourage people but only with the truth.
- End of Construction
- Ending Human Trafficking | Pat Bradley | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Enjoy It
- Enough is enough.
- Erastus and political power.
- Eric Mason | Urban Apologetics | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Eric Metaxas | 7 More Men
- Eric Metaxas | Cancelled by YouTube | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Eric Metaxas | Fish Out of Water | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Eric Metaxas | Is Atheism Dead? | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Eric Metaxas | Letter to the American Church | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Eric Schumacher | Men and Miscarriage | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Eric Schumacher | My Last Name | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Eric Schumacher | The Good Gift Of Weakness | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Erik Raymond | He Is Not Ashamed | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Eschatology without a chart.
- Etcetera GooseCast – Pastor Nar
- Eve Annunziato & Jackie Brewster | Enneagram Devotional | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Even bad people sometimes love their children.
- Even if we don’t like each other, we need each other.
- Even if you don’t like me, you need me.
- Even if you don’t like them, invite them.
- Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
- Even truth can be irritating.
- Even With Wrinkles
- Ever want to be closer to Jesus?
- Ever want to run? Me too.
- Ever wonder if the Christian faith is true?
- Every Christian has an unlikely story.
- Every knee will bow.
- Every Season Prayers – Scotty Smith
- Every time you walk through a field, you don’t have to wave a red flag at that bull.
- Everybody is the same in the conclusion.
- Everybody lies.
- Everybody lies…but they shouldn’t.
- Everybody wants to be a little bit proud.
- Everybody wants to be even.
- Everybody wants to be one up.
- Everybody wants to be somewhat responsive to grace.
- Everybody who belongs to Jesus needs everybody who belongs to Jesus.
- Everybody who loves Jesus needs everybody who loves Jesus.
- Everybody’s gotta believe something.
- Everyone’s invited…even that guy.
- Everything is a God thing.
- Everything is small stuff except Jesus.
- Evidence
- Evidential and presuppositional apologetics.
- Evil and good are not judged by results.
- Evil is dangerous and deadly.
- Evil Wolves
- Expect It
- Experience doesn’t trump truth, but it’s helpful.
- Experiencing the Reality of Gospel – Pete Alwinson
- Experiment with grace and you could end up in the cul-de-sac of grace. But experiment anyway.
- Experiments in Honesty – Steve Daugherty
- Face the Pain
- Face to Face
- Faith
- Faith in Christ is never blind faith.
- Faith is not a faucet you turn on.
- Faith is simply abiding in Christ…a gift.
- Faithful are the wounds of a friend.
- Faithfulness is something different than you might think.
- Fake It
- Fallen Leaders
- False Prophets – Steve Brown
- False teaching should drive us nuts.
- Familiarity really does breed contempt.
- Family of God
- Family Of God
- Fanaticism causes blindness.
- Father
- Fathers Say… – Joe Battaglia
- Fear
- Fear
- Fear
- Fear and love do not walk together.
- Feeling Guilty?
- Fellowship of Sinners
- Filthy Lucre – Steve Brown
- Final instruction…sort of.
- Finally some light at the end of the tunnel.
- Find a favorite Psalm and live in it.
- Find out what God is doing and go there.
- Find the ego and you found the problem.
- Finding a Rooted Faith – Fr. Andrew Petiprin
- Finding God in the Margins – Carolyn Custis James
- Finding God in the Waves – Mike McHargue
- Finding the Love of Jesus – Elyse Fitzpatrick
- Finding the Love of Jesus – Elyse Fitzpatrick (Re-Air)
- Finish what you started. You’ll sleep better at night.
- Fire
- Fire Insurance
- Fireflies
- First, check the soup.
- Fish and friends and three days.
- Five Dollars
- Flippant about sin? Are you crazy?
- Flowers
- Flying Horse
- Follow close and you’ll be okay.
- Follow the crowd…and you might die.
- Follow the Wind Pt 1 – Steve Brown
- Follow the Wind Pt 2 – Steve Brown
- Follow the Wind, that’s what we’re going to do.
- Following Jesus can be quite frustrating.
- Fools & Turtles
- For Christians, there aren’t any walls.
- For every one look at sin, take ten looks at Jesus.
- For God so loved the world that he gave his Son. Will that make you faithful?
- For God’s sake and yours, don’t spiritualize lament.
- For God’s sake, be all in.
- For God’s sake, be good.
- For God’s sake, be still.
- For God’s sake, let them help you.
- For God’s sake, stop yelling.
- For God’s sake and yours, remember.
- For God’s sake, be sensitive.
- For God’s sake, get your attitude right.
- For goodness’ sake, be good.
- For heaven’s sake, be realistic.
- For heaven’s sake, control yourself.
- For heaven’s sake, don’t go back.
- For heaven’s sake, listen to the people.
- For heaven’s sake, use your noggin.
- For heaven’s sake, don’t water down the wine.
- For heaven’s sake, restrain your anger.
- For Jesus, glory is through suffering, by way of the cross.
- For the Christian, is sin the exception and not the rule?
- Forced Compliance
- Forced, not invited.
- Forgive & Forget
- Forgive me if I laugh too much.
- Forgive the one who teaches his sins, please.
- Forgive? Are you crazy?!
- Forgiven and Forgotten – Steve Brown
- Forgiveness
- Forgiveness
- Forgiveness
- Forgiveness Getting & Giving – A Primer – Pete Alwinson
- Forgiveness has been horribly misunderstood.
- Forgiveness isn’t free.
- Forgiving My Daughter’s Killer – Kate Grosmaire
- Fortune Cookie
- Fortune Teller
- Frank Viola – The Shocking Views of Great Christians
- Frankly, God is unreasonable.
- Frankly, my dear, I just don’t know.
- Free Means Free
- Free… Really Free
- Freedom
- Freedom
- Freedom and the Fourth | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Freedom isn’t a thing. It’s a person.
- Freedom Sunday – Eddie Kaufholz
- Freedom Sunday – Eddie Kaufholz (Re-Air)
- Freedom’s Power
- Fresh Start
- Friends
- Friends in Low Places
- Friends like to be with friends.
- Friendship and faithfulness.
- Friendships don’t just happen.
- From where does the laughter come?
- Full Time Grace – Pete Alwinson
- Funerals
- Fuz Rana – Humans 2.0
- Fuz Rana | Christians and Evolution | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Garbage in, garbage out.
- Gasoline or Grace? | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Gavin Ortlund | Humility | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Gay and Christian, we’ll talk about that.
- Get a divorce. I’ll explain.
- Get a pom-pom and start cheering.
- Get it first, but first get it right.
- Get it right…then get moving.
- Get out of the way! He’s the King.
- Get saved, but don’t leave until you get loved and taught.
- Get their attention and then point to Jesus.
- Get to work with a friend.
- Get wisdom, and the rest will take care of itself.
- Getting better without self-righteousness. Is it possible?
- Getting It Right By Doing It Wrong – Steve Brown
- Getting Jesus Wrong – Matt Johnson
- Getting Jesus Wrong – Matt Johnson (Re-Air)
- Getting Real
- Getting what you deserve.
- Getting you back in church…without the guilt.
- Giggling at a funeral.
- Gina Dalfonzo | Dorothy and Jack | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Give It to Him
- Give it up, okay?
- Give Jesus your little. See what he does with it.
- Give Up
- Giving Blood
- Giving Space
- Glory Days – Max Lucado
- Gluttony…Is that still a sin?
- Go forgive somebody who doesn’t deserve it. It will confuse them.
- Go out and offend somebody.
- Go Tell John – Steve Brown
- Go to Bed
- Go wash somebody’s feet.
- Go where you’re not expected. Speak up for Jesus.
- God
- God always tells his people the rest of the story.
- God and fulfilled promises.
- God and prejudice.
- God and the gifts of the Spirit.
- God and the Transgender Debate – Andrew Walker
- God calls you to be a roaring lamb.
- God can change the world through you.
- God can use you if you’re weak enough.
- God can, and does, crack the hardest of hearts.
- God chooses some really weird people.
- God commands you (are you ready for it?) to be angry.
- God created you for the gift that he gives you.
- God didn’t call you to be the world’s mother.
- God disciplines, but it’s not what you think.
- God does more than just know what you’re going to do.
- God does not act in a vacuum.
- God does not need your help.
- God doesn’t create lone rangers.
- God doesn’t recognize man-made boundaries.
- God even uses snakes.
- God gives cool gifts to his people.
- God gives his people Baby Ruths.
- God glorifies himself in some surprising ways.
- God greases the tracks in the direction in which you go.
- God greases the tracks in the direction you would prefer.
- God had a problem.
- God had a problem.
- God hardly ever acts in a vacuum.
- God has given us everything we need.
- God has no perspiration on his upper lip.
- God has not forgotten about us.
- God has some very weird choices.
- God has some very weird choices. You’re one of them.
- God has some weird choices.
- God has your back.
- God helps those who help themselves. No, he doesn’t.
- God is a God of surprises.
- God is a hater.
- God is a lot bigger than you think he is.
- God is a lot different than you’ve been told.
- God is big on justice.
- God is bigger than you think, bigger than you can think.
- God is getting a crowd together to praise his name.
- God is God, but if He’s your Father, that’s different.
- God is God. You’re not. Deal with it.
- God is more interested in your heart than your talent.
- God is never confused.
- God is not a child abuser.
- God is not finished with Jews.
- God is not in your back pocket.
- God is not schizophrenic.
- God is not shocked at our sin.
- God is painting a picture and you’re going to love it.
- God is repetitive, never redundant.
- God is righteousness. That doesn’t mean what you think.
- God is Scary
- God is sometimes as slow as molasses but never late.
- God is sometimes scary.
- God is sovereign over circumstances.
- God is, well, so opinionated.
- God isn’t just just, he’s merciful.
- God isn’t loving…He is love.
- God keeps his choices to himself.
- God laughs when you tell him your plans.
- God Likes Me
- God likes us and it’s not because we’re so wonderful.
- God loves you enough to break your bones.
- God loves you enough to lose and at the cost of his only Son.
- God loves you. You’re forgiven. Deal with it.
- God made us hungry.
- God made us to be dependent, but not needy.
- God may not be who you think he is.
- God must stir us and them, too.
- God never calls the Christian to do anything in a vacuum.
- God never leaves himself without a witness.
- God of Tomorrow – Caleb Kaltenbach
- God rarely uses self-righteous people.
- God really does know what he’s doing…even if you don’t.
- God Says Yes
- God says, ‘I made you and you’re mine, all mine.’
- God says, “Surprise!”
- God seeks the lost. That’s who he is.
- God sometimes finds people who aren’t looking for him.
- God sometimes overlooks sin. True.
- God teaches his people…always.
- God thought up sex as a way to please him.
- God uses people who don’t care who gets the credit.
- God uses signs and wonders. He still does.
- God uses your story to bring sinners home.
- God wants you to be savvy and a street-smart Christian.
- God will confirm your faith…sometimes.
- God will do it and you’ll think it’s you.
- God will do it when it’s time.
- God will either allow you to sin or let you see the greatness of your sin.
- God will not accept preconditions.
- God wrote it down. Aren’t you glad?
- God, lead us right…because we’re determined.
- God’s Children
- God’s Choice
- God’s Counterfeit
- God’s Eye
- God’s Forgetfulness
- God’s Generosity
- God’s gifts are bigger than you think.
- God’s grace is a lot bigger than you think it is.
- God’s grace is gratuitous and undomesticated.
- God’s Kindness
- God’s Love
- God’s Patience
- God’s People
- God’s Refrigerator
- God’s stories always have happy endings.
- God’s Voice 01 – Steve Brown
- God’s Voice 02 – Steve Brown
- God’s ways are confusing.
- God’s family is a lot bigger than you think it is.
- God’s grace is displayed by diversity.
- God’s name is the sound of breathing.
- God’s not angry at you.
- God’s sovereign and you’re free…sort of.
- God’s truth is often counterintuitive.
- God’s unconditional love and favor are yours. There’s no kicker.
- Godly Laughter
- Going to God
- Golf isn’t any fun when you can do it whenever you want.
- Gone Fishing
- Good & Angry – David Powlison
- Good Enough
- Good Faith – David Kinnaman & Gabe Lyons
- Good News
- Good things come from bad things.
- Good Words
- Goodbye, 2020! | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Got a case of the Mondays? Well, you were made for work.
- Grace
- Grace
- Grace always runs downhill.
- Grace always runs downhill.
- Grace Encounter – Bishops Andrew & McClendon
- Grace Encounter – Elyse Fitzpatrick & Ray Cortese
- Grace Encounter – Freddy Banos & Alex Early
- Grace Encounter 2018 – Bishop Clarence McClendon & Alex Early
- Grace Encounter 2018 – Elyse Fitzpatrick & Bishop Herb Andrew
- Grace Encounter 2018 – Steve Brown & Zach Van Dyke
- Grace flows from truth and enhances the truth.
- Grace for Everyday – Steve Brown
- Grace for the moment.
- Grace in Freedom – Steve Brown
- Grace in the Middle East – Daniel Al-Naser
- Grace is a door, but it’s the house where you live, too.
- Grace Is Free – Marci Preheim
- Grace The Heart of the Incarnation – Steve Brown
- Gracious Provision
- Graham McAleer | Tolkien, Philosopher of War | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Gratitude is not invisible. If I’m really grateful, it’s going to show.
- Great theology is always written in jail.
- Greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world.
- Greg Lanier | Old Made New | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Gretchen Ronnevik | Ragged | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Grim Reaper
- Grow up and be free.
- Grow up…but do it slowly.
- Growth in Christ isn’t what you think.
- Guilt
- Guilt & Isolation
- Guilt has one purpose.
- Guilt is a reminder that God cares for you.
- Guilt sends you to God…and that’s not half bad.
- Guilt…the gift that keeps on giving.
- Guilt’s Purpose
- Guilty
- Guilty people make others feel guilty.
- Guilty people make others feel guilty.
- Half-breed heretic and hero.
- Half-naked fishermen, charcoal fires, and the love of Christ.
- Hanging Out with Jesus
- Happiness is a serious problem.
- Happy Birthday
- Hard Beginning, Happy Ending – Marabel Morgan
- Hard Scriptures
- Harder to Frown
- Harold Senkbeil | The Care of Souls | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Has magic ever been ruined in your journey?
- Hatred is…well…natural.
- Have you been converted? Do you know how to be converted?
- Have you committed the unforgivable sin?
- Have you ever been betrayed?
- Have you ever been so hungry and thirsty that you were hangry?
- Have you ever said something and nobody was listening?
- Have you ever wondered if God is really there? If so, you’re in good company with Psalm 22.
- He gives you the note before you take the trip.
- He is here and he is not silent.
- He is risen! He is risen, indeed!
- He Knows
- He Likes You Anyway
- He must increase and I must decrease.
- He never promised us a rose garden.
- He Settles Us – Steve Brown
- He’ll Take Care of It – Steve Brown
- He’s come…he really has.
- He’s got you. Quit worrying about it.
- Heal Us, Emmanuel – Greg Ward & Irwyn Ince
- Healing from words requires healing words.
- Healing the Wounded Heart – Dan Allender
- Hearse with a U-Haul
- Heart and Mind
- Hearts & Hands
- Heather Clark | Minister Well | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Heaven
- Heaven
- Heaven
- Heaven and Hell
- Heaven Can’t Wait – Pete Alwinson
- Heaven is closer than you think.
- Hector Del Valle | Why Me? | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Help is Simple
- Help when you’re sitting on a tack.
- Helplessness is irritating.
- Henry Ford
- Here We Still Stand – Daniel Price & Scott Keith
- Here We Still Stand – Daniel Price & Scott Keith (Re-Air)
- Heritage
- Heroes
- Hey, Christian, isn’t it about time you made some non-Christian friends?
- Hey, get a lawyer!
- Hey, God, do it again!
- Hey, I love you…even if you mess up.
- Hey, Paul, I don’t believe I would have said that!
- Hey, stay away from the crowds, okay?
- Hey, y’all be careful out there!
- Hey! Don’t you have a daddy? Don’t you have a home?
- Hi, my name is Zach, and I’m a dishonest people-pleaser.
- Hidden Agendas – Dr. Steve Brown
- Hidden Agendas – Dr. Steve Brown (Re-Air)
- Hidden Agendas 01 – Steve Brown
- Hidden Agendas 02 – Steve Brown
- Hidden Agendas 03 – Steve Brown
- Hidden Agendas 04 – Steve Brown
- Hidden agendas will kill you.
- His hands for giving are greater than our hands for receiving.
- History is his story.
- History is his story…and yours.
- History Lesson
- History Lessons
- Hitting a wall sometimes feels good.
- Hold My Hand
- Hold My Quarter
- Hold on to what you have until you get what you want…sort of.
- Holding the Land
- Holy Sexuality | Christopher Yuan | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Home – Elyse Fitzpatrick
- Home – Elyse Fitzpatrick (Re-Air)
- Home is where they can’t kick you out.
- Honesty with oneself is scary.
- Honoring Billy Graham – William Martin
- Hope
- Hopelessness is the harshest word in the English language.
- Hopelessness is the saddest word in the dictionary.
- Hot Fudge Sunday
- How about organ donors in the rapture? The answer to that and other questions.
- How big is heaven?
- How big is your God? I don’t know how big your God is, but my God is huge.
- How can a Christian be a racist?
- How can I bring my children closer to Jesus?
- How can I get over getting my validation from people instead of Jesus?
- How can I honor bad parents?
- How can Jesus be God and the Son of God at the same time? The answer to that and other questions.
- How can sin be a gift from God? The answer to that and other questions.
- How can we encourage Christian artists…and should we?
- How could Jesus say those kinds of things? The answer to that and other questions.
- How do Christians get better?
- How do election and God’s love work together?
- How do we win in the real world?
- How do you get it from your head to your heart?
- How do you have a really good marriage?
- How do you know that God’s not mad at you?
- How do you know your believing is real?
- How do you reach a hopeless kid with the Gospel? The answer to that and other questions.
- How do you really know when God has answered your prayer?
- How do you really study the Bible? The answer to that and other questions.
- How do you speak grace to men?
- How do you thrive in the midst of chaos?
- How does election and God’s love work together?
- How does God keep Satan from hearing our prayers? The answer to that and other questions.
- How does the Gospel make you thankful today?
- How important, really, is the Bible?
- How in the world can there be unrighteousness in heaven?
- How in the world do you love someone who doesn’t deserve it?
- How in the world does somebody worship alone?
- How many books are in the Bible—really? The answer to that and other questions.
- How not to win friends and influence people.
- How often are you hitting the Pause button in your journey?
- How specific can I get with my prayers?
- How to achieve power in your prayers.
- How to Be Better & Better Every Day in Every Way – Steve Brown
- How To Be Content – Steve Brown
- How To Be Free Without Losing Your Salvation – Steve Brown
- How to be godly without being self-righteous.
- How to be healthy without vitamins.
- How to be qualified.
- How To Be Right Without Being Insufferable – Steve Brown
- How To Be Right Without Being Insufferable 01 – Steve Brown
- How To Be Right Without Being Insufferable 02 – Steve Brown
- How To Be Right Without Being Insufferable 03 – Steve Brown
- How To Be Right Without Being Insufferable 04 – Steve Brown
- How to be right without being insufferable.
- How to Be Thankful When You’re Not…Much! – Steve Brown
- How to die.
- How To Get Along and What To Do When You Can’t – Steve Brown
- How to grow in humility.
- How to grow roses…and people.
- How to listen so people will talk.
- How to lose friends and irritate people.
- How to lose friends and irritate people.
- How to Love
- How to love the unlovely.
- How to Succeed and Still Be a Christian – Steve Brown
- How will you be remembered?
- How would you summarize the Christian faith?
- How’s your heart doing today? Are you giving it the attention it deserves?
- How’s that working for you?
- Hug a porcupine.
- Hugh Ross | Designed To The Core | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Hugh Ross | Rescuing Inerrancy | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Hugh Ross | Weathering Climate Change
- Human Cannonball
- Humility
- Humility and How I Achieved It – Steve Brown
- Humility and how I found it.
- Humility and how we attained it.
- Humility isn’t what you think.
- Hunger
- Hunting Dog
- Hurry up…and wait.
- Hurry up…and wait.
- Hypocrisy, Hype and Hubris – Steve Brown
- I am a Rock
- I am a sinner but that’s not all I am.
- I am chosen.
- I Am The Way, the Truth and the Life – Steve Brown
- I believe because I believe because I believe.
- I believe because, well, I believe.
- I Don’t Give A Rip
- I Don’t Remember Your Name
- I don’t want to do it, but let’s talk about sin.
- I don’t care what they say. You’re something else!
- I don’t have the foggiest idea what love is.
- I don’t have the foggiest idea what you’re thinking…and I’m glad.
- I don’t have to be as bad as I am.
- I don’t need another program.
- I don’t need seconds…dessert’s coming.
- I don’t sing but I will in heaven.
- I don’t speak in tongues but sometimes I want to.
- I don’t understand Thee, but I trust Thee.
- I doubt that.
- I get hungry and thirsty a lot…but for righteousness?
- I hate church meetings.
- I have a cure for self-righteousness.
- I have a hit list.
- I have been given an inheritance.
- I just can’t wait to suffer for Jesus! What!?
- I Kicked a Can
- I Knew You
- I know how to fight better than I know how to love.
- I Know More
- I know more than you do.
- I know you…I know your deepest desires.
- I know…and it’s awesome!
- I lied…well, not exactly.
- I love Pharisees.
- I love the church and I don’t know why.
- I Love You
- I need people, but not just any people.
- I need you…and I don’t like it one bit.
- I only give a dollar to beggars.
- I owe you faithfulness.
- I owe, I owe, I owe, and off to work I go.
- I repent…with a little help from my friends.
- I rise up and call Dan Cathy blessed.
- I say it’s all about grace…but what’s grace all about?
- I simply cannot stand change, but it’s all around me.
- I struggle, but someday I’m going to be just like Jesus.
- I thought it was going to be a pain. It turned out to be a party.
- I Understand
- I want to be worse than I am.
- I want to know how I’m doing.
- I’d take a bullet for Jesus. Really?
- I’m a friend of God and there’s nothing you can do about it.
- I’m a friend of Jesus. How about that?
- I’m a gift to pastors…and not for the reason you think.
- I’m a sinner, but it really bothers me.
- I’m as old as dirt…and that’s not half bad.
- I’m blind, but once I could see.
- I’m concerned with the lost because the Holy Spirit is, too.
- I’m Famous
- I’m free, Thank God Almighty, I’m free.
- I’m free. Thank God Almighty I’m free at last.
- I’m free. Thank God Almighty, free at last.
- I’m neurotic, but Jesus likes me a lot.
- I’m not lucky. I’m loved.
- I’m not worthy, really not worthy.
- I’m pure as the driven snow.
- I’m sorry, but you can’t control it.
- I’m supposed to be happy…when I’m sad?
- I’m Weird
- I’ve been adopted and I’m glad about it. Find out who adopted me.
- I’ve been chosen by God and there’s nothing you can do about it!
- I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.
- I’ve got a question for you. Is your gratitude grammatically correct?
- I’ve met the enemy and it’s me…and you.
- I’ve never had a pure motive in my life.
- I’ve never met anyone that can love like that.
- I’ll be your cheerleader. Sometimes that’s hard.
- I’m a Christian but when Jesus found me, I became Jewish.
- I’m a constitutional sinner.
- I’m a cynical, old preacher and I’m here to help.
- I’m a founding member of The First Church of We Try Harder.
- I’m a multiple personality.
- I’m a sanctified saint.
- I’m approved in Christ.
- I’m free. Thank God Almighty, free at last.
- I’m free. Thank God Almighty, I’m free at last!
- I’m free. Thank God Almighty, I’m free at last.
- I’m free…Thank God Almighty, I’m free!
- I’m going to confess my sins.
- I’m going to eat humble pie today.
- I’m going to love you. You’re hard to love, but I’m going to try anyway.
- I’m going to teach you to lie.
- I’m going to tell you about a board of dying.
- I’m going to tell you everything I know about science.
- I’m married to a saint.
- I’m no longer Scrooge.
- I’m not as good as I thought I would be.
- I’m not saying you don’t have real faith…but you might not.
- I’m not your mother and you’re not mine.
- I’m not your mother, but I’m responsible for you.
- I’m not your mother, okay?
- I’m not your mother.
- I’m sort of an existentialist.
- I’m Still Here and You Are, Too – Steve Brown
- I’m weak. He’s strong. When I reverse that, there’s trouble.
- I’ve been in the minority and the majority. And the minority, trust me, is better.
- I’ve got a place!
- I’ve got friends in high places.
- I’ve got some bad news and good news for you.
- Icy Baptism
- Identification, the key to a Christian witness.
- Identification, the key to a powerful witness.
- Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.
- If a dead man shows, you can get a crowd.
- If at first you don’t succeed…give it up.
- If believing is hard for you, I’ve got some good news.
- If Christ came to save sinners, then other forms of salvation are futile.
- If David can be in God’s family, we all stand a chance.
- If David sinned, why did God kill David’s son? The answer to that and other questions.
- If everybody was a preacher, I wouldn’t have a job.
- If God doesn’t do it, it won’t get done.
- If God doesn’t do it, it won’t get done.
- If God doesn’t puzzle you, you’re probably worshipping an idol.
- If God is fair, aren’t we all going to hell?
- If God is going to fail somebody, it won’t be a peon like me.
- If God knew it was going to be this bad, why did he do it? The answer to that and other questions.
- If God leaves it out, leave it out.
- If God said it, believe it.
- If God starts it, you can’t stop it.
- If God told you to do it, do it now!
- If he doesn’t fix it now, he’ll fix it later.
- If He told you to do it, would you do it?
- If I can manage to love you, God will do neat stuff.
- If I don’t tithe, will God still bless me?
- If I told you the truth, you’d be shocked. And I am.
- If it can be fixed, why isn’t it fixed?
- If it didn’t happen, we’re in trouble.
- If it doesn’t hurt some, you’re doing it wrong.
- If it doesn’t hurt some, you’re probably doing it wrong.
- If it doesn’t hurt, you’re doing it wrong.
- If it doesn’t show, it’s not real.
- If it won’t last, it’s not that important.
- If it’s bad, pray about it. It can’t hurt.
- If it’s funny, laugh.
- If it’s in front of you, do something.
- If it’s only you, it’s probably not Him.
- If Jesus is dead, your life is meaningless.
- If Jesus is the only begotten Son, how come we’re called “first born”?
- If Jesus isn’t fully man and fully God, then we aren’t saved.
- If Jesus isn’t who he said he was, we’re in trouble.
- If Jesus likes it, you should, too.
- If Jesus stayed dead, explain the disciples to me.
- If no stone is unturned, am I in trouble with God?
- If nobody believes it, it’s still true.
- If Satan knows he’s finished, why doesn’t he give up?
- If sheep don’t follow, there’s no shepherd.
- If someone says they know the future, don’t buy a used car from them.
- If the end doesn’t justify the means, what does?
- If the fire is hot enough in the church, it will singe everybody else.
- If the future doesn’t work, it’s probably not from God.
- If the resurrection happened, so what?
- If the sheep don’t follow, you’re not a shepherd.
- If the storm is big enough, who knows? You might become a Christian.
- If there are benedictions, there are maledictions.
- If there’s a benediction, there’s a malediction.
- If there’s no emotion, it’s probably not God.
- If they don’t know, teach them.
- If they don’t know, for God’s sake, tell them.
- If they’re wrong, they’re in trouble.
- If we’re right and they’re wrong, they’re in trouble.
- If we’re right and they’re wrong, they’re in trouble.
- If we’re all dead in Adam, how come we’re not all alive in Christ?
- If what Christians believe is true, people who don’t believe it are in trouble.
- If you ask the Lord who he is, be ready to be converted.
- If you believe it, get in the wheelbarrow.
- If you believe that, you’ll believe anything.
- If you can’t illustrate it, it’s not true.
- If you dislike Christians, get in line.
- If you don’t aim at anything, you won’t hit anything.
- If you don’t like me, deal with it!
- If you don’t meet the devil, you’re probably going in the same direction.
- If you don’t plan for something to happen, nothing will.
- If you don’t believe it, okay. Just don’t change it.
- If you don’t get permission, be quiet.
- If you don’t have a need to believe, you won’t believe.
- If you don’t have a problem with Romans 9, you’re not paying attention.
- If you don’t like it, it probably came from God.
- If you don’t think you need justification, the whole thing is silly.
- If you don’t understand the Old Testament, you won’t understand the New.
- If you doubt very much, you haven’t looked very much.
- If you ever have all the answers, God will have resigned and you’ll be in charge of the universe.
- If you fall asleep in a sermon, don’t snore.
- If you feel out of control, you are.
- If you get mad at stop signs, repent.
- If you get sick, he’ll be there. He promised.
- If you have a dog in that race, don’t bet the house on it.
- If you have a need, ask.
- If you have a Ouija board, burn it!
- If you have an authority problem, stop it.
- If you have doubts, express them.
- If you have doubts, say so.
- If you have everything and don’t know Him, you have nothing.
- If you have faith, Jesus will confirm it.
- If you have something and you don’t use it, you might as well not have it.
- If you have to do it by yourself, it’s probably not from God.
- If you haven’t prayed about it, you probably don’t care about it.
- If you haven’t been there, done that and have the T-shirt, just be quiet.
- If you know and know that you know, you’re wise.
- If you know your sin, it was the Holy Spirit who told you.
- If you let him, Jesus will help.
- If you look around at those who notice your good works, the good works don’t count.
- If you look back far enough, you’ll understand.
- If you lose your life, you’ll find it.
- If you loved him more, you would paint him better…sometimes.
- If you make your living in religion, you’re going to lose one or the other.
- If you meet a super-Christian, you’ve demeaned yourself.
- If you need peace, we know where to find it and we’ll tell you.
- If you really knew me, you wouldn’t listen to this broadcast.
- If you see something, say something.
- If you struggle with the doctrine of the Trinity, we’re here to help.
- If you suffer, say something.
- If you think you’ve got this thing figured, you’re confused.
- If you understand their base, you can explain their action.
- If you want revival, you have to learn to love me.
- If you want to be unified, don’t say anything.
- If you want to get better, we’re going to talk about it and how to do it.
- If you want to get saved, you’ve got to get over your legalism.
- If you want to hear the truth, listen to an old guy.
- If you want to know who you really are, wrestle with God.
- If you want to see that it’s all about grace, you need both eyes for depth perception.
- If you want to serve Christ, don’t leave.
- If you want to sleep better, let it go.
- If you want to succeed, just fail.
- If you were really saved, you wouldn’t do that.
- If you yawn doing God’s work, it’s probably not God’s work.
- If you’re a Christian, you’re called to be a cheerleader.
- If you’re a citizen of the kingdom, you can’t leave.
- If you’re a leader, be careful.
- If you’re a leader, for God’s sake, lead.
- If you’re afraid, I’m here to help.
- If you’re afraid, let God love you.
- If you’re an outsider, I have some good news.
- If you’re disqualified, you’re qualified.
- If you’re free, for God’s sake, stay that way.
- If you’re going through a difficult time, we’ve got some good news.
- If you’re going to eat that cake, eat all of it.
- If you’re not guilty, you will be.
- If you’re persecuted, make sure it’s for the right reason.
- If you’re right, don’t yell. It makes you sound like you’re not right.
- If you’re saved and you know it, your life should show it.
- If you’re saved and you know it, your life should show it.
- If you’re yawning, it’s not the Holy Spirit.
- If you’re a Christian, do as you please.
- If you’re a Christian, don’t brag on your family.
- If you’re a Christian, there’s no leverage on you.
- If you’re a Christian, you’re right and everyone else is wrong.
- If you’re a sinner, for God’s sake, say so.
- If you’re down you’re acting like an orphan, and you’re not.
- If you’re forgiven, it’s the real deal.
- If you’re going to walk through a minefield, know where the mines are.
- If you’re hopeless, something’s more precious to you than Jesus.
- If you’re looking for a debate, I’ll probably win it.
- If you’re looking for God’s blessing, be careful. It comes with a limp.
- If you’re married to the law, get a divorce.
- If you’re not a believer, this is for you.
- If you’re not saved and you don’t know it, Key Life today is for you.
- If you’re searching, I’ve got good news for you.
- If you’re talking about God, you’re going to be wrong some.
- If you’re the only one hearing from God, it’s probably not him.
- If you’re trying to make a deal with God, forget it.
- If you’re worried, you might have a good reason to be.
- If you’ve got a troubled heart, listen up.
- If you’ve got questions, for God’s sake, ask them.
- If your’e depressed, go tell somebody about Jesus.
- Ignorance of the law may be an excuse.
- Illustration is more important than instruction.
- Images are made to reflect. Actually, they only reflect.
- Impossible – Steve Brown
- In a supernatural battle, the weapons are corporate.
- In Christ, divisions are meaningless.
- In communion with Jesus there’s a call to leadership.
- In communion with Jesus we find the point of everything.
- In every bit of suffering God says, ‘I know, child.’
- In God’s courtroom the judgment is always accurate.
- In his stead.
- In marriage we see the humility of God.
- In marriage, God made us for sex to cover our shame.
- In order to be saved, do women have to be barefoot and pregnant?
- In order to follow Jesus, you gotta know where he’s going.
- In the beginning grace is nothing but an insult.
- In the between times, what do you do?
- In the body of Christ, there are no super Christians.
- In the end we win.
- In the end, we win.
- In the family of God, blood is thicker than water…the blood of Christ.
- In the light, it’s hard to see the darkness.
- In the middle of the battle Jesus stopped and prayed.
- Inadequate data will lead to an inadequate life.
- Infra or Supralapsarianism: Which are you?
- Installment Plan
- Insurance for the uninsured.
- Integrity. Honesty. Faithfulness. We need people like that.
- Intolerance sounds intolerant, but it’s not sometimes.
- Intro to Karl Barth – Mark Galli
- Investment
- Is ‘an eye for an eye’ in the Bible an excuse for revenge?
- Is casting lots gambling?
- Is cremation approved in the Bible?
- Is everybody a child of God?
- Is everybody going to heaven?
- Is everybody going to live together in heaven?
- Is foot washing a sacrament?
- Is God a monster?
- Is God confused?
- Is God good? Is he good all the time?
- Is God one actor wearing three masks?
- Is God pleased with our obedience? The answer to that and other questions.
- Is God’s grace really sufficient?
- Is it actually possible to dance with your broken bones?
- Is it all right for society to execute bad people?
- Is it biblical to pray for somebody’s salvation?
- Is it biblically okay to have short hair?
- Is It Finished… for Your Church – Steve Brown
- Is it okay for a Christian to practice yoga?
- Is it possible to break God’s heart?
- Is it right to shun people for their sin?
- Is it true…is it really true?
- Is it wrong to cuss?
- Is Jesus coming back on Thursday? The answer to that and other questions.
- Is Jesus omnipresent?
- Is Jesus on the throne of your life?
- Is Judas in heaven? The answer to that and other questions.
- Is my story important or is it only Jesus? The answer to that and other questions.
- Is Satan chained? It doesn’t look like it.
- Is Saturday the only real Sabbath?
- Is sin from the outside or the inside? The answer to that and other questions.
- Is the ‘great restoration’ biblical?
- Is the book of Job a work of fiction? The answer to that and other questions.
- Is the devil loose or is he chained?
- Is the devil loose or is he chained?
- Is the earth old or was it created in seven days?
- Is the Holy Spirit female?
- Is the Holy Spirit really God?
- Is the Muslim god, Allah, our God?
- Is the soil of your heart pliable or parched?
- Is there a difference between fear and awe of God?
- Is there more than one way to get to God?
- Is there really no condemnation?
- Is there something in your life you’re willing to die for?
- Is there something in your life you’re willing to die for?
- Is Twitter and Facebook sinful?
- Is what you think you want different from what you really want?
- Is your church all head and no heart? Are you afraid of our culture?
- Is your church properly intolerant?
- Isn’t Christmas a pagan holiday?
- Isn’t preaching outdated?
- It Balances Out
- It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you’re sincere. You’re kidding!
- It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you’re sincere. You’re kidding!
- It hurts. How can I overcome this?
- It is a glorious thing to be a preacher of the gospel.
- It is done. It is finished.
- It is the nature of human beings to rebel against authority.
- It isn’t true because it works; it works because it’s true.
- It looks like death but it’s really life.
- It may not be as trivial as you think.
- It really happened.
- It really happened.
- It really is about us.
- It starts in your mind and then moves to your heart.
- It was supernatural, okay?
- It will be as if you never left.
- It’s a bad world, an incredibly bad world, however.
- It’s a battle and it’s already won.
- It’s a good deal. Don’t turn it down.
- It’s a journey.
- It’s a sin to manipulate…and to be manipulated.
- It’s all about grace…all of it.
- It’s all about Jesus, dummy.
- It’s all for you, dummy!
- It’s Christmas and He’s your Father. Rejoice!
- It’s Christmas Eve. Be still and rejoice.
- It’s Christmas Eve. Let’s remember.
- It’s dark…really dark.
- It’s Difficult
- It’s easy to pay too much for your whistle.
- It’s God’s business to balance books.
- It’s hard sometimes, really hard. Just don’t leave.
- It’s hard to be a pastor, but not for the reason you think.
- It’s Me Again
- It’s not a party, ok? It’s a battle.
- It’s not about us. It’s about Him.
- It’s not enough for you to care.
- It’s not just the lies, it’s the tragedies.
- It’s Not What You Think – Jeff Bethke
- It’s okay to be human.
- It’s Over…It’s Really Over – Steve Brown
- It’s quite surprising what pleases God.
- It’s Simple
- It’s the Holy Spirit. Let’s fight about it!
- It’s the story.
- It’ll be fun for the whole family: Let’s play the blame game!
- It’s a bad world, an incredibly bad world.
- It’s a fact and I can prove it.
- It’s a good thing when uptight Christians doubt your salvation.
- It’s a lot worse than you think.
- It’s a sin to manipulate…and to be manipulated.
- It’s about Him…all about Him.
- It’s all about grace but it’s all about law too.
- It’s all about grace. Steve says so.
- It’s all about grace…or repentance?
- It’s all about Jesus.
- It’s all grace and there’s no fine print.
- It’s always good to meet Jesus when you’re young.
- It’s bad! No, it’s good.
- It’s bad. No, it’s good.
- It’s best to do it God’s way.
- It’s dangerous to be right.
- It’s dangerous to ignore the obvious.
- It’s dangerous to wear a mask of religion.
- It’s dumb to dumb-down your doctrine to fit your doubt.
- It’s finished, dummy. Deal with it!
- It’s for sinners…It’s for you.
- It’s Good Friday. What happened after that?
- It’s hard to be an atheist.
- It’s hard to be an unbeliever.
- It’s hard to find a safe place.
- It’s His voice, you know.
- It’s inappropriate to worship the Bible.
- It’s irrational not to fear death unless…you know…Jesus.
- It’s not about you. It’s about God.
- It’s not just a nice story. It’s for sinners. It’s for you.
- It’s not just the Last Supper; it’s the last week.
- It’s not just words.
- It’s not the fixing of the problem; it’s the process, dummy!
- It’s not wrong, it’s just different.
- It’s not wrong. It’s just different.
- It’s not you; it’s the Holy Spirit in you.
- It’s not your holiness but your helplessness that Jesus responds to.
- It’s okay that you don’t fight every fight.
- It’s possible to say it right and nobody will understand.
- It’s the guilt, dummy.
- It’s the law.
- It’s the top of the head that counts.
- It’s the truth. It’s all true.
- It’s time to celebrate Christmas!
- It’s you…own it.
- It’s your attitude, dummy.
- It’s your vision…own it.
- J. Todd Billings | Embracing Our Mortality | Steve Brown, Etc.
- J.D. Greear | Essential Christianity | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Jake Luhrs – Mountains
- Jake Luhrs – Mountains (Re-air)
- James K. A. Smith | Saint Augustine
- Jamie Dunlop | Budgeting For a Healthy Church | Pastors’ Chat
- Jani Ortlund | Married to My Pastor | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Jared Brock | A God Named Josh | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Jared C. Wilson | Gospel-Driven Ministry | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Jared Wilson | Friends With Jesus | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Jared Wilson | Gifts of Grace | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Jared Wilson | Lest We Drift | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Jared Wilson | Love Me Anyway | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Jared Wilson | The Gospel According to Satan
- Jason Baxter | The Medieval Mind of C.S. Lewis | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Jay and Rae Anne Payleitner | GirlDad | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Jay Payleitner | The Prayer of Agur
- Jealousy can be a really good thing.
- Jealousy…a blessing and a curse.
- Jeffrey Barbeau | C.S. Lewis & Romanticism | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Jemar Tisby – The Color of Compromise
- Jennifer & David McNutt | Know The Theologians | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Jennifer Greenberg | Not Forsaken
- Jennifer Greenberg | Not Forsaken (Re-air)
- Jeremy Jobson | Christians and Mental Health | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Jerks & Jesus
- Jerry Parries | Race and Reconciliation | Pastors’ Chat
- Jessica Thompson | How God Loves Us | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Jessica Thompson | Your Anxious Teen
- Jesus
- Jesus & Barabbas – Jerry Parries
- Jesus advocates before the Father that your sins are forgiven and you are declared righteous.
- Jesus always says, ‘I love you anyway.’
- Jesus and shame do not walk together.
- Jesus and Truth
- Jesus asks us to give it all up…not to him, but to them.
- Jesus built his church through self-absorbed, unaware narcissists.
- Jesus connected us. Deal with it.
- Jesus did more than just die for your sins.
- Jesus didn’t say, ‘Go out and sin.’
- Jesus gave his glory to you. Don’t waste it.
- Jesus got annoyed without being impatient.
- Jesus had it all and gave it up for us.
- Jesus has a heart for the world.
- Jesus has been there, done that, and has the T-shirt.
- Jesus has no perspiration on his upper lip.
- Jesus has you covered.
- Jesus hugs some really weird people.
- Jesus is a King . . . albeit a weird one.
- Jesus is a master teacher. Let him do the teaching, okay?
- Jesus is a protector. He protects his own.
- Jesus is alive…and you killed him.
- Jesus is coming back and boy, is he ticked.
- Jesus is coming back and, boy, is he ticked!
- Jesus is coming back. Boy, is he ticked.
- Jesus is coming back. Look busy.
- Jesus is coming back…Look busy!
- Jesus is coming back…look busy!
- Jesus is crazy…crazy like a fox.
- Jesus is everywhere.
- Jesus is gentle, but he’s not safe.
- Jesus is God. Deal with it!
- Jesus is God. Deal with it!
- Jesus is hanging around even if you don’t know it.
- Jesus is his own authority.
- Jesus is into second touches.
- Jesus is King? You’ve got to be kidding.
- Jesus is not sweet or insipid.
- Jesus is praying for you. Be glad.
- Jesus is praying for you. What’s he praying?
- Jesus is risen. ‘Prove it.’ I am.
- Jesus is the door and you can’t get into the house except through that door.
- Jesus is the essence of Israel.
- Jesus is the president of the fellowship of sufferers.
- Jesus is the Word but he also read the Word.
- Jesus is your Father…but he’s your Holy Father.
- Jesus isn’t always what you’d expect.
- Jesus knows the name of the nameless.
- Jesus knows your story and he knows where it hurts.
- Jesus left, but Jesus is coming back.
- Jesus loved and honored and affirmed women. You should too.
- Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.
- Jesus loves you. Let it go to your head!
- Jesus loves you…but he likes you too.
- Jesus never wrote a book, but he wrote some cool stuff.
- Jesus only answers real questions.
- Jesus prayed that we all be one. Hasn’t happened.
- Jesus promised persecution. Why, then, would we follow him?
- Jesus promised you’d get in trouble.
- Jesus said he was God. If he lied, we’re in trouble.
- Jesus said we would do greater things. What did he mean?
- Jesus said, ‘Depart from me, I never knew you.’ Who was that?
- Jesus said, ‘I’m sending you.’ Therein is meaning.
- Jesus says that before you do anything else, listen up.
- Jesus says that if you’ve got the time, watch this.
- Jesus says, ‘Been there, done that.’
- Jesus says, ‘Lean on me, lean hard.’”
- Jesus says, ‘You catch ‘em. I’ll clean ‘em.’
- Jesus says, “Go where you want” and I say, “I think I’ll go with you.”
- Jesus uses Christians…sometimes.
- Jesus was a lot of things; but at heart, he was a pastor.
- Jesus was really angry.
- Jesus was the begotten Son of God. What in the world does that mean?
- Jesus wasn’t manipulated, but he wouldn’t manipulate either.
- Jesus welcomes sinners. That includes the Pharisees.
- Jesus welcomes sinners. You got a problem with that?
- Jesus went through puberty and is Almighty God. How?
- Jesus will join you in your dark place.
- Jesus will never let you go.
- Jesus will never say to you, ‘I’ve had it with you.’
- Jesus won’t leave you alone in the dark.
- Jesus, the end of the journey.
- Jesus…friend of prostitutes, drunks and sinners like us.
- Jesus’ Kingdom Manifesto…what in the world is that?
- Jesus’ compassion will convert you.
- Jesus’ condemnation results in you not being condemned.
- Jesus’ miracles are more than miracles.
- Jews and Jesus.
- Jim Bakker and Jason
- Jim Davis & Michael Graham | The Great Dechurching | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Jim Denison | The Coming Tsunami | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Jim Stout | Christians, Depression, and Suicide | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Joe Battaglia | Make America Good Again | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Joel Fitzpatrick | Between Us Guys
- Joel Muddamalle | The Hidden Peace | Steve Brown, Etc.
- John Blake | More Than I Imagined | Steve Brown, Etc.
- John doesn’t end where you think.
- John Eldredge | Get Your Life Back
- John Eldredge | Get Your Life Back (Re-air) | Steve Brown, Etc.
- John Hopper | Questioning God? | Steve Brown, Etc.
- John Inazu | Learning To Disagree | Steve Brown, Etc.
- John the Baptist was not a good ol’ boy.
- John the Baptist was not a nice person.
- JohnMark
- Join Steve on the Roman road to grace.
- Join the Club
- Jon Alwinson | Relentless Sales | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Jon Erwin | Beyond Valor | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Jonathan Feldstein | Israel 2025 | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Jonathan Feldstein | Standing With Israel | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Jonathan Leeman | Rediscover Church | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Jonathan Merritt – Learning to Speak God from Scratch
- Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove | Revolution of Values
- Jordan Raynor – Called to Create
- Jordan Raynor | Master of One
- Jordan Raynor | Redeeming Your Time | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Jordan Raynor | The Royal In You | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Jordan Raynor | The Sacredness of Secular Work | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Jordan Raynor | The Word Before Work | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Joshua Butler | The Party Crasher | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Joy in the Morning
- Joy In The Mourning – Steve Brown
- Joy to the world.
- Joy, joy, joy…down in my heart.
- Joy, joy, joy…down in my heart.
- Joy, the flag that flies over the castle when Jesus is in residence.
- Judgement is God’s business. Love is your business.
- Judging the judgers.
- Just be human and see where it leads.
- Just because I say so.
- Just because it’s God doesn’t mean it’s easy.
- Just because you get grace doesn’t mean you can forget grace.
- Just do it! Okay?
- Just do it…not!
- Just don’t leave.
- Just follow the light.
- Just give it up.
- Just give up on the church. It’s not working.
- Just like you, Jesus blew his nose.
- Just point to Jesus and get out of the way.
- Just point. That’ll be enough.
- Just run to Jesus. That’s it.
- Just Show
- Just show up.
- Just speak the truth…and don’t shilly-shally.
- Just talk about Christ and be quiet.
- Just the facts, ma’am, just the facts.
- Just the facts, ma’am, just the facts.
- Just the facts, ma’am, just the facts.
- Just the truth and nothing but the truth.
- Just the truth, nothing but the truth.
- Just the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
- Just the truth. Nothing but the truth.
- Just Us Is Just Fine | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Justice
- Justin & Lindsey Holcomb | God Made Babies | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Justin Brierley | The Fall Of New Atheism | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Justin Holcomb | God With Us | Steve Brown, Etc.
- K.J. Ramsey | The Lord Is My Courage | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Karen Hall | The Canceling Of A Priest | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Katharina and Martin Luther – Michelle DeRusha
- Kathleen Eaton-Bravo | Defeating Planned Parenthood | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Keep doing what you do and don’t you stop.
- Keep it in perspective.
- Keep it simple.
- Keep trying…until you can’t anymore.
- Ken Harrison – Rise of the Servant Kings
- Ken Harrison | A Daring Faith in a Cowardly World | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Ken Starr | Religious Liberty in Crisis | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Kendra Fletcher – Leaving the Church
- Kendra Fletcher – Leaving the Church (Re-air)
- Kenneth Samples | Christianity Cross-Examined | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Kevin Downes & Andy Erwin | The Best Christmas Pageant Ever | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Kevin Downes | Jesus Revolution | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Kevin Sorbo – True Strength
- Kevin Williams | Irrational Kindness | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Key Life on N.T. Wright
- Kick Him Out
- Kierkegaard: A Single Life – Stephen Backhouse
- Kimberly Iverson | The Antidote To Anxiety | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Kingdom Grace – Pete Alwinson
- Kiss that Demon on the Lips
- Kissin’ don’t last, cookin’ do.
- Kissin’ don’t last, cookin’ do.
- Know How We Got Our Bible – Dr. Ryan Reeves
- Know How We Got Our Bible – Dr. Ryan Reeves (Re-Air)
- Know thyself.
- Know-It-Alls
- Knowing the will of God…
- Knowledge and freedom go together.
- Knowledge and wisdom come from different places.
- Knowledge is not definitive, but it’s important.
- Kris DenBesten | Gracyn’s Song | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Kris DenBesten | Work That Impacts Eternity | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Kyle Mann | The Babylon Bee Guide to Wokeness | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Kyle Winkler | Permission To Be Imperfect | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Ladies, Lust & God’s Love – Sarah Taras
- Larry Dixon | Bless-ed | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Larry Loftis on Corrie Ten Boom | Steve Brown Etc.
- Last Call for Liberty – Dr. Os Guinness
- Lasting change requires continual repentance.
- Laugh when it’s inappropriate and cry when you shouldn’t.
- Laugh when you think of Home.
- Laughter
- Laughter
- Laughter and lament: you don’t believe it, but they go together.
- Laughter and love make this ship go
- Laughter is a gift Jesus gives to people he likes.
- Laura Childers | Homeless Not Hopeless | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Law, Gospel… and Movies – Dave Zahl
- Lawyers & God
- Lead with a story and follow with a point.
- Leah Payne | God Gave Rock And Roll To You | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Leaven makes the community rise.
- Leaving Legalism – Kendra Fletcher
- Lee Harvey Oswald
- Legalism is not only hard; it’s impossible.
- Lemons
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Lessons in Belonging – Erin Lane
- Let Go
- Let me introduce you to my good friend, Mary Magdalene.
- Let me introduce you to Stephen, a friend of mine.
- Let me tell you the rest of the story.
- Let the Holy Spirit remind you of Him.
- Let your light shine.
- Let your past be steel in your present.
- Let your past cure self-righteousness.
- Let’s do think about it.
- Let’s get down and party!
- Let’s get ready to rumble!
- Let’s go to a church meeting.
- Let’s go to dinner.
- Let’s pause, remember, and be glad.
- Let’s talk about booze.
- Let’s talk about death. Next week, we’ll talk about war and taxes.
- Let’s talk about election.
- Let’s talk about hallway experiences.
- Let’s talk about magic and slavery.
- Let’s talk about sex.
- Let’s talk about short-term assets and long-term liabilities.
- Let’s talk about the bane and the blessing of women.
- Let’s talk about the incredible scandal of the cross.
- Let’s talk about the normal Christian Life.
- Let’s talk about the second incarnation.
- Let’s talk about the sermons of Jesus the King.
- Let’s do a review.
- Let’s go back to basics.
- Let’s go heresy hunting.
- Let’s have a theological discussion on the subject of antinomy.
- Let’s have breakfast with Jesus!
- Let’s pray and see what happens.
- Let’s talk about acedia and I’ll explain what it is.
- Let’s talk about cranky Christians.
- Let’s talk about death.
- Let’s talk about infralapsarianism.
- Let’s talk about myths.
- Let’s talk about our Lord, the Holy Spirit.
- Let’s talk about the feminine image of God.
- Let’s talk about the godly way to forget.
- Let’s talk about the joy of boredom.
- Let’s talk about the motivational force of love.
- Let’s talk about the principle of strategic retreat.
- Let’s talk about the real Lord’s Prayer.
- Let’s talk about wolves that dress like sheep.
- Let’s visit a graveyard.
- Lies
- Lies Men Believe – Robert Wolgemuth
- Life is a process of losing everything.
- Life is a series of plateaus.
- Life is hard and then you die.
- Life is hard and then you die.
- Life is hard. We must be kind.
- Life is Scary
- Life on the Spectrum – Dr. Hugh Ross
- Life on the Spectrum – Dr. Hugh Ross (Re-Air)
- Life Principle
- Life with a Capital L – Matt Heard
- Lift up the cross. That’s enough.
- Light or Darkness
- Lighten up and let the light shine.
- Lights in the Sky & Little Green Men – Dr. Hugh Ross
- Likable?
- Like Esau, Jesus’ tears led to anger.
- Like Father, Like Son – Pete Alwinson
- Limit God at your peril.
- Lindsey & Justin Holcomb | Kids & Body Image | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Listen to cynical, old preachers. Sometimes they have something to say.
- Listen to the stories.
- Listen to your heart, but be careful.
- Listen up. It’s going to be all right…it really is.
- Listen, it really happened.
- Little Saviors – Marci Preheim
- Living in the Big House
- Living isn’t for sissies.
- Living Love in Disasters – Curt Moore
- Living Together Pt 01 – Steve Brown
- Living Together Pt 02 – Steve Brown
- Lock up new Christians for a year…maybe not.
- Loneliness is a curse.
- Look – Jim Gilmore
- Look for the remnant.
- Look in the mirror…and repent.
- Look up. It’s better than you think.
- Looking Back – Buddy Greene
- Looking for a breakthrough? You’re not the hero of your own story.
- Looking for peace? Go to the Prince.
- Looking Like Love
- Loopholes
- Lord Byron & Sir Walter Scott
- Lord, are you sure it’s you?
- Lord, give me a dose of my own medicine.
- Lord, give me patience…right now!
- Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.
- Lord, make me patient…right now!
- Lose My Religion
- Losing your spiritual passion is more common than you think.
- Lost & Found – Kendra Fletcher
- Lost & Found – Kendra Fletcher
- Lost & Found – Kendra Fletcher (Re-Air)
- Lost Sermon Notes
- Louis Markos | The Myth Made Fact | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Love
- Love
- Love always does something.
- Love and laughter go together.
- Love and power are twin sisters.
- Love doesn’t make sense unless you define it.
- Love happens.
- Love has a name.
- Love in response to goodness isn’t love…it’s reward.
- Love is defined by how much hair you’re willing to sell to the wigmaker.
- Love is magnified when you lose it.
- Love is not natural. Hate is.
- Love is sometimes embarrassing.
- Love isn’t always warm and fuzzy. Sometimes it’s hard as nails.
- Love isn’t natural and it’s not new either.
- Love isn’t natural.
- Love may not be what you think it is.
- Love Notes
- Love really doesn’t wait.
- Love Song
- Love That Lasts – Jeff Bethke
- Love That Lasts – Jeff Bethke (Re-Air)
- Love Them All
- Love…and let the devil take the hindmost.
- Luke is an old friend of mine. I’ll introduce you.
- Luke said, “Put your finger right here.”
- Luke, the beloved physician.
- Luke: Been there, done that.
- Lydia is a good friend of mine.
- Magnificent Sunset
- Major in Grace
- Make a list and check it twice.
- Make all the money you can and be faithful.
- Make enough noise so others hear.
- Make God laugh. Tell him your plans.
- Make sure it’s important before you do it.
- Make sure that the main thing is the main thing.
- Make sure that there’s room for him in your inn.
- Make sure you have some weird friends.
- Make sure you keep the main thing the main thing.
- Make sure your defense is sure.
- Making a Blended Family – Jerry Q. Parries
- Malpractice Lawyer
- Marci Henna | When We Last Spoke | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Margaret Thatcher
- Mark David Hall | America’s Founding
- Mark Goodman | Forgiving The Unforgivable | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Mark Noll | C.S. Lewis in America | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Mark Pinsky & Rusty Wright | The Odd Couple | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Marriage
- Marriage
- Marriage and the Mystery of the Gospel – Ray Ortlund
- Marriage Problems
- Marriage Proposal
- Marriage: We were made for this. Wait…what?
- Martin Luther – Eric Metaxas
- Marvin Olasky | Christian Contentment | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Mary a Ragamuffin – Steve Brown
- Marziyeh Amirizadeh | A Love Journey With God | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Masks & Gurus
- Matt Heard | Life With A Capital L | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Matt Popovits | Junk Drawer Jesus | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Max Lucado | God Never Gives Up On You | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Max Lucado | What Happens Next | Steve Brown, Etc.
- May I have a witness? Oh, I already have one.
- Maybe the devil did make you do it.
- McDonald’s
- Meaninglessness is a curse and if you’re a Christian, you don’t have to abide it.
- Meaninglessness, a horrible place to visit.
- Meekness isn’t what you think it is.
- Meeting Jesus
- Memories
- Men, Generations, and Grace 101.
- Mentoring is at the heart of the Christian faith.
- Mercedes
- Mercy
- Merry Christmas from everybody at Key Life!
- Messing Up
- Messy Grace – Caleb Kaltenbach
- Michael Card – Inexpressible
- Michael Card – Inexpressible (Re-air)
- Michael Card | Christ and Creativity | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Michael Cusick | Getting Sober
- Michael Graham | The Life of Jack Miller | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Michael Heiser | Stranger Things
- Michael Horton | Spiritual But Not Religious | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Michael Kruger | Bully Pulpit | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Michael Reeves | Delighting In The Trinity | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Michael Reeves | Evangelical Integrity | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Michael Reeves | Evangelical Pharisees | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Mike McKinley | Friendship With God | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Mike Morrell and Rainier Wylde – Living Wild
- Millions of people are going to hell…and you don’t care.
- Minor characters are never minor.
- Minority
- Minority rules.
- Minority rules.
- Miracles today…really?
- Mirror & Picture
- Misdirected zeal is a dangerous thing.
- Misery loves company.
- Mission Work in the Middle East
- Mister Preacher – Chad West
- Misunderstanding who the King is can get you in trouble.
- Mo Leverett | A Servant Song | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Modern culture is insufferable in their provincialism.
- Mom, Dad…What’s Sex? – Jessica Thompson & Joel Fitzpatrick
- Mom, Dad…What’s Sex? – Jessica Thompson & Joel Fitzpatrick (Re-Air)
- Money, money, money.
- Money, money, money.
- Monkeys with Fleas
- More bad news before we get to the good news.
- Morgan Snyder | Becoming a King | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Most atheists are afraid that God might be there.
- Most Christians cover their bets.
- Most people stay away from church…until they’re in trouble.
- Mother Earth is not my mother.
- Mother Nature is not nice.
- Mother Teresa
- Mount Everest
- Moving from acquaintance to friend is a big deal.
- Moving Mountains – John Eldredge
- Muhammad Ali
- My doer sometimes interferes with my wanter.
- My Exodus: From Fear to Grace – Alan & Leslie Chambers
- My Father
- My friend Ken was pretending.
- My friend Stephen
- My friends betray me and it hurts, but I will trust in you.
- My prayer life would surprise you.
- My Voice
- Myth, Reality and Christmas – Steve Brown
- N.T. Wright | Natural Theology
- Naive and Christian don’t dance well together.
- Naming a baby.
- Nate Pyle – More Than You Can Handle
- Necessity is the mother of invention…and other things.
- Neutrality isn’t difficult. It’s impossible.
- Never call ‘unclean’ what God calls ‘clean.’
- Never give up on them. Never.
- New Christians
- New Name
- New Year and the Kingdom – Steve Brown
- News flash: God loves sinners!
- Nick Lannon – Life is Impossible
- Nicole Abisinio | The Advocate | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Night Driving – Chad Bird
- Night Driving – Chad Bird (Re-Air)
- No Kickers
- No Kickers – Steve Brown
- No matter how far you run, you can’t outrun God.
- No matter how hard you try to be good, you’re not good enough.
- No matter what, God is in charge.
- No Normal Joy – Steve Brown
- No one is unacceptable to Jesus.
- No, the devil doesn’t own a red suit.
- Noah is Here
- Nobodies change the world.
- Nobody is strong all the time.
- Nobody killed Jesus. He did it himself.
- Noel Jesse Heikkinen – Wretched Saints
- Non-Scripture that, nevertheless, is Scripture.
- Noonday Demon 01 – Steve Brown
- Noonday Demon 02 – Steve Brown
- Noonday Demon 03 – Steve Brown
- Noonday Demon 04 – Steve Brown
- Not ‘Sex in the City,’ but God in the city.
- Not Finished Yet
- Not Floating Alone – Levi the Poet
- Not Floating Alone – Levi the Poet (Re-Air)
- Not My Boots
- Not only do you not have enough to buy it, you don’t have enough to use it.
- Nothing happening today.
- Nothing lasts.
- Obedience isn’t what you think.
- Obedience requires babysitters.
- Of course Jesus died. The question is, did He stay that way?
- Of Souls and Snowflakes – Tiffany Childs
- Oh, God, give us leaders.
- Oh, Peter…
- On Loving the Church – Steve Brown
- On the Cover
- On the Outside Looking In – Steve Brown
- Only a grain of sand on the endless beaches of eternity…NOT!
- Only God is perfectly angry and never sinfully.
- Open Season
- Optimists build the planes. Pessimists build the parachutes.
- Ordination Question
- Orphans
- Orthodoxy is good, but dangerous.
- Os Guinness | Carpe Diem Redeemed
- Os Guinness | Signals of Transcendence | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Os Guinness | The Magna Carta of Humanity | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Os Guinness | The Magna Carta of Humanity | Steve Brown, Etc. (Re-air)
- Os Guinness | Zero Hour America | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Others call us names, but God knows our name and calling.
- Our Bodyguard
- Our core longings are actually rooted in eternity.
- Our ego is far bigger than we think.
- Our Father
- Our Favorite Lib – Tony Campolo
- Our Fine
- Our God reigns.
- Our Heritage
- Our love is tainted…because it’s not free.
- Our Two Words – Justin Holcomb
- Our view of God is defined by how we pray.
- Out of the mouth of babes.
- Outside the Camp – Garth Cross
- Overcome the World
- Owners Manual for A New Creation – Steve Brown
- Pain
- Pain depends on who causes it.
- Pandemic Hugs
- Pantyhose Fan Belt
- Parenting with Grace – Paul Tripp
- Passion
- Pat Morley | From Broken Boy To Mended Man | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Pat Williams | Revolutionary Leadership | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Pathos and pain are a part of friendship.
- Patience and How I Achieved It – Steve Brown
- Paul changes sides.
- Paul D. Miller | Christian Nationalism | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Paul had a godly mean streak.
- Paul had two names. What’s with that?
- Paul Miller – J-Curve
- Paul was great . . . but not for the reasons you think.
- Paul Young & Baxter Kruger | The Shack – 17 Years Later (Re-air) | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Paul Young & Baxter Kruger | The Shack – 17 Years Later | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Paul Zahl | Grace in Practice | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Paying Debts – Steve Brown
- Pearls
- Pedagogy can kill Christmas.
- People often believe the Bible because they don’t know what it says.
- People to Be Loved – Preston Sprinkle
- People to Be Loved – Preston Sprinkle (Re-Air)
- People will lie to you.
- Perception is not always reality.
- Perspective
- Perspective
- Pete Alwinson / Matt Heard / Justin Holcomb / Jerry Parries | Voices of Key Life | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Peter, what were you thinking?
- Peter’s denial of Jesus is an epic failure, but it’s not the last word on him.
- Philip Plyming | Being Real | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Philip Yancey | Fearfully & Wonderfully
- Philip Yancey | Fearfully & Wonderfully (Re-air)
- Philip Yancey | Where The Light Fell | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Phony Money
- Picasso
- Pictures never lie…mostly.
- Pictures on a refrigerator: a definition of love.
- Pictures on a refrigerator.
- Pigs, prostitutes and papa.
- Pilate was…an idiot.
- Pinch the Baby
- Piosity can be a cloak for vested interest.
- Pipe Dreams
- Plague
- Play hard, but work hard, too.
- Playing poker with phony money.
- Please, Father, I’ll do it myself!
- Pneumatology, Perception and Power – Steve Brown
- Poker
- Poker
- Poker, Patience and Providence – Steve Brown
- Poker, Peace and Piety – Steve Brown
- Poker, Praise and Power – Steve Brown
- Politics and Jesus.
- Politics in the church? But of course.
- Pomposity
- Post-Traumatic Church Syndrome – Reba Riley
- Power doesn’t come from where you think.
- Power in Weakness
- Power vs Authority
- Power, wonder-working power.
- Praise God…even if you don’t want to.
- Pray that you get home before the dark.
- Prayer
- Prayer
- Prayer
- Preparation, not yours, but God’s.
- Preparing for “D.D. Day.”
- Present At The Beginning – Steve Brown
- President Nixon
- Preston Sprinkle | Exiles | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Preston Sprinkle | The Bible and Same-Sex Marriage | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Preston Sprinkle | Understanding Transgenderism – Part 2 | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Preston Sprinkle | Understanding Transgenderism | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Presumption will kill you.
- Presuppositional apologetics.
- Pretending will kill you.
- Principles, not promises.
- Prison
- Prodigals & The Far Country – Steve Brown
- Prodigals and the Far Country – Steve Brown
- Prone to wander? Of course you are.
- Pronouns are important.
- Prostitution, incest, death…the way to the manger.
- Protect your friends and they will rise up and call you blessed.
- Protect your life too carefully and you’ll lose it.
- Psalty the Big Blue Singing Songbook changed my life.
- Pseudonym
- Puppies and Jesus
- Pure water through a dirty pipe.
- Purity & Love
- Purity may not be what you think it is.
- Put some salt on it.
- Quality control works at McDonald’s, but it never works in the church.
- Quentin Schultze | You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out! | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Questions to make you think.
- Quid Inferorum.
- Quit obsessing about God’s will for your life.
- Quit trying to fix everything.
- Rachel Gilson | Born Again This Way
- Rachel Joy Welcher | Talking Back to Purity Culture | Steve Brown Etc.
- Racial divisions. Jesus really is the answer.
- Racial prejudice in the Bible.
- Radical feminism and God.
- Radical Grace
- Rags
- Rahab God Remembers the Enemy – Steve Brown
- Rahab the Harlot, Matthew the Traitor, Zach the Liar.
- Rat Race
- Ray Ortlund | The Death of Porn | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Ray Ortlund | The Death of Porn | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Ray Ortlund | You’re Not Crazy | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Read the psalms of lament, but live in the psalms of praise.
- Reading Mysteries
- Real freedom is rewarded by more freedom.
- Real Love
- Real love isn’t blind.
- Really Bad News – Steve Brown
- Reasonably Good People
- Receive it and say, “Thank You”.
- Reconstructing the Gospel – Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove
- Redeeming Christmas Boredom – Steve Brown
- Redemption
- Redemption accomplished and applied.
- Regret
- Rejoice! He’ll never kick you out.
- Relax, It Is Really Finished – Steve Brown
- Relax, It Is Really Finished – Steve Brown
- Relax. Let the Holy Spirit do the work.
- Religion
- Religion
- Religion and power…a very bad mix.
- Religion can kill you if you let it.
- Religion can mess with your mind.
- Religion is a powerful motivator.
- Religion, Rules, and Radicals – Steve Brown
- Remember
- Remember to remember.
- Remember where He found you.
- Remember where He found you.
- Remember, for God’s sake, remember.
- Render to Caesar even if you don’t like it.
- Repent and worship. You’ll be glad you did.
- Repent, and then you rejoice.
- Repent, but for God’s sake, do it right.
- Repent! Quick! And it’s different than you think.
- Repent! The end is near.
- Repent! The world is coming to an end…maybe.
- Repent. For God’s sake, repent.
- Repentance is all about grace.
- Repentance isn’t change. It’s the way God changes us.
- Repentance leads to freedom, joy, and faithfulness.
- Repercussions of slavery.
- Resistance and guilt. There’s a connection.
- Restraining Angels
- Revenge trumps everything else.
- Reviving Old Scratch – Richard Beck
- Rich Father
- Richard Beck | Trains, Jesus, and Murder
- Richard Foster & Brenda Quinn | Learning Humility | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Rick Gillert | Crossing the Bar | Pastors’ Chat
- Rip off the mask. You’ll be glad you did.
- Risk and laugh. They go together.
- Risk In Poker
- Robert Michaels | Serve and Protect | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Robert Wolgemuth | Gun Lap | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Robert Wolgemuth | Men And The Bible | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Roger Parrott | Opportunity Leadership | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Rosaria Butterfield | 5 Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Roughing It
- Rufus is a friend of mine.
- Russell Moore | Losing Our Religion | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Rusty Wright | Advocacy Apologetics
- Ruth Graham | Forgiving My Father
- Safety can kill you.
- Saint Teresa
- Saints
- Salami coming through the rye.
- Salvation
- Salvation Army Band
- Sam Collier | A Greater Story | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Satan accuses.
- Say what you mean and mean what you say.
- Saying goodbye is sometimes really hard.
- SBE Christmas Special
- Science says, “You are matter.” The Bible says, “You do matter.”
- Scot McKnight – Reading Romans Backwards
- Scot McKnight | Revelation For The Rest Of Us | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Scott Sauls | A Gentle Answer | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Scott Sauls | Redeeming Regret, Hurt, and Fear | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Sculptor
- Second Forgetting – Dr. Benjamin Mast
- Secure in the arms of a God who will never let you go.
- Seeing is not believing.
- Seeing is not believing. Believing is seeing.
- Self-help can’t fix original sin.
- Self-interest is not the best way to make a witness.
- Self-Righteousness
- Self-righteousness will kill you.
- Sell your coat and buy a gun, what’s with that?
- Seminary In A Box | Richard Pratt | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Sensitivity and tolerance are not curse words.
- Separation is a sin, but it’s a remedy, too.
- Serenity Prayer
- Serious?
- Serve Jesus, but don’t be surprised by the riot.
- Setting Captives Free
- Seven Women – Eric Metaxas
- Sex is good. Shame messes it up. God covers our shame.
- Sex points us to the heart of God.
- Sex, lies, and hopefully no videotape.
- Sex. Yup, I said it again, so let’s talk about again.
- Sex. Yup, I said it. Now let’s talk about it.
- Shadows Of Reality – Steve Brown
- Shai Held | Judaism Is About Love | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Shallow people live shallow lives and never find the truth.
- Shane J. Wood – Between Two Trees
- Sharon Betters & Susan Hunt | Aging With Grace | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Sharon Hersh | Belonging | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Sharon Risher – Hope and Forgiveness
- She’s your mother.
- Sheep have to have a shepherd or they die.
- Shock and awe are hardly ever associated with a Christian witness.
- Shooting a Revolver
- Should women preach to men?
- Should you be afraid of God?
- Show me mercy…please.
- Show me the results of your redemption and I’ll believe in your Redeemer.
- Show Them Jesus – Jack Klumpenhower
- Side observations are very important.
- Simple Faith
- Sin & Restoration
- Sin begets sin. It’s a cycle that needs a breakthrough.
- Sin is always paid for on the installment plan.
- Sin is bad, God is good and people are crazy.
- Sin is sometimes a confirmation.
- Sin is what it is…deal with it.
- Sin now. Repent later. No!
- Sin numbs and it also deceives.
- Sing and dance, but don’t forget to worship.
- Sinners
- Sinners, Sufferers & Grace
- Sitting on a Tack
- Skydiving
- Slander and sanctification. They go together.
- Slavery in Sudan – Pastor Heidi McGinness
- Slaves don’t recruit slaves.
- Slay the dragon and then dance.
- Sleeping in a barn doesn’t make you a horse.
- Snipe Hunting
- So you’ve repented, now what?
- So, are you going to be a spiritual baby all your life?
- Socrates said, “Know thyself.” Jesus can help.
- Some Christians are like a radio with batteries gone dead.
- Some Christians take communion with persimmon wine.
- Some Gods Need Killin’
- Some people listen but don’t hear.
- Some things are indefensible.
- Some things are true and some aren’t
- Some things are worth tears.
- Some things aren’t fixable.
- Some things only God can do.
- Somebody else paid the bill. Don’t you hate it?
- Sometimes a war surprises the soldiers.
- Sometimes an illustration is better than instruction.
- Sometimes being nice is an effort to be accepted.
- Sometimes charity does begin at home.
- Sometimes Christians just don’t get along.
- Sometimes faithfulness will cost you.
- Sometimes God is an enigma.
- Sometimes God takes away the normal.
- Sometimes I surprise everybody—and me—with my goodness.
- Sometimes it’s hard for mercy to walk with truth.
- Sometimes it’s easy to miss the truth because of your truth.
- Sometimes Jesus comes in secret.
- Sometimes Jesus leaves the church.
- Sometimes kindness doesn’t sound kind.
- Sometimes love doesn’t feel like love.
- Sometimes people just don’t listen.
- Sometimes political power isn’t worth dink.
- Sometimes the best witness is silence.
- Sometimes the stories of God are confusing.
- Sometimes the thrill is gone.
- Sometimes the truth is offensive.
- Sometimes the world is better when somebody dies.
- Sometimes we need to be reminded more than taught.
- Sometimes we need to be reminded that truth is true.
- Sometimes we’re like a radio with the battery gone dead.
- Sometimes you can be too smart for your own good.
- Sometimes you got to listen to be heard.
- Sometimes you have to be blind to see.
- Sometimes you have to choose between political and spiritual power.
- Sometimes you have to go where God is or you miss him.
- Sometimes you have to stand when it hurts.
- Sometimes you need to walk away from the fire.
- Sometimes, not always, but sometimes, God fixes things.
- Soul Music
- Speak to God about people before you speak to people about God.
- Speak truth and I promise, they know.
- Speak truth to power anyway.
- Speak truth to power.
- Speak truth to power.
- Speak truth. Don’t argue.
- Speak where God speaks. Be quiet when he doesn’t.
- Speak words of truth and grace. That heals.
- Speaking Truth to Power – Steve Brown
- Spend time with Jesus, but don’t leave until you’ve been loved.
- Spiritual power isn’t what you think it is.
- Squeeze a toothpaste tube and what’s in it will come out.
- Stalin
- Stay away from pagan shrinks.
- Steal Away Home – Matt Carter & Aaron Ivey
- Stephen changed the world…not me, the other one.
- Stephen Kendrick | Show Me The Father | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Stephen Mansfield | Men on Fire
- Steve Brown – Fighting With Family
- Steve Brown – Talk the Walk
- Steve Brown | An A.I. Steve? | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Steve Brown | Christmas 2024 | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Steve Brown | Christmas Show 2019
- Steve Brown | Christmas Show 2022 | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Steve Brown | Christmas Show 2023 | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Steve Brown | Easter Show 2024 | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Steve Brown | Home (But Not) Alone
- Steve Brown | Laughter and Lament | SBE
- Steve Brown | Political (G)race
- Steve Brown | Quarantine Edition
- Steve Brown | Quarantine Edition (Re-air)
- Steve Brown | Setting the Record Straight | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Steve Brown | Speaking Truth to Power | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Steve Brown | Thanksgiving 2022 | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Steve Brown | Where Do We Go From Here?
- Steve Brown Etc. – Forgiveness
- Steve Brown Etc. – Forgiveness (Re-air)
- Steve Brown, Etc. – Race and the Church (Re-air)
- Steve Brown, Etc. | Pandemics and Politics
- Steve Brown, Etc. Grace Party!
- Steve McKinney | The Gospel Of Fitness | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Stick to Jesus
- Stick With It
- Sticking Out of the Suitcase
- Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me…Not.
- Stress (From an Expert) – Steve Brown
- Struggling with Truth
- Stubbornness and stupidity go together.
- Study the Scriptures. I promise it will make a difference.
- Submission is not a dirty word.
- Submit and then see what God does.
- Submit to authority except…
- Subvention is a word I’m going to define for you.
- Success in Business
- Suffering & Gospel Hope – Dr. Paul Tripp
- Sugar Daddy
- Surprise, you’re on Candid Camera!
- Surprise! They’re like us.
- Surprise! You’re like God.
- Surprising Goodness
- Susie – Ray Rhodes
- Symbols point to the reality. They aren’t the reality.
- Take the time to compare. You might be surprised.
- Take the time. You’ve got it.
- Take your propositions to the wall.
- Takers are sour. Givers know joy.
- Talk The Walk
- Tears
- Television eliminates God. That’s why it’s so silly.
- Tell your kids you’re proud of them…even if you’re not sure.
- Tenacity in Prayer – Steve Brown & Pete Alwinson
- Thank God I don’t have to pretend anymore.
- Thank You
- Thankfulness
- Thanking God
- Thanking God
- Thanksgiving 2023 | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Thanksgiving 2024 | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Thanksgiving is about tasting, but it’s not just about tasting the food.
- That house you’re building is leaking.
- That which costs nothing is worth nothing.
- That’s My Dad! – Joe Battaglia
- The ‘true you’ may not be much better than the ‘false you.’
- The 9 Arts of Spiritual Conversations – Mary Schaller & John Crilly
- The amazing and wonderful gift of friendship.
- The amazing ripples of grace.
- The Art of Law and Gospel – RJ Grunewald
- The Art of Law and Gospel – RJ Grunewald (Re-Air)
- The Art of Rest – Adam Mabry
- The audience determines the message.
- The awesome power of the cross of Christ.
- The Babylon Bee Book – Kyle Mann
- The Best Father You Ever Had – Steve Brown
- The best witness we give to the world is our love for each other.
- The Bible doesn’t assume goodness. You shouldn’t either.
- The Bible is a crazy book.
- The Bible is primarily for us…not them.
- The Bible makes absolute claims absolutely.
- The Bible says it. I believe it. It’s enough.
- The Bible speaks to your left brain and your right.
- The Bible wasn’t written so we could win arguments.
- The Bible: the book that understands me.
- The Big Ten
- The bigger the light, the bigger the shadow.
- The Biggest Sinner
- The Blessed Curse – Steve Brown
- The blessed curse.
- The Boldness We Fear
- The Boldness We Fear – Steve Brown
- The Breath of God – Steve Brown
- The brotherhood of man under the fatherhood of God is spurious.
- The Bully
- The Burden Is Light – Jon Tyson
- The Challenge of Jesus – Full Interview with N.T. Wright
- The Christian faith and happy circumstances don’t always dance together.
- The Christian faith and happy circumstances don’t always go together.
- The Christian faith is crazy…crazy like a fox.
- The Christian faith is not in doing. It’s in being.
- The Christian life is not a chore. It’s so much better than that.
- The Christian witness is always a before and after.
- The Christmas season can be anything but peaceful, but you can find it, and we’ll tell you how.
- The church is a beta version of future glory.
- The church is full of hypocrites and I’m one of them.
- The church is messy. Deal with it!
- The church is we, not me.
- The Church of Peter…no.
- The church will get sick, but it won’t die.
- The concern of Jesus Christ is limited.
- The contentment of a cow is only for cows.
- The cross of Christ will get your attention.
- The cross, the death…for you.
- The cross: the place where mercy and justice meet, and dance together.
- The Cure – John Lynch
- The Dark Ages
- The Day Jesus Cried – Steve Brown
- The Death of Evangelism – Steve Brown
- The devil is real and he doesn’t like you a bit.
- The devil is real and he doesn’t like you at all.
- The devil is scary. God is scarier.
- The devil made me do it! No, he didn’t.
- The devil made me do it.
- The devil won’t leave the church alone.
- The devil’s biggest trick is to get you not to believe in him.
- The devil’s trinity is scary.
- The Devils Trinity – Steve Brown
- The dragon has been slain but his tail still swishes.
- The dragon’s been slain…but his tail still swishes.
- The election and Christmas.
- The Enemies We Demonize
- The Etcetera Gang | Summer Spectacular | Steve Brown, Etc.
- The Failure We Foster
- The family knows the family’s secrets.
- The family of God…the terrible meek.
- The father of lies loves to use the truth against us.
- The Father You Need – Pete Alwinson
- The flesh isn’t always bad.
- The flesh shouts, ‘Me!’ The Spirit shouts, ‘Him!’
- The Fortune Teller
- The Fruit of Suffering
- The fruit of the Spirit is self-righteousness…no, it’s not.
- The fruit of the Spirit is your heritage.
- The Future
- The Gang’s All Here | Steve Brown, Etc.
- The gift of addiction. What’s that about?
- The Gift of Hope – Steve Brown
- The glory of God…Doesn’t he shine?!
- The God of peace is not always that peaceful.
- The Good News of Cheap Grace
- The Gospel is not just propositions.
- The Gospel is our business.
- The Gospel is sometimes proclaimed by pagans.
- The Gospel of John begins in Genesis.
- The Gospel with a House Key – Rosaria Butterfield
- The great imposter.
- The Great Physician
- The Greatest Christian
- The greatest Christians are often nameless.
- The greatest power on the face of the earth is the cross of Christ.
- The greatest story ever told.
- The Guilty
- The hand that rocks the cradle.
- The Heart of Man – Tray & Melody Lovvorn
- The heresy of the question, ‘What’s your favorite book of the Bible?’. The answer to that and other questions.
- The History of Israel – Pete Alwinson
- The Holy Spirit accomplishes God’s purposes.
- The Holy Spirit is attracted to sin.
- The Humanity that Sets Us Free
- The Imperfect Disciple – Jared Wilson
- The Imperfect Disciple – Jared Wilson (Re-Air)
- The implications of death.
- The Justice Calling – Bethany Hoang & Kristen Deede Johnson
- The key is love and you can’t love until you’ve been loved.
- The King and the kingdom.
- The King of the universe came to save and serve you.
- The King who became a servant.
- The kingdom is eternal and so are you.
- The kingdom manifesto. How am I supposed to live anyway?
- The kingdom manifesto. How should I really live?
- The kingdom of God is at hand. The party has already started.
- The kingdom of God, where did it begin?
- The Last Breakfast – Steve Brown
- The Laughter of the Redeemed – Steve Brown
- The Laughter of the Redeemed – Steve Brown
- The laughter of the redeemed.
- The Law & Success
- The law will set you free if you understand it properly.
- The Lord’s Prayer
- The love of God secured the cross of Christ.
- The Main Thing
- The Mainstream
- The majority is wrong…a lot.
- The Marriage Supper of the Lamb – Steve Brown
- The masks aren’t the reality but it feels like it.
- The Masks We Wear
- The message of the cross is… well… scandalous.
- The Monday After Sunday – Steve Brown
- The most wicked man in the church.
- The music is real.
- The Mysterious Stranger
- The mystery is solved in Jesus.
- The Name of God – Steve Brown
- The name of the nameless.
- The nature of grace is to surprise you.
- The New Activist – Eddie Kaufholz
- The New Activist – Eddie Kaufholz (Re-Air)
- The New Believer’s Guide – Alex Early
- The New Believer’s Guide – Alex Early (Re-Air)
- The New Believer’s Guide – Alex Early (Re-Air)
- The New Testament is God’s supplement in the Bible.
- The next minute may change your life.
- The ocean is so big and my boat is so little.
- The Only Game in Town
- The only true Somebody became nobody for us.
- The Other Sins
- The Passion of the Christ.
- The past is no barrier to the future where God’s grace is concerned.
- The past is the past. Bury it.
- The Path We Avoid
- The people of God need the people of God.
- The Perfect Woman – Lauren Larkin
- The Perfection We Desire
- The personal is important.
- The poor give gifts to the rich.
- The power of a committed marriage.
- The power of the incarnation is not what you think it is.
- The Power to Stop Pretending
- The President
- The Pressure is Off – Steve Brown
- The Prime Mover
- The Prince
- The Principle of Praise – Steve Brown
- The priority is the Kingdom.
- The prison door is unlocked.
- The promise of the law is a dead end.
- The proof is in the pudding.
- The proper care of new Christians.
- The Punishing Plagues of Putting People on Pedestals
- The purpose of prophecy isn’t what you think.
- The question isn’t, “Are you committed to Jesus?” but, “Is He committed to you?”
- The question of importance: Who gets the credit?
- The Real Deal
- The Real God
- The reality of believing: How do you know?
- The really good news follows the bad news.
- The reason you feel helpless is because you are.
- The Reckless Love of God – Alex Early
- The Reckless Love of God – Alex Early (Re-Air)
- The regulative principle.
- The Rest of the Story – Steve Brown
- The rest of the story.
- The resurrection of Christ is a fact. So what?
- The rich need God, too.
- The road to a good self-image is different than what you think.
- The Road to Dawn – Jared Brock
- The road to freedom is circuitous.
- The sacrament of washing feet.
- The Safest Place
- The Secret of Contentment – Steve Brown
- The Seed: A True Myth – Erik Guzman
- The Shocking Debut of Jesus Ministry – Pete Alwinson
- The Show Before Christmas
- The Silence of God pt 1 – Steve Brown
- The Silence of God pt 2- Steve Brown
- The Silence of God pt 3 – Steve Brown
- The Silence of God pt 4 – Steve Brown
- The sin of Achan…Who’s Achan?
- The Skit Guys | Family Camp Movie | Steve Brown, Etc.
- The Song of the Angels – Steve Brown
- The sound of a hammer heard around the world.
- The Sound of a Stone – Steve Brown
- The Sound of Exploding Wineskins – Steve Brown
- The Sound of Music
- The Spirit inside you is better than Jesus beside you.
- The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
- The Supremacy of Jesus in Our Souls – Steve Brown
- The surprising job description of the Holy Spirit.
- The teacher doesn’t understand.
- The Tears of Jesus – Steve Brown
- The Tears of Jesus Pt1 – Steve Brown
- The Tears of Jesus Pt2 – Steve Brown
- The Tears of Jesus Pt3 – Steve Brown
- The terrible meek. That’s us.
- The Trinity is God’s mutual joy and extraverted communion.
- The Trinity isn’t crazy. It’s life.
- The trouble with a living sacrifice…keeps crawling off the altar.
- The True King is Here – Pete Alwinson
- The true prodigal son is the older brother.
- The truth will kill off a lie.
- The Ultimate Father – Steve Brown
- The Universe
- The Violin
- The wages of sin is death.
- The waiting is the hardest part.
- The walk of the flesh isn’t what you think it is.
- The Way Back – Phil Cooke
- The way by the wayside.
- The way Jesus accepts us leads us to accept him.
- The Way to Boldness
- The Weird Ways of God – Steve Brown
- The will of God is confusing.
- The world says, ‘Have a drink and forget.’ Jesus says, ‘Drink and remember.’
- The world says, ‘Have a drink and forget.’ Jesus says, ‘Drink and remember.’
- The world says, ‘Forget it.’ Jesus says, ‘Remember.
- The world will never starve for want of wonders, but only for a want of wonder.
- The worst thing that can happen to you is not a bad hair day.
- Then Jesus came. That will fix your doubts.
- There are some things you shouldn’t talk about at church.
- There are three mistakes we can make in the presence of pain.
- There are times when a Christian must say, “It’s not going to happen. No.”
- There are two kingdoms. You’re in one of them.
- There can only be one hero in the story…and you’re not it.
- There is a difference between petition and praise.
- There is a difference between woundedness and brokeness.
- There is a law behind the law.
- There is a price to be paid for friendship.
- There is a short-term benefit to sin.
- There is a sin that is normal.
- There is an earthy side of the Christian faith.
- There is enough ocean and enough of God’s grace.
- There is religious sin.
- There is true truth.
- There really are demons.
- There really is a God.
- There really is a thin blue line.
- There really is power in praise.
- There really is power in the name of Jesus.
- There was no election for King Jesus.
- There’s a connection between praise and power.
- There’s a difference between a fact and a problem.
- There’s a new heaven and a new earth on the way.
- There’s a revealed process of separation.
- There’s a right and wrong way to get a good self-image.
- There’s a sacrament in shaking the dust off your feet.
- There’s a danger of a witness being more confusing than enlightening.
- There’s a difference between a brother and sister, and a neighbor.
- There’s a difference between answering questions and meeting needs.
- There’s a lot more that you don’t know.
- There’s a real Jesus and there’s a phony Jesus.
- There’s no excuse. Quit looking for one.
- There’s power in family secrets.
- There’s something about the feminine that shows us the heart of God.
- They call it therapy; we call it Jesus.
- They can’t take that from us.
- They don’t like us at all.
- They don’t care. They don’t give a rip.
- They don’t know better than you know.
- They just don’t understand, so explain it.
- They know. I don’t care what they say. They know.
- They lied about Paul. You too sometimes.
- They said I would grow out of it, but I didn’t.
- They’re lying to us.
- They’re yours, so deal with it.
- Things are bad.
- Things are not always what they seem.
- Thirst is a gift from God.
- Thirsty
- This is not a time to shilly-shally.
- This stuff is not easy.
- This stuff is really true.
- This stuff is true. Check it out.
- This week, Dr. Justin Holcomb. Is it all my fault?
- This week, Erik Guzman on radical grace and radical discipline.
- This week, Pete Alwinson, and how grace makes men.
- This week: Zach Van Dyke and how grace makes you better.
- Thom Rainer | 5 Traps That Kill Churches | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Thom Rainer | I Am A Christian | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Three Sons
- Three Startling Statements
- Thrones
- Throw that rod down.
- Thunderstorms
- Time is a lot more important than you think.
- Timing is important with wine and revelation.
- Tired of You
- Tish Harrison Warren | Prayer In The Night | Steve Brown, Etc.
- To be known and loved by Jesus is a big deal.
- To Be Remembered
- To forgive is to set the prisoner free and discover the prisoner was you.
- To say that God is Father is astonishing.
- To the Jews first.
- Today another lesser-known parable. Last time, workers. This time, a party.
- Today I’m going to get into trouble. Nothing new.
- Today may change your life.
- Today, A Duck and Her Girl: A True Tail.
- Today, a pretty well-known lesser-known parable.
- Today, the methodology of the Spirit.
- Today, the sermon that saved 3,000 souls.
- Toilet Grenade
- Tom Krattenmaker – Confessions of a Secular Jesus Follower
- Tom Wood | Getting Everything for Nothing | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Toxic religion can kill you.
- Tragedy is sometimes a gift.
- Train Your Replacement
- Travis Vining | God and Dogs | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Tremper Longman | The Bible and the Ballot
- Trevin Wax | Deconstructing Faith | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Trevin Wax | The Thrill of Orthodoxy | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Trials are a good thing? Are you kidding me?
- Trouble happens because of God’s Spirit.
- Trouble in River City.
- Trouble in the church isn’t new.
- Trouble, trouble, everywhere.
- True Belief
- Truisms
- Trust God
- Trust God…but keep your powder dry.
- Trusting is really, really hard.
- Truth
- Truth
- Truth
- Truth
- Truth can be a bomb.
- Truth comes from some strange places.
- Truth divides.
- Truth is a proposition…but it’s also a Person.
- Truth is sometimes really hard.
- Truth is still truth even if you don’t believe it.
- Truth is true…because it’s true.
- Truth is true…because it’s true.
- Truth just doesn’t stand there; it does stuff.
- Truth matters.
- Truth must be made personal or it’s not worth dink.
- Truth trumps heritage.
- Truth With Tears – Steve Brown
- Truth without love is dangerous. Love without truth is schmaltz.
- Tuning Fork
- Turbulence
- Turning Wine Into Water – Steve Brown
- Two kinds of people: sinners who know it and sinners who don’t.
- Ugly Groom
- Ugly in a nudist colony.
- Uh…let me clarify.
- Ultimate Truth
- Umbrellas
- Unbelievers are afraid that God might be there.
- Unburdened – Michael Todd Wilson
- Unchained – Noel Jesse Heikkinen
- Undefended – Daniel Bush
- Undone Redone – Tray & Melody Lovvorn
- Undone Redone – Tray & Melody Lovvorn (Re-Air)
- Uneducated, common, and dangerous.
- Unexpected
- Unfriended – Joe Battaglia
- Uninformed Christians
- Unparalleled – Jared Wilson
- Unqualified Christians – Steve Brown
- Uptight Christians
- V.S.I. I’ll explain.
- Vacuum Evangelism
- Vengeful Yahweh and gentle Jesus.
- Veterinarian and Taxidermist
- Voddie Baucham | The Ever-Loving Truth | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Voices Of Key Life | State Of The Church | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Wait and See
- Wait and Watch
- Wait awhile before you call it a failure.
- Waiting
- Waiting in the Dark – Steve Brown
- Waiting in The Dark – Steve Brown
- Walking Home Together – Chaplain Mike Mercer
- Wanna Live Forever?
- Want to be a witness for Jesus? Be quiet.
- Want to be light in a dark world?
- Want to know how to believe?
- Want to know what God’s like? Look at Jesus.
- Wanting more isn’t always a sin.
- Was Jesus a vegetarian?
- Was Jesus a vegetarian?
- Was John the Baptist Elijah?
- Was that a good meal or what?
- Was that baby really God? Of course!
- Was the American Revolution biblical?
- Was there pain before the fall?
- Watch for the theophanies.
- Watch for the twits and take names.
- Watch how people react to an important event. You’ll know them.
- Watch out for divine appointments.
- Watch out for the fiery coal.
- Watch what God is doing and go there.
- We are all culpable.
- We are created in Christ Jesus for good works.
- We are here for each other.
- We are not Quietists.
- We ask, “What shall we do?” And Jesus says, “That’s not the question.”
- We can learn a lot from my friend Simeon.
- We can teach truth without telling the truth.
- We can’t do this by ourselves.
- We don’t get to select our sin.
- We don’t just long for justice. We love revenge.
- We have a big God, but sometimes we say, ‘Where are you, God?’
- We have to walk this lonesome valley alone.
- We live in a gotcha culture. You be careful.
- We need a mirror…even if we don’t like what it shows.
- We need to stop apologizing and explaining, and start presenting.
- We say, “I can’t do it.” God says, “I’ll do it for you.”
- We see Jesus better together.
- We should return to the early church but not for the reasons you think.
- We suffer from spiritual exhaustion which is the fruit of our human sinfulness.
- We Will Be Restored – Steve Brown
- We worship a practical God.
- We would create a God more to our liking.
- We’ll either hang together or hang separately from the gallows.
- We’re all catholic. I’ll explain.
- We’re cursed…and it’s a blessing.
- We’re examples and we can’t help it.
- We’re here for them.
- We’re in trouble…bad trouble.
- We’re not in control (bad news). God is (good news).
- We’re stuck with each other. Deal with it!
- We’ve talked about the bad news. Now, the good news.
- We’ll stand together or we’ll hang separately.
- We’re a part of the fellowship of friends.
- We’re all sheep. Guess what? Sheep are dumb.
- We’re called to be pointers.
- We’re called to be servants and I don’t like it any more than you do.
- We’re coming up on a new year. Will you be faithful?
- We’re connected—you and me.
- We’re counting the gold.
- We’re here for them.
- We’re here for them. Jesus was too.
- We’re in a supernatural battle but it’s already won.
- We’re involved in a massive cover-up.
- We’re not as smart as we think we are.
- We’re not big enough to be small.
- We’re not God. Deal with it.
- We’re part of a club where the only qualification is not being qualified.
- We’re right and they’re wrong.
- We’re right and they’re wrong.
- We’re saved by faith alone, but not by a faith that remains alone.
- We’re scared of death because we’re driving without windows.
- We’re sinners…but there are some good parts.
- Weakness
- Were there birthdays in the Bible?
- What about “mistakes in the Bible”? The answer to that and other questions.
- What about “wizards that peep and mutter?”
- What about abortion? The answer to that and other questions.
- What about apostles today?
- What about appropriate dress at worship?
- What about astrology? The answer to that and other questions.
- What about being a Mason?
- What about Benny Hinn and Joel Osteen?
- What about blessings and curses in the Bible?
- What about books mentioned in the Bible but not in the Bible? The answer to that and other questions.
- What about booze?
- What about Christians and mental illness?
- What about cremation?
- What about cremation?
- What about cremation? The answer to that and other questions.
- What about different denominations if we all believe the truth?
- What about dinosaurs?
- What about election?
- What about evolution?
- What about fair-weather Christians?
- What about gambling?
- What about gambling?
- What about God and baldness? The answer to that and other questions.
- What about guns and trusting God?
- What about Judas?
- What about language as in cussing? The answer to that and other questions.
- What about long hair?
- What about pagans in the church?
- What about politics?
- What about prophecy today?
- What about purgatory?
- What about speaking in tongues?
- What about the book, The Cure?
- What about the clear teaching of the Bible on head coverings?
- What about The Fifth Epochal Revelation book? The answer to that and other questions.
- What about the Freemasons?
- What about the Holy Spirit?
- What about the languages of the Old Testament…a contradiction?
- What about the past?
- What about the Trinity?
- What about transubstantiation?
- What about Wicca? The answer to that and other questions.
- What are men like in the church today?
- What are you doing here?
- What are you hungry and thirsty for?
- What are you laughing about? This is bad.
- What did Jesus mean by “eating my flesh and drinking my blood”?
- What did Jesus mean when he said that he didn’t come to destroy the law?
- What did Jesus mean when he said, “Depart from me, I never knew you?” The answer to that and other questions.
- What did you say that for?
- What difference does grace make?
- What do you do about a church where the Gospel isn’t preached?
- What do you do if you love someone and they won’t love you back?
- What do you do if you love someone who isn’t worthy of your love?
- What do you do in the in-between times?
- What do you do when it gets really dark?
- What do you do when you’re living a lie and it all starts to fall apart?
- What do you know?
- What do you mean by ‘Christian’? The answer to that and other questions.
- What do you mean, ‘no works’?
- What do you mean, “You’re free to sin”? The answer to that and other questions.
- What do you think God sees when he looks at you?
- What do you want?
- What do you want?
- What does “absent from the body” mean? The answer to that and other questions.
- What Does He Think Of Me?
- What does it mean to be “dead in your sins?” The answer to that and other questions.
- What does it mean to have the “keys to the kingdom?” The answer to that and other questions.
- What does it mean to walk in the light?
- What does it take to get saved? Let’s ask Zacchaeus.
- What does the Bible teach about divorce and remarriage?
- What does the Bible teach about slavery?
- What does the Bible tell us about grace?
- What exactly are we supposed to repent of?
- What God begins, he always ends. And the beginning is the absolute promise of the end.
- What Good is Guilt – Steve Brown
- What happened on Thursday is amazing.
- What happens if a Christian commits suicide?
- What has Jesus done for you lately?
- What I was saying I wanted was different from what I actually needed.
- What if all the spies had said, “Let’s take the land”?
- What if Eve ate the fruit and Adam didn’t? The answer to that and other questions.
- What if God doesn’t answer a prayer for healing? The answer to that and other questions.
- What if I’m not of the elect?
- What if it didn’t happen?
- What if it didn’t happen?
- What if you can’t fulfill your part of the deal?
- What in the world am I doing here?
- What in the world are we doing here?
- What in the world does it mean to take up a cross? The answer to that and other questions.
- What in the world is backsliding?
- What in the world is backsliding?
- What in the world is the Holy Spirit?
- What in the world is the soul? The answer to that and other questions.
- What is a ‘stumbling block’?
- What is a definition of sin?
- What is a man at the beginning of the twenty-first century?
- What is a Presbyterian? The answer to that and other questions.
- What is a real man, anyway, at the beginning of the twenty-first century? A real man is a leader.
- What is a real man, anyway, at the beginning of the twenty-first century? A real man is a warrior.
- What is God like? Listen to Jesus’ prayer and you’ll know.
- What is grieving the Holy Spirit? The answer to that and other questions.
- What is it about ‘no’ that you don’t understand?
- What is love?
- What is the “therefore” there for?
- What is the big deal about the cross?
- What is with the tearing of the veil in the temple when Jesus was crucified?
- What keeps you awake at night?
- What kind of music is appropriate for worship?
- What Now – Steve Brown
- What Now? – Steve Brown
- What Old Testament laws are still relevant?
- What should I look for in a church?
- What the world needs now really is love, sweet love.
- What to do about a crazy world.
- What to do when your daughter comes home with her boyfriend to live.
- What was God thinking when he thought you up? Look at your true name.
- What was that all about?
- What will kill a church?
- What you believe is really important.
- What you see isn’t always what you get.
- What you think about Jesus is pretty important.
- What, if anything, does Jesus not know?
- What’s freedom? Well, freedom.
- What’s happening behind the scenes is important.
- What’s in a name?
- What’s in a name?
- What’s mine is mine and you can’t have it.
- What’s mine is mine and…
- What’s the purpose of Christmas?
- What’s God doing? I don’t have the foggiest.
- What’s God’s will for your life?
- What’s going to happen to Christians on Judgment Day?
- What’s it going to take for you to be faithful?
- What’s so good about Good Friday?
- What’s the best way to witness to your gay and lesbian friends?
- What’s the difference between a Christian and a terrorist?
- What’s the difference between sheol, hades and hell? The answer to that and other questions.
- What’s the difference between spirit and soul?
- What’s the difference between the resurrection of Lazarus and Jesus? The answer to that and other questions.
- What’s the methodology of evil?
- What’s the unique thing about the Christian faith?
- What’s with our heroes in the Bible being disobedient? The answer to that and other questions.
- What’s with the Trinity?
- Whatever you owe, Jesus says, ‘I’ll pay.
- Whatever you think God is doing in your life, he’s probably not.
- Whatever you think God’s doing, he’s probably not.
- When a dead man gets out of a grave, you ought to go down and check out the graveyard.
- When Bad Things Happen – Steve Brown
- When can I leave the church?
- When cripples dance, Jesus is present.
- When did the Holy Spirit come?
- When do we take metaphors of Scripture too far?
- When does life begin?
- When Doing Nothing is Enough – Steve Brown
- When Getting Better isn’t Happening – Steve Brown
- When God calls one, he calls a bunch.
- When God does something in your life, don’t talk too much about it.
- When God does something, he always says to his own, ‘It’s me.’
- When God gets tired, that’s amazing.
- When God gives the rest of the story, it’s a good story.
- When God is your Father, it changes everything.
- When God moves the church.
- When God says that you did well, rejoice.
- When God says, ‘Do it,’ just, for God’s sake, do it.
- When God stops talking, there’s a reason for it.
- When God told Jesus to do something, he did it.
- When he said, “I love you like a brother,” I got out of the way.
- When I follow Christ, follow me.
- When I Hate Change – Steve Brown
- When I sin, I say, “God, leave me alone,” but he won’t.
- When I stand before God, I’m perfect.
- When in doubt if Steve’s stories are actual, no, they’re true.
- When in doubt, examine your doubts.
- When in doubt, go back to the beginning.
- When in doubt, just turn on the light.
- When in doubt, look to the true Christ.
- When in doubt, make sure you’re looking at the real Jesus.
- When in doubt, power fades, relationships last.
- When in doubt, remember love birthed you.
- When in doubt, tell someone the truth.
- When is it appropriate to fight or to flee?
- When is it time to leave the church?
- When is Jesus coming back?
- When it comes to hunger and thirst, the answer is always Jesus.
- When it gets dark enough you can see the light.
- When it gets dark enough, a little light will do.
- When it gets dark enough, you can see the light.
- When it hurts, tell somebody.
- When it’s bad, don’t rant and rave. It makes it worse.
- When it’s Dark
- When it’s bad, really good things happen.
- When it’s big and fast and expensive, it’s good. No, it’s not.
- When it’s just words it doesn’t matter.
- When Jesus came out of a grave, was it April Fool’s Day?
- When Jesus Leaves the Building – Steve Brown
- When Jesus Prayed Pt 1 – The Man Who Prayed – Steve Brown
- When Jesus Prayed Pt 2 – The God To Whom He Prayed – Steve Brown
- When Jesus Prayed Pt 3 – People for Whom He Prayed – Steve Brown
- When Jesus Prayed Pt 4 – The Requests for Which He Prayed – Steve Brown
- When Jesus said that Christians were sheep, it was not a compliment.
- When Jesus said, ‘Come,’ they came.
- When Jesus says, ‘Do it,’ do it.
- When Jesus says, “You done good,” rejoice.
- When Jesus sends you, he almost always sends you home.
- When judgement precedes witness, the witness won’t work.
- When knowledge and wisdom dance together the angels sing.
- When liberals and conservatives agree, Jesus is coming back.
- When life gets stressful, do you get anxious or aggressive?
- When life is hard and God seems distant, what do you do?
- When life’s bad and God seems distant, we often seek relief not wisdom.
- When my friends misunderstand…
- When sin is revealed publicly, it’s a gift of the church.
- When Tears Are All That’s Left – Steve Brown
- When the dragon shows, it’s pretty scary.
- When the King of kings washes his servants’ feet, that’s amazing.
- When the leader is gone, then you’ll know.
- When The Noise is Too Loud – Steve Brown
- When the story seems over, sacrifice brings hope.
- When the tears turned to laughter.
- When they cast you out, Jesus will find you.
- When they grow up, don’t complain…cheer.
- When they say, ‘You too?,’ they’ve got it.
- When was the last time you surprised yourself?
- When was the last time you thought, “I was made for this!”?
- When was the last time you were quiet enough to actually hear Jesus?
- When we die, do we go straight to heaven?
- When we remember, we get better.
- When we repent, we can’t help but sing.
- When You Can’t Believe and Pretending Doesn’t Work – Steve Brown
- When you come to the end of yourself, Jesus says, “Come to me and rest.”
- When you deaden the pain, you deaden the laughter.
- When you don’t know what to say, say something.
- When you don’t need a sign, you’ve made it.
- When you get a lemon, make lemonade.
- When you go to Jesus, what do you expect?
- When you know who you are, you know what to do.
- When you know you don’t know what you’re doing, it’s a good first step.
- When you know, you go.
- When you meet a holy God, don’t tell him how hard you’re trying.
- When you need it, you’ll have it.
- When you need the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will be there.
- When you run to Jesus, bring somebody with you.
- When you see truth, you can’t unsee it.
- When you sing “Amazing Grace,” are you really amazed?
- When you sound like a heretic, you’re getting close to the truth.
- When you talk to ten people, seven of them will have a broken heart.
- When you tell people about Jesus, the Holy Spirit has already been there.
- When you witness, it’s not alone.
- When you’re forgiven, you’re dangerous.
- When you’re hungry enough, you’ll get something to eat.
- When you’re loved, just rejoice in it.
- When you’ve been there and done that, God can use it.
- When your story seems over, God might surprise you.
- Where did sin come from?
- Where does the love come from?
- Where He Found You
- Where is God when it hurts?
- Where was Jesus after the crucifixion?
- Where’s the corpse?
- Where’s the evidence for God? Everywhere you look!
- Who baptized you-John or Jesus?
- Who can be saved? The answer is everyone.
- Who decided what’s in the Bible?
- Who Do You Think You Are Anyway – Pete Alwinson
- Who do you want to please?
- Who in the world am I?
- Who in the world told you that you were forgiven?
- Who in the world was the naked man in the gospel?
- Who is going to love me like Jesus?
- Who is Jesus Really 01 – Pete Alwinson
- Who is Jesus Really 02 – Pete Alwinson
- Who is Jesus Really 03 – Pete Alwinson
- Who Was Adam? – Dr. Fazale Rana
- Who would have us?
- Who’s going to cry at your funeral?
- Who’s responsible when bad things happen?
- Wholeheartedness – Dr. Chuck DeGroat
- Wholeheartedness – Dr. Chuck DeGroat (Re-Air)
- Why are men so violent? The answer to that and other questions.
- Why Can’t We All Agree – Steve Brown
- Why Can’t We Get Along – Steve Brown
- Why can’t women dress more modestly?
- Why did Eve mess up and Adam got credit for it? The answer to that and other questions.
- Why did God create Satan?
- Why did God put Adam to sleep to get Eve?
- Why did Jeremiah cry?
- Why did Jesus have to die?
- Why did Jesus have to die?
- Why did they change the Bible?
- Why did they get so angry at Jesus when he cast the demon out of the pigs?
- Why do Christians still sin?
- Why do I have to go to seminary to preach?
- Why do people get angry when you tell them that God loves them?
- Why do robbers rob banks?
- Why do they call ‘Good Friday’ good?
- Why do you believe what you believe?
- Why doesn’t God kick technology to pieces?
- Why don’t we make Saturday the Sabbath?
- Why don’t we make the whole Bible red? The answer to that and other questions.
- Why don’t we worship on Saturday?
- Why don’t you guys worship on the right day, the Sabbath?
- Why I Left, Why I Stayed – Tony & Bart Campolo
- Why I Left, Why I Stayed – Tony & Bart Campolo (Re-Air)
- Why in the world was Jesus baptized?
- Why in the world was Jesus baptized? The answer to that and other questions.
- Why in the world would God create people to go to hell? The answer to that and other questions.
- Why is wisdom called a “she” in Proverbs?
- Why Jesus Had to Die – Steve Brown
- Why not cut some slack in Jesus’ name?
- Why not let Jesus write the definition?
- Why should Bible believing Christians celebrate Christmas?
- Why was it Eve who was tempted? The answer to that and other questions.
- Why won’t they listen? The answer to that and other questions.
- Will anybody be saved in the rapture?
- Will God kill me if I break the Sabbath? The answer to that and other questions.
- Will God save everybody?
- Will our pets be in heaven?
- Will there be earned rewards in heaven?
- Will there be fly-fishing in heaven?
- Will we be able to sin in heaven?
- Will we see eternity?
- Wine Into Furniture
- Winn Collier | The Life of Eugene Peterson | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Wisdom and innocence dance together.
- Wisdom is everywhere and you can miss it if you try.
- Wisdom personified.
- Wisdom, the Word, and Jesus.
- Wise as a serpent, innocent as a dove.
- Wise men still seek him.
- Wise men still seek him.
- With Friends Like This – Steve Brown
- With Jesus, the clean infects the unclean.
- Without Jesus, the law will chew you up and spit you out.
- Without power you can’t be a servant of Jesus.
- Witness
- Witnessing is hanging out with Jesus.
- Wolves
- Women and Lust – Sarah Taras
- Words are no good if you’re playing Solitaire.
- Words are not just words.
- Words created and are creating reality.
- Words from a dead, old, white guy.
- Words have power long after they’ve been spoken.
- Words, words, words…I’m so sick of words.
- Workers & Sons
- Working hard at the wrong task.
- Works
- Works salvation is spurious, but works isn’t.
- Worry
- Worry
- Worry is concern about what could be, not what is.
- Worship isn’t just a matter of taste.
- Would you be realistic?
- Wrath is a vice, but it’s also a virtue.
- Wrath. You experience it, I experience it, so we should talk about it.
- Write your theology in prison and people will listen.
- Yael Eckstein | Christians Helping Jews | Steve Brown, Etc.
- Yeah, the devil is real.
- Yes, there really is a devil.
- You a sinner? Me too.
- You afraid? Me too.
- You afraid? Me too.
- You afraid? Me, too.
- You and God are on a seesaw.
- You and I reflect the glory of God.
- You are called to be a roaring lamb.
- You are the light of the world. Wow!
- You are what you’ve decided to be.
- You are, in fact, your brother’s keeper.
- You can be as sure of heaven as if you were already there.
- You can be as sure of heaven as you could be if you were there.
- You can define something by what it’s not.
- You can find rest underneath your work.
- You can know a lot and accomplish little.
- You can miss it if you try.
- You can miss it if you try.
- You can stop blushing.
- You can tell a lot about a person by listening to them pray.
- You can tell a lot about a person by watching how they react to greatness.
- You can win an argument and lose a soul.
- You can’t do this by yourself.
- You can’t have your spiritual cake and eat it too.
- You can’t legislate morality. Really?
- You can’t run. Deal with it.
- You can’t abide in Christ alone.
- You can’t be neutral in a biased world.
- You can’t believe. Believing is a gift.
- You can’t build an honorable future on a dishonorable past.
- You can’t control love.
- You can’t do this by yourself and I can’t either.
- You can’t do this by yourself.
- You can’t get radical grace unless you know you’re a radical sinner.
- You can’t get saved without becoming like a little child.
- You can’t have a “therefore” without a “before.”
- You can’t have courage until you’re scared spitless.
- You can’t hustle up faith.
- You can’t hustle up faith. It’s a gift.
- You can’t keep a good man down.
- You can’t run beyond the reach of God.
- You can’t separate choice and rejection.
- You can’t speak as an outsider of the human race.
- You can’t steal second base unless you leave first.
- You can’t surprise Jesus
- You can’t swim without getting wet.
- You can’t take an aspirin for somebody else’s headache.
- You can’t understand God’s truth without God’s Spirit.
- You cry alone. You laugh with others.
- You didn’t choose him. He chose you.
- You didn’t do it. Jesus did.
- You didn’t do anything wrong.
- You don’t believe this, but you deserve to be happy.
- You don’t choose leaders with a committee.
- You don’t have to be good to be obedient.
- You don’t have to humble yourself. God will do it for you.
- You don’t have to like a leader.
- You don’t have to understand…because God does.
- You don’t vote on God’s will.
- You don’t want to be an expert in storms.
- You don’t find Jesus…he finds you.
- You don’t have a thing to promote.
- You don’t have a thing to protect. Rejoice!
- You don’t have to do this by yourself.
- You don’t have to ever be ashamed again.
- You don’t have to hide.
- You don’t have to tell everybody everything at once.
- You don’t know Juan Perez. We’re gonna talk about him.
- You don’t like Will Rogers?
- You don’t need to know the future except when you need to know the future.
- You don’t say to a drowning man, “If you could swim, you wouldn’t drown.”
- You don’t show up at a party without an invitation.
- You don’t vote on truth.
- You ever want to just give up and chuck the whole thing? If you’re a believer, I’ve got some good news for you.
- You failed? Welcome to the club.
- You feel guilty? That’s good.
- You get three free sins. Let me tell you why.
- You get to know a man when you go to prison with him.
- You going through a tough time? We’re here to help.
- You gotta serve somebody.
- You have a long way to go yet.
- You have a story. Be sure and tell it.
- You have an extended family. Rejoice in it.
- You have more power than you think you have.
- You have more power than you think.
- You have the mind of Christ.
- You have to be careful about self-righteousness if you’re right and they’re wrong.
- You have to be careful because they lied to us.
- You have to die to experience dying grace.
- You have to love me. Deal with it.
- You haven’t lived long enough or sinned big enough to have an opinion.
- You know what we’re really thirsty for? Life in his name.
- You know what? We’re all thirsty people, but have you ever thought about what you’re thirsty for?”
- You know you’re justified when you move towards brokenness in humility.
- You know. You really do.
- You may be a doubter…and that’s good.
- You may not be a hypocrite.
- You may not like it, but we need each other.
- You might be better than you think you are.
- You might need some new glasses.
- You need me and I need you. We’ll have to deal with it.
- You need some good news.
- You never run into Satan if you’re going in the same direction.
- You never sin without questioning the goodness of God.
- You ought to meet Anna. You would really like her.
- You pray for me and I’ll pray for you, and we’ll see what happens.
- You reach the end of yourself? That’s bad? No, that’s good.
- You really can trust Him.
- You represent the King. Don’t forget.
- You shouldn’t marry for sex, right?
- You smell like Jesus and you can’t help it.
- You still can’t forgive? What do you do?
- You take the first step. God will take the second.
- You think you know the story of the Good Samaritan? Uh…not so fast.
- You thought you were going to be perfect? Get over it.
- You understand God? You’re crazy.
- You want to be better than you are?
- You want to be better than you are? You belong to Him.
- You want to be saved? Buddha can’t help.
- You want to believe? Run to Jesus. That’s all.
- You were called by God to be cheerleaders for your brothers and sisters.
- You were created to be free.
- You were ransomed with a costly, precious blood of the Lamb.
- You weren’t created to be lonely.
- You will run out of sin before God runs out of grace.
- You’ll run, but you won’t run far.
- You’re a citizen with an unelected King.
- You’re a lot more dangerous than you think you are.
- You’re chosen…but don’t let it go to your head.
- You’re different and you can’t help it.
- You’re forgiven. Deal with it!
- You’re forgiven. Deal with it!
- You’re free. Let it go to your head!
- You’re going to be better, but just don’t obsess on it.
- You’re going to be consumed by something…best be Jesus.
- You’re going to get better and you can’t help it.
- You’re Gonna Suffer… Happy New Year!
- You’re His and He’ll tell you so often.
- You’re Loved
- You’re Mine
- You’re probably involved in lots of things, but what’s your one thing?
- You’re really free. Be glad.
- You’re stuck with me…deal with it.
- You’re the light. For God’s sake, shine it.
- You’ve been there. You’ve done that. Remember.
- You’ve got to watch it because religion will make you weird.
- You’ll never be able to say, ‘Nobody ever told me.’
- You’re a son and daughter now…and forever.
- You’re an idol worshipper. Stop it!
- You’re dangerous.
- You’re dead. Deal with it!
- You’re dead. They just haven’t buried you yet.
- You’re dead. You died with Christ. That’s bad…no, that’s good.
- You’re doing too much. Stop it.
- You’re forgiven for the past and whatever you do in the future too.
- You’re forgiven, okay? Deal with it.
- You’re forgiven. Deal with it!
- You’re forgiven…a forgiven servant.
- You’re forgiven…try to remember that.
- You’re going to get better.
- You’re going to grow and you can’t help it.
- You’re in the desert, dummy!
- You’re looking in the wrong place.
- You’re not enough. Does that scare you? Should it?
- You’re not God. Deal with it!
- You’re not good enough, but you’re worth it.
- You’re not only a servant, you’re a clean servant.
- You’re probably not going to be faithful, so what’s the point?
- You’re right. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
- You’re the image of God. Let it go to your head…and heart.
- You’ve got a bodyguard.
- You’ve got a friend in very high places.
- You’ve got a lot more power than you think you have.
- You’ve got a new name. Rejoice in it.
- You’ve got a new pair of shoes.
- Young Golfer
- Your Advocate in God’s courtroom pleads the defense of double jeopardy.
- Your dreams may not be God’s dreams.
- Your faithfulness is a very dangerous place.
- Your Gift
- Your God Is Too Glorious – Chad Bird
- Your God Is Too Glorious – Chad Bird (Re-Air)
- Your Mother Was Wrong – Steve Brown
- Your Name
- Your obedience, when you know it, is a very dangerous place.
- Your opinion is important.
- Your Place
- Your salvation beats impossible odds.
- Your sin could be a gift from God.
- Your sin is a gift from God…if you know it.
- Your sin is a gift…if you know it.
- Your Testimony
- Your view of work will either kill you or set you free.
- Your work, no matter what it is, is about bringing order to chaos.
- Your’re an example…a bad one or a good one, but an example.