Key Life Pastors’ Chat with Dr. Tom Wood
SEPTEMBER 28, 2017
In the Information Age, anyone who hopes to grow in the Christian faith has near instant access to more high-quality teaching than ever before in the history of the Church. Connections with other Christians can be made with a few clicks and supportive friendships continue online. But growing in the faith requires more than education and Christian friends.
Join Steve Brown and Key Life pastors Zach Van Dyke and Kevin Labby as they talk with Dr. Tom Wood about his book, Gospelling Life Together. Jesus invites us to follow him, and to invite others to follow him with us. This chat will help.
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Dr. Tom Wood is President of CMM, whose focus is empowering leaders to multiply the Gospel in their spheres of influence. He has been working directly with church planters, pastors, and senior leaders cross-denominationally. He is also the author of Church Planter Field Manuals and co-author of Gospel Coach.