DECEMBER 19, 2024
If anyone told you that you have to get dressed up to go to Jesus, they lied to you.
A homeless little boy knocked on the door of an orphanage one time – dirty, dressed in rags – but the man who answered the door said, “Son, I don’t know a thing about you. What you got to recommend you to us?”
“Nothing, sir.” The boy hung his head. “I… I thought maybe these rags would be enough.”
The man’s heart melted and he said, “It’s enough, son. You come on in.”
Jesus does that, too.
If someone told you that going to Jesus required anything but rags, they lied to you.
You see, we’re great sinners and he’s a Great Savior.
I’m Steve Brown. You Think About That.
Hey, I’ll send you my free booklet How to Believe. Just go to Youthinkaboutthat.com