Mirror & Picture
MAY 3, 2023
When you become a believer, God gives you a mirror and a picture. Why?
When you become a believer, God gives you two gifts.
He gives you a mirror and a picture. You’re supposed to look into the mirror and contemplate the picture. The mirror shows you what you look like now and the picture… well, that’s a picture of Jesus. God says, “That’s what you are and this is what you’ll become.”
Sometimes it’s gonna hurt. Sometimes you’ll mess it up. Sometimes you won’t even believe it’s happening, but trust me on this: one day, you’ll look just like Jesus. So look at the mirror and wince, but don’t forget to look at the picture and rejoice. Rejoice and relax, too. God’s promised to get the job done.
I’m Steve Brown. You think about that.
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