God of Tomorrow – Caleb Kaltenbach
MAY 21, 2018
Hope for the future seems to be in short supply these days. Who can blame us? Our children go to school wondering if it’s their turn to get gunned down in class. Our country is deeply divided. Racism, terrorism, and instability plague us. It’s enough to make even Christians doubt that God is in control.
Join Caleb Kaltenbach on Steve Brown, Etc. for a discussion of his new book, God of Tomorrow: How to Overcome the Fears of Today and Renew Your Hope for the Future. God exists in the past, present, and future, and we can trust him to walk with us into tomorrow.
Caleb Kaltenbach is a pastor and popular speaker on issues of faith, reconciliation, and sexual diversity. Don’t miss Caleb’s previous appearance on SBE talking about his book, Messy Grace: How a Pastor with Gay Parents Learned to Love Others Without Sacrificing Conviction.