Ladies, Lust & God’s Love – Sarah Taras
JANUARY 30, 2017
Given all the sermons calling out guys on sexual sin, one might think that’s a problem unique to men. But ladies struggle with lust too. And when that isn’t acknowledged in our churches, it can leave women feeling a double condemnation. They’re not only burdened with guilt because of their sin, they also experience the shame and isolation of thinking they’re the only women with that sin.
Join Key Life author Sarah Taras on Steve Brown, Etc. for a conversation about how God’s unconditional love freed her to get honest about her problem with lust, and help other women who share the same struggle.
Sarah is the co-host of the podcasts Fundyland Sees Red and Ezer Uncaged. She’s also a married mother of two with a Key Life/New Growth Press minibook on the way.