Barry’s aim is to prepare the Church to minister well in prisons so that prisoners are prepared to minister well in the Church. This is accomplished through service in complementary roles: Barry serves with the PCA’s Metanoia Prison Ministries as the Regional Director for Tennessee and Northwest Georgia. He works with local churches to help them engage in prison ministry by recruiting, training, and encouraging mentors for prisoners at Walker State Prison in Rock Spring, GA and The Next Door, a women’s reentry facility in Chattanooga. His hope is to introduce churches and prisons throughout his region to the value of mentoring for discipling believers and reducing the rate at which offenders return to prison after their release. Barry also serves as the National Coordinator for the MINTS International Seminary’s Seminary-in-Prison program. The Seminary-in-Prison offers prisoners an opportunity to earn associates, bachelors, and master’s degrees in theological studies at no cost to them. Seminary-in-Prison graduates are serving in churches and ministries after being released. Others, who are still incarcerated, minister as prisoner-pastors to fellow inmates.
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