Happy Birthday
MARCH 20, 2024
Be only what God calls you to be and do it well.
Last week a friend of mine had a birthday.
I sent him an e-mail and included the written lyrics from the song, Happy Birthday to You. I added my gift to you is that I’m not going to call you and sing that to you. And I’m not going to make you a cake. I can’t sing and I don’t bake cakes. He laughed and was thankful.
That’s because it’s better to be what God calls you to be and do it well, than to try and do things to which he never called you. That works for me in a lot of areas. I’m an old preacher and nobody wants me to lead the choir or count the offering. It’s a relief. In fact, it’s quite freeing.
I’m Steve Brown. You think about that.
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