Comfort When You Haven’t Made Progress
FEBRUARY 21, 2023
You can’t remember the last time you felt like you were making progress, you feel more like you’re barely staying afloat.
You thought you would’ve had your life figured out by now but you often feel like you’re going in circles.
Worse yet, the carefully curated feeds on social media induce more shame when you see just how much “progress” your peers have made.
What if your attempts at measuring your progress were skewed?
Have I got some good news for you!
Jesus gives his disciples the famous Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations. But it’s easy to overlook this little verse right before the commissioning:
Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them.
—Matthew 18:16
Eleven disciples, handpicked by Jesus, living (and sleeping!) in his shadow for three whole years. And where had it gotten them?
To Galilee.
Jesus’ birthplace.
The place where it all started.
So much for progress. Those who walked with Jesus in the flesh for three whole years are right back where they started. More scandalous still—it was Jesus who directed them there!
A lot of us wonder what God’s will is for our life. Where is he leading me? What direction should I go?
What if he just wants you to keep showing up where you see him most active? What if he isn’t expecting some herculean effort on your part? What if Jesus isn’t judging you for your lack of progress? What if he isn’t keeping score?
Perhaps Jesus would rather you show up in the same passage of Scripture each morning where you really “see” him than have you run yourself ragged trying to complete your resolution to read the Bible in the year.
Could it be he cares more about you listening to his voice than skimming through His Word for the sake of completion?
I’m positive he does.
So why not give yourself a break?
Take it easy, let our three mile per hour God direct you to a place of less progress and more peace. Take a Sabbath. Be still and know that He is God (Ps. 46:10) and the weight of the world isn’t on your shoulders. You’re a human being; not a human doing.
Let the Good Shepherd lead you among quiet living waters (Ps. 23:2-3) and find rest from the tidal wave of tasks. He’s not rushing you and he’s not mad at your lack of progress because his perfect life was more than enough for your shortcomings.