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It is done. It is finished.

It is done. It is finished.

NOVEMBER 21, 2024

/ Programs / Key Life / It is done. It is finished.

Steve Brown:
It is done. It is finished. Let’s talk about it, on Key Life.

Matthew Porter:
It’s for freedom that Christ set us free, and Key Life is here to bring you Biblical teaching that encourages you to never give into slavery again. Our teacher on Key Life is Steve Brown. He’s an author, broadcaster, and seminary professor who’s sick of phony religion.

Steve Brown:
Thank you Matthew. If you’ve been tracking with us over the last few days, we’re spending a good deal of time, and we’re going to spend some more on Philippians 2:1 through 11. And as I’ve said several times, once we finish studying this particular passage, you are going to feel, and I am going to feel, that we have only scratched the surface. We have seen, first we’ve seen the importance of unity around sin, not goodness. We saw what the witness of Paul was. It wasn’t that he was a good person, be like me. It was, I’m the chief of sinners and I know Jesus, be like me. And then we’ve taken a good deal of time to examine in detail, not only what Jesus was, and what he enjoyed, and what he did, and what he became, and what he suffered on the cross. And we saw yesterday that you’ll never know the depths of his sorrow because you have never known the heights of his joy. In other words, if you are blind and you could once see, you can get a lot of money from people who feel sorry for you. Blindness isn’t enough. But if before you had seen the birds flying and the sun shining and the wonder of the world. If before you had known that, and then you became blind, now that is pathos on steroids. And that’s where Jesus was. We will never know the depths of his sorrow, because we have never known the heights of his joy. But you can’t leave it there. The point is that he did it for us. And that brings me to one final thing, and then next week we’re going to talk some about the paradoxes that are a part of this particular passage when we examine what is required from us. So, note not only what he was, what he enjoyed, what he did, what he became, and what he suffered. Note also what he accomplished, Philippians 2:9 through 11.

Therefore God has highly exalted him, bestowed on him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of the Father.

There is something about that name, isn’t there? Let me suggest an experiment to you when you’re with a friend, who’s not a believer. Bring up Jesus in the conversation and make sure that you mention the name Jesus and see what happens. One of the really interesting things in an experiment like that, is that 99 out of 100 times you’ll see either a wince, or a smile, or a look of astonishment, because there is power in that name. Years ago, I had a lady in a congregation that I served. And I liked her a lot, she was honest, but she was an atheist. Never attended church, but she went through some rough times, and some people, friends of hers, who also were not believers, said you ought to go see that preacher at that church down the street. They say that he has some good things to say, and even if he doesn’t, you’ll feel better after you talk to him, cause he’s got a deep and soothing voice. And I do have a deep and soothing voice. I had one lady say to me one time, I don’t agree with anything you say, but I play your CDs every night when I go to bed because your voice allows me to sleep. Well, at any rate, this lady did come to see me and we spent several sessions just talking about some of the hard things that she was going through. And then one time she said to me, Steve, I’ve never told you anybody this before, and I would prefer that you not share it with anybody. But I thought you ought to know, that every night, now you’ve got to remember she was an atheist. And an articulate, thoughtful atheist. She said, Steve, every night when I go to bed, the last thing I say before I go to sleep is ” good night, Jesus”. There’s something about that name, there really is, and that was accomplished. It is astonishing to pagans. It is disturbing to unbelievers. It is the joy of those who know him. Someone recently reminded me of a passage in Juan Carlos Ortiz’s book, Disciple. He refers to Jesus’ parable about the kingdom of God being like a pearl of great price. That’s Matthew 13:45 through 46.

The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and he bought it.

And the following words are the words of Ortiz.

So we say, I want this pearl. How much is it? Well, the seller says, it is very expensive. But how much, we ask? Well, a very large amount. Do you think I could buy it? Oh, of course, everyone can buy it. But didn’t you say it was very expensive? Yes. Well, how high is it? How expensive is it? It’ll cost you everything you have, says the seller. All right, I’ll buy it, we say. Well, what you have, what do you have? He wants to know. Let’s write it down. I’ve got a thousand dollars in the bank. Good, ten thousand dollars will be better, but I’ll take the thousand dollars, the seller says. That’s all? That’s all I have. Nothing more? Well, I have a few dollars here in my pocket. How much? Well, 30, 40, 50 dollars. 100, maybe 20 dollars. That’s fine. What else do you have? Well, nothing. That’s all. Where do you live? In my house. Yes, I have a house. The house too, then, says the seller. And he writes it down. I mean, I have to live in my camper. Oh, you have a camper? That too. What else? I have to sleep in my car. You’ve got a car? Got two. Then, write it down. Both become mine. Both cars. What else? Well, you already have my money, my house, my camper, my cars. What else do you want? Are you alone in the world? Well, no, I have a wife and children. You have a wife and children, too? What else? I have nothing left. I am left alone now. Suddenly, the seller exclaims, Oh, I almost forgot. You yourself, too. Everything. Everything becomes mine. Then you will have the pearl.

Now, don’t miss the profound truth of that thing from Ortiz’s book. It’s all his anyway. And when he died, you can give it to him because that pearl of peace, and forgiveness, and acceptance, and joy, and laughter, and peace, and purpose, and meaning, all of that is yours. And it is a very, very good trade. Now, don’t get off on a work salvation thing, that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about what Jesus was talking about, and what Paul was talking about here too. And that is that Jesus is worth everything. And even if you can’t give it, run to Him, and that will be enough. You’ll take it and create joy. You think about that. Amen.

Matthew Porter:
Thank you Steve and with that we land the plane for this week’s exploration of Philippians. We shall continue next week, but first tomorrow it’s time for the nearly world famous Friday Q&A with Steve and our good friend Pete Alwinson. Tomorrow Steve and Pete will respond to a listener who thinks maybe, we should give up on a certain New England state. Which state? And is he right? Tune in to find out. So, I just mentioned Pete Alwinson. You hear him every Friday for Friday Q& A. And actually, he taught us all last week on Key Life too. Check that out. Well, Pete has written a wonderful book called Like Father Like Son. It’s an invitation to men to recover and reclaim an intimate growing relationship with their Heavenly Father and to live out of that Biblical core identity in their calling as sons, fathers, brothers, and friends. For a gift of $20 or more to Key Life, the book is our gift to you. Just call us at 1-800-KEY-LIFE that’s 1-800-539-5433. You can also e-mail [email protected] to order that book. Or to mail your request go to for our mailing addresses. And finally, if you’re blessed by the work of Key Life, would you help share that blessing with others through your financial support? Just charge a gift on your credit card or you can also include a gift in your envelope. And of course you can now give safely and securely through text. Just pick up your phone and text KEYLIFE to 28950, then follow the instructions. Key Life is a member of ECFA in the States and CCCC in Canada. And Key Life is a listener supported production of Key Life Network.

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