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When the leader is gone, then you’ll know.

When the leader is gone, then you’ll know.

DECEMBER 3, 2024

/ Programs / Key Life / When the leader is gone, then you’ll know.

Steve Brown:
When the leader is gone, then you’ll know. And I’ll explain on this edition of Key Life.

Matthew Porter:
That was author and seminary professor Steve Brown, and this is Key Life. We’re all about radical grace. Because of what Jesus has done, God’s not mad at you. Keep listening and that message will set you free to live a life of joy and surprising faithfulness.

Steve Brown:
Thank you Matthew. Wasn’t that good yesterday? You know, we have not celebrated Advent at Key Life in past years, or at least most of the the time. It’s on the church calendar, and we celebrate during that time the first Advent when Jesus came, but we look forward to the second Advent. And Matt Heard said that yesterday, and we decided over these Mondays of Advent I’m going to invite Dr. Heard to come in and teach us on the names of the coming Messiah. And as we do that each Monday during Advent, remember he came, and look forward to the fact that he’s coming. But now, back to the study of Philippians, and we’ve got a new text. It’s Philippians 2:12 through 13, and this is what Paul writes to his beloved church, In fact, the church where he would have his church letter, if they had church letters in those days. These people had supported him, had loved him, had encouraged him when he was free and when he was in jail, when he was up and when he was down, when he was afraid and lonely, and when he was around people. They loved him. He was their pastor. And one of the things he wrote to them is the text in Philippians 2:12 through 13. And we’re going to spend the next few days looking at that. This is what he writes.

Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed, not only in my presence but now much more in my absence, continue to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, to will and to act according to his good purpose.

Now, that is powerful. I’ve been studying it this week and I’ve got stuff to tell you that I can hardly wait to tell you. But first, let’s go down a side road. One of the important things that we can find in this particular text is this. Leadership is defined by what happens when the leader is no longer there. Let me say that again because it’s important. Leadership is defined by what happens when the leader is gone. Look at that twelfth verse, the first part of it.

Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed, not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence.

I have a friend who told me of a sad experience not too long ago. He said that when he was a kid, he found Christ under the direction of a high school coach. And that over the years of college, he had come back time and time again to receive the teaching and the wisdom and the guidance of this coach who had become his mentor. And then a number of years had passed, and this young Christian became a mature Christian. He not only became a mature Christian, he became a Christian leader. He continued to visit the coach, and the coach was disappointed that he had matured. In fact, my friend told me that the relationship was never the same once he had matured. I got the feeling, he said, that my old coach didn’t want me around anymore. One of the things about being a parent that is very difficult is the acceptance of the fact that our kids grow up and we should want them to grow up and be independent in themselves. That is one of the key purposes of parenting. I remember one time when our oldest daughter, Robin, was finishing up college and she and three or four others went around Europe, staying at youth hostels, doing evangelism. It was an extremely wonderful, wonderful thing. And she didn’t know it, I didn’t like the fact that she was going to be doing this, and I asked her, I said, are there going to be adults along? And she can spit fire when she wants to. She said, what do you mean adults? And then I thought, she’s right. She’s grown. She’s not a little girl anymore. But just so you know, and I don’t think she knows this, she probably will when she listens to this broadcast. But I made sure there were people in every city she went to in Europe, who would look after her if she got into trouble. She’s older now, and I don’t think she’ll yell at me about that, but you can’t stop being a father, but you can stop being someone who’s still trying to be the parent in the family. The truth is, we raise our kids so they can be independent. So they can stand up, so that they can function on their own and when we have done that, we done good. Let me make, if you will, a vocabulary suggestion for Christians. One of the most used words in the Christian vocabulary is the word discipling. I’ve used it, and you’ve probably used it, too, and we know what it means, and it’s a good thing. I personally wish we had some other word to use. I mean, that has all kinds of connotations about it, that I’m going to create disciples and they’ll be mine. Nothing worse in this world than having more than one Steve Brown in the world. And most people who know me are glad that there is only one. And some of them are even glad there is one, but that whole thing of discipleship has this connotation that a lot of little Steve Browns will follow me around if I disciple them. Now, I know it doesn’t mean that, so don’t send me letters, but it does have that kind of smell to it. People say, I have been discipling Joe or Jane or Jack or Sarah, and I suppose that’s okay to say that, but it gives the impression that we’re making little disciples. And not only that, it fosters a relationship, one of which is senior and another of which is junior. Now, there’s a place for that in the body of Christ, but if it’s a continuing place, somebody did something that was really wrong. Somebody sent me a quote the other day. I think it was Reader’s Digest.

It helps to think of rock music as you sway of getting even for spinach.

I love that. Rock music, hard rock, metal music is youth’s way of getting even for spinach. Well, it may be the beginning of the movement that is a God ordained movement. Early in the French Revolution, many of the schoolboys, beginning at the age of 12, formed themselves into what they called the The Band of Hope. They wore uniforms. They learned to march. They were patriots. They carried a flag, and on the flag was the following slogan. TREMBLE, TYRANTS! WE WILL GROW UP! Well, I hope so. When you tremble because your kids are growing up, something’s wrong. Growing up is the goal. In families, in your business, and in your church. Growing up is what we have been called to participate in. Growing up and maturity is what this thing is all about. And when you see somebody you have quote, discipled, unquote, doing things on their own without your permission, when you see them standing up for Christ and shining, listen. Don’t complain, become a cheerleader. And tell them to find somebody else to do for them what you did for the ones you discipled. You think about that. Amen.

Matthew Porter:
And that was Steve Brown resuming our exploration of the Book of Philippians, today turning the page to a new text, Philippians 2:12 through 13. What a great study this has been and still so much more to discover ahead. Well, I don’t know about you, but when it’s Christmas time, the thing I want most is just a little extra help. And when it comes to focusing on what really matters, we’d love to be that little bit of extra help for you. How? With a free booklet called Christmas Meditations. It’s a collection of Steve’s writings on the real reason for the season, the Incarnation of God in Christ. The booklet also has Scriptures and devotional questions to help you focus on the impact of Christ’s coming. Again, it’s yours absolutely free when you call us at 1-800-KEY-LIFE that’s 1-800-539-5433. You can also e-mail [email protected] to ask for that booklet. Or to mail your request, go to to find our mailing addresses. Again, just ask for the free booklet called Christmas Meditations. And finally, if you’ve been blessed by the work of Key Life, would you help share that blessing with others through your financial support? You can give a gift on your credit card or include a gift in your envelope. Or simply text Key Life to 28950. And of course, today is Giving Tuesday. So, you know, feel free to visit to give through that channel. Key life is a member of ECFA in the States and CCCC in Canada. And as always, Key Life is a listener supported production of Key Life Network.

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