A Message from Steve about Hurricane Ian
OCTOBER 3, 2022
A lot of folks have asked about Key Life in light of the hurricane that hit us last week. In short, our Key Life office and our folks got through okay – a power outage here and there, some fallen trees... in general, we were spared the worst of it. The same can't be said for some of our neighbors, both here in Central Florida and further south. Please keep all of us in your prayers and in the meantime, here's an encouraging word from Steve for all of us.
A lot of folks have asked about Key Life in light of the hurricane that hit us last week. In short, our Key Life office and our folks got through okay – a power outage here and there, some fallen trees… in general, we were spared the worst of it. The same can’t be said for some of our neighbors, both here in Central Florida and further south. Please keep all of us in your prayers and in the meantime, here’s an encouraging word from Steve for all of us.