Ask the Question – Stephen Mansfield
APRIL 11, 2016
Join Stephen Mansfield on SBE for a discussion of his book 'Ask the Question: Why We Must Demand Religious Clarity from Our Presidential Candidates.'
Click here to listen to Stephen Mansfield on Steve Brown, Etc.
Tony Campolo often says, “Mixing religion and politics is like mixing ice cream and horse manure. It doesn’t do much to the manure, but it sure does ruin the ice cream.” That’s not entirely true. The religious beliefs of politicians have a direct impact on the policies they promote.
Voters deserve to know what candidates believe.
Join Stephen Mansfield on Steve Brown, Etc. for a discussion of his book Ask the Question: Why We Must Demand Religious Clarity from Our Presidential Candidates.
Stephen Mansfield is The New York Times bestselling author of The Faith of George W. Bush, The Faith of Barack Obama, Lincoln’s Battle with God, and more. He’s the founder of The Mansfield Group, an in-demand speaker, and consultant.