Forget Approval
OCTOBER 12, 2023
You cannot earn a person's approval any more than you can earn God's approval.
People dole out their approval to others for various reasons, some of which they understand and some which they don’t even understand themselves. Our intellects are not ever completely logical and objective and our emotions often skew the way we evaluate other people and events that impact us. Sin, too, gets in the way of objective and fair judgments of all the influences that come our way.
As a result of those above facts, how crazy it is that we exert so much effort trying to gain the approval and acceptance of other people. At our jobs we need to do the best we can do and when we mess up, take responsibility, apologize when necessary, and seek to rectify the situation. Those we’ve offended may or may not accept our apology and attempts to “fix” problems or under-performance on our part. Sure we want the return business approval of our clients, but ultimately we can’t control people’s responses toward us.
Even When They Are Not Very Lovable
In our key relationships like marriage, parenting and friendships, we need to learn what pleases those we love, but ultimately we cannot earn nor forever keep their approval of us. So don’t try to get people to approve of you. The Father approves of you because of what Jesus did in perfectly keeping the Law and for taking your punishment on the Cross. Abba is not angry at you and couldn’t work up anger at you if He tried. It’s finished…the work of reconciliation with Him that is. Jesus finished it. Because the Father approves of you because of Jesus, you are free to love others, even when (especially when) they are not very lovable.
So the summary is this…don’t try to get people to approve of you. That is the sure road to exhaustion, disappointment and slavery. Being loved, love people with God’s power. That is freedom! Any approval you get from people will be due to God’s loving them through you, not you meeting their individual and changing expectations.
At any rate, people’s approval means infinitely less than God’s approval of you!
Seek approval less. Love more.