Help Share the Message of Grace
We so appreciate your interest in the message of God’s grace in Christ that, in addition to being at the core of the Gospel, is at the core of the ministry of Key Life in general, and of Steve Brown in particular. Your interest in the teaching you find at Key Life, and especially the sharing of it with others, is a great encouragement to us.
Perhaps you are one of those with a heart to share this message with others. And maybe you are looking for a place you can trust to faithfully communicate the message–that is also committed to reaching out to the greatest number of individuals with the resources available. If so, we would invite you to consider financially supporting Key Life in this effort.
The vast majority of teaching from Steve Brown and Key Life is given away for free, mainly by way of our website, radio broadcasts, and tens of thousands of pieces of printed and audio materials mailed every year. To do that, we count on the donations, both small and large, of those who are able, and those with a desire to see the message of God’s love and grace in Christ communicated to individuals all over the world.
We would count it an honor and an affirmation to have you partner with us through your financial gift to this mission of “getting people Home with radical freedom, infectious joy and surprising faithfulness.” Every gift, of any amount, makes a difference. If you are not able to give at this time, we would ask that you would pray with us for God’s continued guidance and provision for the fulfillment of His work.
Please CLICK HERE or call 1-800-KEYLIFE (1-800-539-5433) to donate. Thank you.