Lost & Found – Kendra Fletcher
JANUARY 9, 2017
Kendra Fletcher is a homeschooling mother of eight who had it all together. Everything was dialed in—the right schooling, the right theology, the right church. Then it all fell apart and her family learned that being "right" wasn't a good substitute for a living relationship with a loving God. Join Kendra on SBE to hear her story and get a sneak peek into her upcoming Key Life/New Growth Press book, 'Lost and Found: Losing Religion, Finding Grace.'
Click here to listen to Kendra Fletcher on Steve Brown, Etc.
Kendra Fletcher is a homeschooling mother of eight who had it all together. Everything was dialed in—the right schooling, the right theology, the right church. Then it all fell apart and her family learned that being “right” wasn’t a good substitute for a living relationship with a loving God.
Join Kendra on Steve Brown, Etc. to hear her story and get a sneak peek into her upcoming Key Life/New Growth Press book, Lost and Found: Losing Religion, Finding Grace (click to preorder). You’ll go from feeling woefully inadequate to celebrating God’s radical grace.
In her free time from homeschooling, Kendra is a popular conference speaker, author, and co-host of the podcast Homeschooling in Real Life. Seriously, she really is a Key Life author. Check out Kendra’s author page at KeyLife.org.