May’s Top 5 Posts
JUNE 4, 2015
True love is only seen in the face of that which is unlovely. That's true of God's unconditional love for jacked up people like us, and it's true of our love for others who are sinning and suffering their way through a broken world. Catch a glimpse of that love in the top 5 most read and shared posts from May.
True love is only seen in the face of that which is unlovely. That’s true of God’s unconditional love for jacked up people like us, and it’s true of our love for others who are sinning and suffering their way through a broken world. Catch a glimpse of that love in the top 5 most read and shared posts from May.
- Hanging With the Bad Influences for Fun and Profit – Jesus said they’d know us by our love for one another. These days, they know us by our pride, our arrogance and what we’re against. Don’t miss this popular post from Chad West.
- Love is Not Easily Offended – Scott Sauls writes about how Christians should be the least offended and least offensive people in the world.
- Freedom, Joy…and Dancing – Somewhere in our efforts to be good and to make others good, to be faithful, and to be holy, we have lost the joy. Read this post from Steve for some infectious joy!
- The Church and Women at Risk – Lindsey Holcomb writes about how crucial it is to have a biblical understanding of how the church can protect and care for women at risk.
- Good News for Mother’s Day – Read this post from Kimm Crandall to see that God loves messy mothers just as they are.
Our mission at Key Life is to help get you and those you love Home with radical freedom, infectious joy and surprising faithfulness to Christ. We hope and pray that these posts play a part in pulling that off. If you find them helpful, please share them with friends and family.