Please Give Us Your Money
DECEMBER 9, 2014
At Key Life, we believe in radical grace. No matter where you've been, what you've done, who you slept with or what you smoked, because of what Jesus has done, God’s not mad at you.
Click here to give online or call 1-800-KEY-LIFE (1-800-539-5433).
That radical grace leads to an equally radical freedom, and that radical freedom leads to infectious joy and surprising faithfulness to Christ. We love him because he first loved us, and love fulfills the law.
Too many get that backwards. They work hard to be faithful in the hopes that it will lead to a life of joy and freedom. It just doesn’t work. In fact, the reason we’re so bad is that we’ve been trying so hard to be good. Yes, freedom can be dangerous, but the alternative is much worse.
On the radio, in print, on CDs and online at, we’re proclaiming the scandalous reality of Jesus’ good news. The message is catching like wildfire and lives are being changed.
God was doing fine before Key Life came along, and he’ll be doing fine long after we’re gone. Still, as long as Key Life exists, we’ll be sharing the message of God’s radical grace to sinners and sufferers. But we can’t do it alone.
We need your help, and so do countless Christians who are suffering under the burden of do-more, try-harder religion.
If God has worked through Steve Brown and Key Life to make a difference in your life, please consider sending a year-end, tax-deductible gift to help set more captives free. Every gift, of any amount, makes a big difference.
If you can’t give, or if you simply don’t want to give, please don’t feel any guilt about that. We don’t want to pressure you, just let you know what Key Life is all about, the difference being made and how you can be a vital part of God’s family of the free!
You can click here to give online or call 1-800-KEY-LIFE (1-800-539-5433).
Thank you.