The Seed, the Man, and a Takedown
APRIL 6, 2016
Yesterday I posted a picture on social media of President Obama holding my soon-to-be-released book, 'The Seed: A True Myth.' I thought it would be obvious it was a doctored photo and intended as a parody of the picture many have seen of the president holding Eric Metaxas' book on Bonhoeffer. I thought it was funny. Others thought it was illegal.
Yesterday I posted a picture on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram of President Obama holding my soon-to-be-released book, The Seed: A True Myth. I thought it would be obvious it was a doctored photo and intended as a parody of the picture many have seen of the president holding Eric Metaxas’ book on Bonhoeffer.
I thought it was funny.
Others thought it was illegal.
I was told the photo constituted “faking a presidential endorsement” and I was given a lot of reading material from the FTC.*
In short, “the Man” made me take down a work of art.
“Which man?” you ask.
Aren’t they all the same? In fact, aren’t they all one—a whole? The Man is the system that tries to snuff out the light of creative expression—a light that would lead to freedom… and Love. A light that would guide the way to a higher Amazon ranking for my book.
Well I say, “No!” I may have had to remove that picture to protect Key Life and New Growth Press from legal action, but I will not be silenced. That’s exactly why I wrote The Seed. That book is me shouting out against the Man—my man and your man and all the men who are keeping us down—”No!”
It’s clear to me now that The Seed must be watered with artists’ tears if it’s going to grow. The tears fall from the eyes of my friend who Photoshopped that picture. The tears flow as I weep over a missed opportunity to increase pre-orders via social media.
Even so, tears alone are not enough. A seed must be watered, but it also needs to be planted in fertile soil.
Are you that fertile soil?
Will you pre-order The Seed: A True Myth?**
If you do, on May 16th The Seed will be sown, and the roots that sprout and grow from it will plunge into the system’s labyrinth and bring it crumbling down to the ground!
Don’t let the Man win. Help me redeem this unfortunate turn of events. I believe this misguided, heavy-handed takedown can be used to sell even more books than that brilliantly doctored photo.
The Love Fractal must grow!
P.S. Thank you to everyone who actually believed I could get my book into the president’s hands. Your confidence in my book promotion abilities is appreciated, but likely misplaced. I will say this, it’s not beyond the realm of possibility. I’ve done the math and I’m only two degrees of separation from the president… but Steve Brown and Joel Hunter will never go for it. Or will they?
*The picture used with this post does not feature the president endorsing a nonexistent book.
**100% of the royalties from The Seed go to support the radically freeing work of Key Life.