Women and Lust – Sarah Taras
AUGUST 28, 2017
Women who struggle with lust often think they are alone. Most of the time when they hear others talk about problems with sexual addiction, they're referencing men. But women also struggle with these issues, and they need encouragement to bring their struggle into the open where they can experience the forgiveness and freedom Jesus offers. Join Sarah Taras on SBE for a conversation about her new Key Life minibook, 'Women and Lust: Exposed, Forgiven and Embraced.'
Click here to listen to Sarah Taras on Steve Brown, Etc.
Women who struggle with lust often think they are alone. Most of the time when they hear others talk about problems with sexual addiction, they’re referencing men. But women also struggle with these issues, and they need encouragement to bring their struggle into the open where they can experience the forgiveness and freedom Jesus offers.
Join Sarah Taras on Steve Brown, Etc. for a conversation about her new Key Life minibook, Women and Lust: Exposed, Forgiven and Embraced. You’ll hear how God’s unconditional love freed her to get honest about her problem with lust, and help other women who share the same struggle.
Sarah is the co-host of the podcasts Fundyland Sees Red and Ezer Uncaged. She also writes for Key Life. Click here to visit Sarah’s author page.