If you’re a citizen of the kingdom, you can’t leave.
OCTOBER 15, 2024
Steve Brown:
If you’re a citizen of the kingdom, you can’t leave. Let’s talk about it, on Key Life.
Matthew Porter:
This is Key Life with our host, author, and seminary professor, Steve Brown. He’s nobody’s guru, he’s just one beggar telling other beggars where he found bread. If you’re hungry for God, the real God behind all the lies, you’ve come to the right place.
Steve Brown:
Thank you Matthew. We’re looking at a passage in Philippians that most people don’t think of as a passage meaning citizenship, it’s Philippians 1:27 through 30. And that’s exactly what Paul is talking about. He’s in Rome, he’s in prison. Well, it’s not a hard prison, but it is prison. He’s looking around at this great city where he had never been before. He sees all the civic pride, and he’s got citizenship on his mind. So, when he writes his brothers and sisters in Philippi, he talked about citizenship. Later on, and we’re not there yet, but we’ll get there, in Philippians 3:20, he says.
But our citizenship is in heaven.
And in Ephesians 2:19, he says.
Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people.
And then I showed you, if you were listening and you never listen to me, that there are two Greek words that Paul could have used in this text. And one means to walk about, and the other literally means to be a citizen. And so, if you should read the 27th verse literally, it would read.
Discharge your duty as a citizen of the gospel of Christ.
Now, if you were listening yesterday, we talked about the security of citizenship. You didn’t earn it. You never can. You don’t have to earn it, so quit trying to. You know, I one time visited a staff member of mine, who had adopted a teenager. Listen, and if you don’t get the fun of them being a baby and it starts with teenager, man, you’ve got problems. But not this time I had dinner with them and this girl was the best behaved, most wonderful teenager you’ve ever seen. She offered to carry out the garbage. She wanted to wash the dishes. She said, sir, and ma’am all the time. I thought, good heavens, you’ve got a good one here. And then the next time I had dinner was there, maybe six, eight months later, she was a teenager. Get somebody else to do the garbage. I washed the dishes last night, it’s somebody else’s turn. Can I go out and be with my friends? I don’t want to be with your friends anymore. And I felt kind of relieved. You know what had happened? She had been in the family long enough to know that she was going to stay in the family. She had been in the family long enough that no matter what she did she would be a part of the family. That’s you too. Now, when you’re a citizen, you have the security of citizenship. The knowledge that he won’t let you go. Chose you before you were ever born, when there was no good or bad in you. And when he discovers good and bad in you, which he knew before he created you, he’s not going to be shocked. We think he is, we think that God, we really believe this, that God says to us, I had such high hopes for you. Or you failed the test, how could you after all that I have done to you? Or I really thought you were going to be obedient and you’ve been disobedient. I think I’m going to kick you out. Never, never, never. There is nothing that you can do that isn’t already known by an omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent God. He knew it all along. There’s no perspiration on his upper lip, so you can rest in security. Does that mean I can do whatever I want to do? Yeah, that’s what it means. Does it mean I can go wherever I want to go? Yep, that’s what it means. Does it mean I can say whatever I want to say? Oh yes, you can say whatever you want to say. Can I be whatever I want to be? Yes, I can be wherever I want to be. And then, as we see the reality of the security of the citizens, we say very quietly, and sometimes with tears, I think I’ll stay with you. That’s where real discipleship and citizenship take place. It’s in the security, not in the fear. And a lot of Christians are living in fear. You don’t have to, you’re a citizen of the kingdom, and you can’t get out of it. Now, let me show you something else that Paul was talking about in this text. I would have you note not only the security of citizenship, I want you to note the steadfastness of citizenship, Philippians 1:27b.
Then whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in one spirit contending as one man for the faith of the gospel.
Do you know how you can know somebody’s a citizen of the kingdom? They’re still a citizen of the kingdom, that’s how you know. If you’re a citizen of the kingdom, man, not only do you know you can’t leave, you don’t leave, except for a while, but it’s the Prodigal who always comes back, even if he or she goes to the far country a lot of times. If I had been there when that young man came in from the pig farm to his father’s house and was welcomed with a party. During the party, if there was a break with the dance band, and he came out to get a breath of fresh air, I would say to that young man, son would you let an old man tell you something? And he said, sure. And I would say, you know, you’re excited right now, you’ve got a father who loves you deeply. And he said, I know that. But tomorrow you’ve got to go in the field and work. And sometimes you’re going to get tired of it. And he said, no, I won’t. I said, yes, you will. And not only that, there are times when you’ll yearn for the far country. You might even go there sometimes, but you won’t stay very long. And he would say, no I won’t. And I said, yes you will. I’m old, I’ve watched a lot of people, and myself. But when you’re in the far country, you will never, ever be able to forget the taste of the wine, and the laughter of the party. And every time you will come home. A citizen of the kingdom perseveres. Not too long ago, I was at a board meeting of a prominent organization. In fact, you would know what it was if I told you, and you would be impressed. But my natural humility prevents me from, but it was an important place. And I was at the board meeting for the first time, surrounded by my heroes of the Christian faith. I mean, major leaders in Christianity. And I felt intimidated, and I felt like, what am I doing here? I felt like running. And a subject came up and some people who had been on one side of the subject were on the other side of the subject and they sold out. And I noticed and I thought, well, it’s my first meeting, I’m not gonna, I’m not going to say anything. And then I felt this tugging, at least speak a word. And so, I said, let me say something, and I started talking. Have you ever been in this situation where you start talking and you can’t stop? This was that situation. And inside, I’m saying to myself, shut up. Just shut up. And I couldn’t, I just kept on talking. I said offensive things, and I said hurtful things. I went to the chairman of the board after it was over and said, I’m so sorry, I’m really not a troublemaker most of the time, but sometimes I get started and I don’t have a break on my mouth. The interesting thing is that I became one of, I was chosen for the executive committee of that board because of the things that I’d said. And I served on that board for years and years. And it was a wonderful experience. But it started in what wasn’t a wonderful experience. And in that situation, where I couldn’t shut up, when I kept talking and I was saying to myself, Brown, just sit down and be still. Quit saying these things. But I couldn’t. Kept on talking. And you’re the same way with Jesus. It’s called the steadfastness of citizenship, and you can’t help it. Hey, you think about that. Amen.
Matthew Porter:
Thank you Steve. We have been digging deep into Philippians chapter one this week talking about our citizenship in God’s kingdom. It’s a lot to think about, so we are planning to do it again tomorrow. Hope you’ll join us. And hey, if you think about it, tell a friend about keylife.org and invite them to join us on this journey. Well, there’s a word I know you’re familiar with, but maybe not the names on the other side of that term. The word is theology, and the names are folks like Tertullian, Augustine, Barth. We discussed theology recently on Steve Brown Etc. speaking with Jennifer and David McNutt. Trust me, after you hear this episode, you’ll see just how accessible theology really is. So, call us right now at 1-800-KEY-LIFE and we’ll send you that episode on CD for free. Again, that’s 1-800-539-5433. You can also e-mail [email protected] to ask for that CD. Or to mail your request, go to keylife.org/contact to find our mailing addresses. Just ask for the free CD featuring Jennifer and David McNutt. And Hey, before you go, if you value the work of Key Life, would you join us in that work through your financial support? Giving is easy. Just charge a gift on your credit card or include a gift in your envelope. Or just pick up your phone and text Key Life to 28950 that’s Key Life, one word or two. It doesn’t matter. Just text that to 28950. Key Life is a member of ECFA in the States and CCCC in Canada. And we are a listener supported production of Key Life Network.