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MARCH 17, 2025

It’s really hard to get away from myself, but Jesus loves me anyway.

When my wife and I moved to Florida to serve a church there, my wife thought she had died and gone to heaven.

She’s always said that when she dies, she’s going to be cremated. That’s because, she says, it will be the only time I was ever warm.

I was kind of happy about Florida because I thought it would be a change, and a lot better than the cold of Boston. It wasn’t better, wasn’t worse either. That’s because I brought some baggage to Florida, that baggage was me.

It’s really hard to get away from me. But then Jesus loved me, and because of that, I like me better.

I still don’t like the cold, but there’s a warm fire wherever I live.

I’m Steve Brown. You think about that.

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