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FEBRUARY 26, 2025

/ Programs / You Think About That / Compassion

Did you ever think you might find Jesus in a strip club? Take a listen before you answer that.

It was a strip club in Miami and one of the strippers had been murdered by her husband.

The elderly Christian ladies from the church up the street wanted to be well, Christian. They prayed about it, bought flowers and took them to the strip club. That’s not your normal clientele.

They walked in, put the flowers on the bar and said, We’re from the church up the street, we read about your friend. We’re so sorry, and we’re praying for you. If there’s anything we can do for you, please ask.

I think Jesus was pleased, maybe He was there before they got there.

By the way, all those strippers were in the church on Easter Sunday.

I’m Steve Brown. You think about that.

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