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FEBRUARY 14, 2025

/ Programs / You Think About That / Conformity

We keep trying to put everybody into a box. God doesn’t do that!

People are different.

And we keep trying to put everybody into a box. God doesn’t do that.

I remember when I first grew a mustache and my Christian sister called. What’s that I saw on your upper lip? It’s a mustache, I replied. It looks horrible, she responded, shave it off. Listen, I said, I think you’re too fat, but I don’t tell you so. I shouldn’t have said it, but sometimes you can’t help it.

I repented of course and asked for forgiveness. But I prayed about it, and God said that he was fond of skinny people, heavy people, pretty ones and ugly ones. Oh, and I’ve grown a beard and God said he liked that too.

So there.

I’m Steve Brown. You think about that.

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