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Mark David Hall | America’s Founding

Mark David Hall | America’s Founding

OCTOBER 21, 2019

/ Programs / Steve Brown Etc / Mark David Hall | America’s Founding

Did America have a Christian founding? The answer may surprise you. Let’s talk about it with Mark David Hall on Steve Brown, Etc.

Since 2001, Mark David Hall has served at George Fox University where he is the Herbert Hoover Distinguished Professor of Politics and Faculty Fellow in the William Penn Honors Program. Mark received a BA in political science from Wheaton College and a PhD in political science from the University of Virginia. In addition to teaching, he is director of the John Dickinson Forum for the Study of America’s Founding Principles. Mark has written or co-edited twelve books and his latest is called Did America Have a Christian Founding? – Separating Modern Myth from Historical Truth.  


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 We  pretend hidden agendas are just for politicians, but we all have them.  We’re phony, afraid and sinful, and the pressure of keeping it all  together is overwhelming. Frankly, it’s killing us and hurting those we  love. An invitation for us to drop our masks, and discover how God’s  love and grace propel us into the “real” relationships we thought we’d  never have. How to live free and honest. An excerpt from Steve’s book, Hidden Agendas

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